Obama & Hillary have crossed that line

I just like to bust your, well you know…I am a ball breaker Chap. That’s why I like Hillary… a couple of ball breakers breaking balls. Then laughing about it. That’s what we ballbreakers do. Ask Tiana. Sometimes me and her laugh our asses off in PM over riling one of you guys up.

You’re not as fun as SF to rile up, by any means, but you’re OK. And really, no one can match SF at emotionally overwrought, riled up rants. Not even a girl.

between you tiana and meg all PMing me all the time I don't know what to do. :shots:

If McCain is going to be President, it certainly helps for me to think of him as a hopeless panderer & flip flopper. I'd hate to think that "primary McCain" is anything like "Senator McCain" or "President McCain."

I think Desh is right. As Pres, he would turn on the Bushies, and go back to being the maverick we all knew so well before. He would work with Democrats more than any other Republican, and he would, imo, be unlikely to rush into another war.

I don't think McCain would have started Iraq, if it had been up to him. I think his war experience is good for at least that much.
yes, he did. But recently, in his efforts to pander to the base he has stated he now supports them. He can justify this if he follows up with spending cut proposals, if not.... he flopped on this issue.

Isn't it a little late for that? He supported the tax cuts even after increases in spending.
I just like to bust your, well you know…I am a ball breaker Chap. That’s why I like Hillary… a couple of ball breakers breaking balls. Then laughing about it. That’s what we ballbreakers do. Ask Tiana. Sometimes me and her laugh our asses off in PM over riling one of you guys up.

You’re not as fun as SF to rile up, by any means, but you’re OK. And really, no one can match SF at emotionally overwrought, riled up rants. Not even a girl.

Isn't it a little late for that? He supported the tax cuts even after increases in spending.

To the best of my knowledge, he stated he supports keeping the tax cuts permanent, but has not addressed how he plans to pay for them. So no, I don't think it is too late. I do think he will avoid addressing this until the general.... or after he is elected.
If McCain is going to be President, it certainly helps for me to think of him as a hopeless panderer & flip flopper. I'd hate to think that "primary McCain" is anything like "Senator McCain" or "President McCain."

I think Desh is right. As Pres, he would turn on the Bushies, and go back to being the maverick we all knew so well before. He would work with Democrats more than any other Republican, and he would, imo, be unlikely to rush into another war.

I don't think McCain would have started Iraq, if it had been up to him. I think his war experience is good for at least that much.

I also agree with Desh. I think, and hope, that he turns on the hard right and starts reverting to his old self. Did I just write that I agree with Desh? That can't be good.
I also agree with Desh. I think, and hope, that he turns on the hard right and starts reverting to his old self. Did I just write that I agree with Desh? That can't be good.

He’s 76 years old. I’m sure his wife hopes he’s going to turn back into his old self any day now too.

It ain’t happening.

He is what he is.

It’s pretty sad that you guys are so desperate for a candidate that you have to dig up some old guy’s corpse and present him as a front runner. And then he drops out anyway, and you are stuck with McCain. If I wasn’t so disgusted with Reagan-lite and Bush-lite on my end, I’d be laughing really hard at you.
He’s 76 years old. I’m sure his wife hopes he’s going to turn back into his old self any day now too.

It ain’t happening.

He is what he is.

It’s pretty sad that you guys are so desperate for a candidate that you have to dig up some old guy’s corpse and present him as a front runner. And then he drops out anyway, and you are stuck with McCain. If I wasn’t so disgusted with Reagan-lite and Bush-lite on my end, I’d be laughing really hard at you.

The Boar, Munster, Hitlary

Ya really don't have a lot of room to be talking there missy.
If McCain is going to be President, it certainly helps for me to think of him as a hopeless panderer & flip flopper. I'd hate to think that "primary McCain" is anything like "Senator McCain" or "President McCain."

I think Desh is right. As Pres, he would turn on the Bushies, and go back to being the maverick we all knew so well before. He would work with Democrats more than any other Republican, and he would, imo, be unlikely to rush into another war.

I don't think McCain would have started Iraq, if it had been up to him. I think his war experience is good for at least that much.

