Obama hits it out of the park


New member
The media kind of played into his hands over the past 24 hours, hyping the speech as a 'crucial turning point,' and making it out to be the most important of the campaign.

So what does Obama do? Upper deck, baby. I knew it would be a great speech, but I didn't think that would be such a big surprise. I just checked the reactions on RCP, and even conservatives are praising his courage & honestly in not throwing Wright under the bus & speaking to larger, usually unspoken issues about race in America.

I think Hillary is probably bumming a little bit today. Obama came as close as you can to turning this whole "pastor incident" - which some were calling a fatal blow - into a positive for his campaign. I still think it might hurt him a bit in the fall, but I think primary voters will love what he put out there today. It wouldn't surprise me if he actually gains on Hillary in PA polls after this week.
Obama stuck with his, I can be friends with people I disagree with theem. I LOVE IT!
The wingnuts are going to keep flogging the "racist" black church thing, onceler.

I'll have to watch the speech later. I'll give the guy props for being an amazing orator.
The wingnuts are going to keep flogging the "racist" black church thing, onceler.

I'll have to watch the speech later. I'll give the guy props for being an amazing orator.

Well, he did write most of that speech, and generally writes a lot of others, which sets him apart from many candidates (though Bill Clinton did the same).

No doubt this will be the wingnuts swiftboat attempt, but it won't play beyond their base, imo.
I've actually been busy at work. I haven't heard it or even read what people really posted on it.

I'll take your wordd for it!
Well, he did write most of that speech, and generally writes a lot of others, which sets him apart from many candidates (though Bill Clinton did the same).

No doubt this will be the wingnuts swiftboat attempt, but it won't play beyond their base, imo.

I have no idea. I've got a bad gut feeling that there are a lot of "swing" white voters and indepdendent voters who are looking for "reasons" to vote against obama. Conciously or subconciously. Let's face it: the back man and the woman are always held to a different, and higher standard, than the white guy. I'm sure the mcCain camp knows that there's a slew of white swing voters, who can be easily tempted into finding a "reason" -- any old reason, really -- to vote against a black guy.

I'm still waiting for McCain's major speech on religion, where he denounces the kookery of his rightwing christian associates. But, color me not suprised that he won't be giving one. Again, the black man is held to a different standard than the stodgy old white guy.
I have no idea. I've got a bad gut feeling that there are a lot of "swing" white voters and indepdendent voters who are looking for "reasons" to vote against obama. Conciously or subconciously. Let's face it: the back man and the woman are always held to a different, and higher standard, than the white guy. I'm sure the mcCain camp knows that there's a slew of white swing voters, who can be easily tempted into finding a "reason" -- any old reason, really -- to vote against a black guy.

I'm still waiting for McCain's major speech on religion, where he denounces the kookery of his rightwing christian associates. But, color me not suprised that he won't be giving one. Again, the black man is held to a different standard than the stodgy old white guy.

I think that he met, and surpassed that standard, though. Every time something sticky like this has arisen, he's handled it with grace, aplomb and intelligence, and has shown a wisdom rarely seen among contemporary politicians.

I don't recall if it was you or Onceler who said yesterday that the way a candidate handles an issue such as this shows well how he or she would govern. Both Obama and Hillary have given us glimpses of how they'd approach the issues and setbacks. I know whom I'd choose to make the important decisions! Grace, intelligence and wisdom are qualities that many of us value highly.
first part of his speech was very good. he brang up an issue we all know is prevalent in todays society.. when your at a family outing of all white people or a white community there is prejudiced remarks made.. the same goes in black communities.

Second part of his speech was a repeat story of his regular stump about hope.
I cant refuse the hope.

I think most people are mostly good.

Yes We Can!

I think this speech marks a milestone in our country and I believe Americans will see it.
I read about half the Obama speech so far, and was very impressed. He makes the best argument possible, I think, for sticking with the pastor despite the pastor's insane anti-American views.

Unfortunately, Obama is still wrong. Some things are flat inexcuseable. It's difficult, I know, to part from someone who does all the things Obama described his pastor as doing. But that doesn't make it any less necessary. Just because the pastor is a very nice guy on many issues, doesn't mean it's OK to provide an unqualified endorsement by sticking with him. This is known as the Hitler-loved-dogs defense, and in a case like this, it just doesn't fly well enough, despite Obama's excellent arguments after the fact.

There ARE other pastors, some of whom are just as nice guys as Obama claims this one to be. And I'd like to think he could find one, of whatever color Obama prefers, who doesn NOT think that America is the personification of all eveil as this loony nutcase does.

Biggest problem with that speech, is that it's not nearly as spectacular as ten seconds of that hate-filled pastor screaming "GOD DAMN AMERICA!!". Guess which soundbite(s) will get more play between now and election day... especially in late October/early November.

Obama showed poor judgement in sticking with the guy, nice or not, spiritual or not. Now he'll have to pay the price.
I read about half the Obama speech so far, and was very impressed. He makes the best argument possible, I think, for sticking with the pastor despite the pastor's insane anti-American views.

Unfortunately, Obama is still wrong. Some things are flat inexcuseable. It's difficult, I know, to part from someone who does all the things Obama described his pastor as doing. But that doesn't make it any less necessary. Just because the pastor is a very nice guy on many issues, doesn't mean it's OK to provide an unqualified endorsement by sticking with him. This is known as the Hitler-loved-dogs defense, and in a case like this, it just doesn't fly well enough, despite Obama's excellent arguments after the fact.

There ARE other pastors, some of whom are just as nice guys as Obama claims this one to be. And I'd like to think he could find one, of whatever color Obama prefers, who doesn NOT think that America is the personification of all eveil as this loony nutcase does.

