Obama Just Announced his Pick!

I can't wait. What do you think the chances of me teaching a Poli-sci class in HS would be?

If you have a master's, you can teach HS in IL. If you have a BA and over 5 years of 'real experience', you can get an 'interim certificate' while getting teaching credentials.

You'd be a natural!
I can't wait. What do you think the chances of me teaching a Poli-sci class in HS would be?

Depends on your geographical location and the demand for teachers. My older brother has been teaching the histories and political science and current events classes for 3 years now but had to wait 7 years after he got his degree to find a job because the market was so saturated.
For me it would be the increased time I get to spend with my own kids. I've been aiming in that direction, it's the end of the 15-year plan.

This is one of the greatest things. I am here when he is here and at home when he's at home. It's a great thing. I'll be buying a two man ladder tree stand for this fall. The boy is 5 now and he will be going deer hunting with me. Both of us can't wait. I likely couldn't do something like this with most other jobs around here.
I can't wait. What do you think the chances of me teaching a Poli-sci class in HS would be?

Folks, our liberal schools in action right here. Think about it – that’s Kathi “never met a Muslim I didn’t want to bomb” Anne, TippedovertotheRight, and not a republican republican Damocles, all teaching your kids.
Man, I’d totally sue.
Folks, our liberal schools in action right here. Think about it – that’s Kathi “never met a Muslim I didn’t want to bomb” Anne, TippedovertotheRight, and not a republican republican Damocles, all teaching your kids.
Man, I’d totally sue.

LOL! You haven't a clue to my feelings regarding Muslims, as you just demonstrated. As for teaching, if any teacher was so biased in presenting the material, they wouldn't last long. There's a hell of a lot of difference between spouting off on messageboards, where there's some assumption of adults vs. a classroom where one is supposed to be teaching metacognition skills along with the subject matter, which should preclude teaching a point of view.
Folks, our liberal schools in action right here. Think about it – that’s Kathi “never met a Muslim I didn’t want to bomb” Anne, TippedovertotheRight, and not a republican republican Damocles, all teaching your kids.
Man, I’d totally sue.

Yep, and we're all different in our conservativeness too. I am conservative on social/moral issues and Damo is conservative in other areas. It's the new trend of teaching, you know. "As the classroom goes so goes the nation."

Now if you believe that conservatives are infiltrating the nation's education system then there's this piece of ocean front property near Oklahoma City ... ;)
Yep, and we're all different in our conservativeness too. I am conservative on social/moral issues and Damo is conservative in other areas. It's the new trend of teaching, you know. "As the classroom goes so goes the nation."

Now if you believe that conservatives are infiltrating the nation's education system then there's this piece of ocean front property near Oklahoma City ... ;)

Nooo. Of course not. Why, that doesn’t pass the laugh test! Because, “everybody knows” our schools are infiltrated with leftists poisoning our minds with their anti-americanism. All of the teachers on here are hard right cons? Pay no attention! There’s nothing to see here.
Nooo. Of course not. Why, that doesn’t pass the laugh test! Because, “everybody knows” our schools are infiltrated with leftists poisoning our minds with their anti-americanism. All of the teachers on here are hard right cons? Pay no attention! There’s nothing to see here.

You will likely find a big difference between the politics of the public school teacher and the college professor. You will also definitely find a huge difference between the politics of the rural school teacher and the urban school teacher as well.

While we are on the subject, I think that urban teachers ought to receive higher pay than rural school teachers.
This is one of the greatest things. I am here when he is here and at home when he's at home. It's a great thing. I'll be buying a two man ladder tree stand for this fall. The boy is 5 now and he will be going deer hunting with me. Both of us can't wait. I likely couldn't do something like this with most other jobs around here.

There are a lot of days I seriously regret not teaching. I was going to be a Comprehensive Science/Secondary Ed teacher.

But alas, became a single Dad with 3 kids to take care of and the money was offered elsewhere.

Keep at it, leaning. Good luck hunting this fall. My daughter and I have been shopping for the buddy hunting ladder stands too. I can't wait.
There are a lot of days I seriously regret not teaching. I was going to be a Comprehensive Science/Secondary Ed teacher.

But alas, became a single Dad with 3 kids to take care of and the money was offered elsewhere.

Keep at it, leaning. Good luck hunting this fall. My daughter and I have been shopping for the buddy hunting ladder stands too. I can't wait.

Thanks and good luck to you and yours. Sportsman's Guide has a couple of good one's that are moderately priced. The cheapest one doesn't have a back and not much of a platform but the next two up from that are pretty decent. This is the one I am considering. It is about $130.

Thanks and good luck to you and yours. Sportsman's Guide has a couple of good one's that are moderately priced. The cheapest one doesn't have a back and not much of a platform but the next two up from that are pretty decent. This is the one I am considering. It is about $130.

Very cool. My youngest is only 4 yet, but she will want to participate. My older two are just not 'dirt people' and would prefer to watch it on TV.
Surely no one fell for the Powell joke.

It would make voters think BLACK .. in spite of the so-called crossover appeal of both these men, and in spite of the truth that neither of them think black, it would still be just too much black for America to deal with at one time.

One might work .. but two?
Surely no one fell for the Powell joke.

It would make voters think BLACK .. in spite of the so-called crossover appeal of both these men, and in spite of the truth that neither of them think black, it would still be just too much black for America to deal with at one time.

One might work .. but two?

Knock it off, already admitted. :clink: :bleh:
Surely no one fell for the Powell joke.

It would make voters think BLACK .. in spite of the so-called crossover appeal of both these men, and in spite of the truth that neither of them think black, it would still be just too much black for America to deal with at one time.

One might work .. but two?
I'd vote that ticket. I'm not kidding.
interesting......kathi is putting the moves on BAC......I didn't see this one coming.

LOL! I've stated many times, we probably agree on no issues, I like his thinking however. He's not overly emotional, though I think he's mad at me.