Are you out of your fucking mind? McCain wanted to invade Iraq in 1998. He was the primary sponsor of the Iraq Liberation Act which set US policy as supporting regime change. He also was the front man for the White House in the run up to the war, along with his buddy Lieberman, sponsoring the Authorization for Use of Military Force. This is how he opened his remarks at the White House after introducing the Senate version of the AUMF:

SENATOR MCCAIN: I'd like to thank the President for his leadership in addressing a challenge that many of us believe should have been addressed at least four years ago.

Also, the idea that he is a maverick is nonsense. Aside from the issue of campaign finance reform (which he has also flip-flopped on) he is basically a mainline conservative.
I just like to bust your, well you know…I am a ball breaker Chap. That’s why I like Hillary… a couple of ball breakers breaking balls. Then laughing about it. That’s what we ballbreakers do. Ask Tiana. Sometimes me and her laugh our asses off in PM over riling one of you guys up.

You’re not as fun as SF to rile up, by any means, but you’re OK. And really, no one can match SF at emotionally overwrought, riled up rants. Not even a girl.

LMAO. He does put on quite the show doesn't he?
To the best of my knowledge, he stated he supports keeping the tax cuts permanent, but has not addressed how he plans to pay for them. So no, I don't think it is too late. I do think he will avoid addressing this until the general.... or after he is elected.

So voting in favor of tax cuts that you opposed in 2003 on the grounds that they contributed to the budget deficit after huge increases in spending isn't a problem for the straight-talker? Seems like he's pretty full of shit to me. Having said that, the people he's trying to cater to don't really care as long as he flips in their favor.
I also agree with Desh. I think, and hope, that he turns on the hard right and starts reverting to his old self. Did I just write that I agree with Desh? That can't be good.

LOL. Where in the world are you two getting this from? He's not turning on ANYBODY. If ever there were a turn to turn on someone it would have been in like the last 7 years. He's a lap dog people. Get that through your heads, he's no maverick ITS ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS.
LOL. Where in the world are you two getting this from? He's not turning on ANYBODY. If ever there were a turn to turn on someone it would have been in like the last 7 years. He's a lap dog people. Get that through your heads, he's no maverick ITS ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS.

I agree, but a lot of men really worship him. Probably this has a lot to do with his POW status and his behavior during that period, which men put on a pedestal. You see it in the media, to an alarming degree. In fact if McCain is the nominee, and the Dems go with Hillary, that is going to be an obstacle that I personally do not believe can be overcome. The media are in love with this guy, they literally swoon on him. Forget the homoerotic jokes and overtones, it doesn’t matter. They will blow the guy every single day throughout the entire election, while at the same time, they hate Hillary. Hate her. They will tear her down and demean her every day.

I don’t think Hillary can beat McCain.

The media so far love Obama, but, they could turn on him in the middle of an election. They will never turn on McCain this is a life long love affair. It’s until death do them part.
Clinton dirty politicking during the general? will it work? hmm

1994 bob dole
2000 primary john mccain
2004 john kerry.
I don’t think Hillary can beat McCain.

The media so far love Obama, but, they could turn on him in the middle of an election. They will never turn on McCain this is a life long love affair. It’s until death do them part.

McCain is really the only obstacle the dems have in taking back the WH. If he and hillary get elected, its curtains. I think we need to pray that this RP rEvolution thing keeps growing just enough to eat at his coat tails throughout the primary or we're in deep $hit for another 4-8 years. He's not turning on ANYBODY.
McCain is really the only obstacle the dems have in taking back the WH. If he and hillary get elected, its curtains. I think we need to pray that this RP rEvolution thing keeps growing just enough to eat at his coat tails throughout the primary or we're in deep $hit for another 4-8 years. He's not turning on ANYBODY.

You should try considering actual ideas and beliefs to form your opinion instead of going with "political pragmatism" as your worldview.
It will be McCain and he will turn on his masters.

He has been playing the Bush cabal and is really out to destroy them.
They will help him get elected and he will turn on them and prosicute the lot of them and have them executed for treason.

I disagree. He may end up not Being a bush suck up. And I think he lies less that Shrub. But, he's a Neocon who believes in failed conservative principels that help destroy the middle class. And I think he's quite willing to bomb iran.