Biggest problem with that speech, is that it's not nearly as spectacular as ten seconds of that hate-filled pastor screaming "GOD DAMN AMERICA!!". Guess which soundbite(s) will get more play between now and election day... especially in late October/early November.

Obama showed poor judgement in sticking with the guy, nice or not, spiritual or not. Now he'll have to pay the price.

Anyway acorn, how you comin on that McCain apology for his friend and supporter Hagee calling me and my entire family and my church a "Great Whore"?

Because I was telling my church buddies, who are very upset, that i know some cons who are hooked in to what Obama's preacher did or didn't say for 20 years now, and surely those same cons must know what is going on with the man who would be President calling Catholics Whores?

You got anything?
I read about half the Obama speech so far, and was very impressed. He makes the best argument possible, I think, for sticking with the pastor despite the pastor's insane anti-American views.

Unfortunately, Obama is still wrong. Some things are flat inexcuseable. It's difficult, I know, to part from someone who does all the things Obama described his pastor as doing. But that doesn't make it any less necessary. Just because the pastor is a very nice guy on many issues, doesn't mean it's OK to provide an unqualified endorsement by sticking with him. This is known as the Hitler-loved-dogs defense, and in a case like this, it just doesn't fly well enough, despite Obama's excellent arguments after the fact.

There ARE other pastors, some of whom are just as nice guys as Obama claims this one to be. And I'd like to think he could find one, of whatever color Obama prefers, who doesn NOT think that America is the personification of all eveil as this loony nutcase does.

Biggest problem with that speech, is that it's not nearly as spectacular as ten seconds of that hate-filled pastor screaming "GOD DAMN AMERICA!!". Guess which soundbite(s) will get more play between now and election day... especially in late October/early November.

Obama showed poor judgement in sticking with the guy, nice or not, spiritual or not. Now he'll have to pay the price.

do you have any friends of family that have uttered any type of questionable remarks?
Obama showed poor judgement in sticking with the guy, nice or not, spiritual or not. Now he'll have to pay the price.

ROTFLMAO. lolololol

And what price would that be? Now you're not going to vote for him?

Man you conservatives crack me the fck up.

McCain and Hillary don't have to pay the price for Iraq, but noooooooowwwww that Obama stuck by his pastor, that's where you idiots draw the line.

i think this episode is the epitome of fauxrage.
do you have any friends of family that have uttered any type of questionable remarks?

Um, his choice for President certainly has got them. Are you Catholic? Maybe I am the only one here who is?

I don't know, but if so, that's fine, I'll let everyone know - Catholics are pissed off that John McCain publically embraced a man who has called us whores, and many other things, and who is known - BY OTHER CONSERVATIVES - to be the biggest anti-Catholic bigot in this country.

And we're not going to take this shit anymore!
I read about half the Obama speech so far, and was very impressed. He makes the best argument possible, I think, for sticking with the pastor despite the pastor's insane anti-American views.

Unfortunately, Obama is still wrong. Some things are flat inexcuseable. It's difficult, I know, to part from someone who does all the things Obama described his pastor as doing. But that doesn't make it any less necessary. Just because the pastor is a very nice guy on many issues, doesn't mean it's OK to provide an unqualified endorsement by sticking with him. This is known as the Hitler-loved-dogs defense, and in a case like this, it just doesn't fly well enough, despite Obama's excellent arguments after the fact.

There ARE other pastors, some of whom are just as nice guys as Obama claims this one to be. And I'd like to think he could find one, of whatever color Obama prefers, who doesn NOT think that America is the personification of all eveil as this loony nutcase does.

Biggest problem with that speech, is that it's not nearly as spectacular as ten seconds of that hate-filled pastor screaming "GOD DAMN AMERICA!!". Guess which soundbite(s) will get more play between now and election day... especially in late October/early November.

Obama showed poor judgement in sticking with the guy, nice or not, spiritual or not. Now he'll have to pay the price.

SO basically, your position is that Obama offered an "unqualified endorsement" of Reverend Wright even though he didn't, and that Obama will "have to pay the price" for doing what he didn't do?

That's perfectly reasonable.
Everyone keeps talking about how the clips of the pastor are going to be playing between now & November, but I just don't see it. In what context? What kind of political ad that wasn't stupidly obvious would show them, and with what message?

I don't know; I could be wrong. I think they've already been played out, and I think the speech today did an excellent job of making those who would dwell on it seem regressive & petty.
Um, his choice for President certainly has got them. Are you Catholic? Maybe I am the only one here who is?

I don't know, but if so, that's fine, I'll let everyone know - Catholics are pissed off that John McCain publically embraced a man who has called us , and many other things, and who is known - BY OTHER CONSERVATIVES - to be the biggest anti-Catholic bigot in this country.

And we're not going to take this #@!$ anymore!

yeah, McCain is going to have to pay the price for this. its an outrage.
Everyone keeps talking about how the clips of the pastor are going to be playing between now & November, but I just don't see it. In what context? What kind of political ad that wasn't stupidly obvious would show them, and with what message?

I don't know; I could be wrong. I think they've already been played out, and I think the speech today did an excellent job of making those who would dwell on it seem regressive & petty.

Who knows, maybe McCain runs a classier campaign than hillary would. maybe he'd try to stick to the issues and not use fearmongering.
Everyone keeps talking about how the clips of the pastor are going to be playing between now & November, but I just don't see it. In what context? What kind of political ad that wasn't stupidly obvious would show them, and with what message?

I don't know; I could be wrong. I think they've already been played out, and I think the speech today did an excellent job of making those who would dwell on it seem regressive & petty.

If they keep playing them then they have to keep playing the Obama response to the remarks.

Net gain Obama