Obama losing superdelegates due to prolonged assocn with hatemongering pastor?


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Reaction is spreading (that means even NBC and CBS are reporting it now) to Barack Obama's longtime association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Obama's Trinity Church. Tapes of the pastor thunderously proclaiming "God Damn America", accusing the govt of inventing AIDS to wipe out black people, and the rest of his left-wingnut theories have been surfacing at a great rate.

Few believe that Obama actually believes in the racism and hate spewed by this man, despite the fact that Obama refers to him as his "minister and spiritual guide". But questions are being raised... and not answered by anyone... about why Obama and his family have stuck with this pastor and his church for upwards of twenty years, even after the pastor's hate-filled sermons came to light, and why Obama went so far as to hire him for his Presidential campaign.

Any decent person, upon hearing such hate and filth spewed from the pulpit in any church, would have walked out and not gone back. Wouldn't you? Then why didn't Obama? No answers are forthcoming, from the candidate or those around him.

One area where this might hurt him the most, is in the retention of "superdelegates" in the upcoming Democrat convention for President. Obama presently has the lead in both popular vote and pledged delegates. And many superdelegates have voiced a sentiment indicating they will vote with the majority in their districts - that is, mostly for Obama. But virtually all of the delegates were chosen before the pastor's ravings, and Obama's adherence to the man, came to light.

Behind in the count of pledged delegates, Hillary has been working overtime to try to woo the superdelegates over to her side. Many have been reluctant to go against the popular vote. But now, they may have the excuse they need to abandon the Obama bandwagon and support Hillary instead.

Few really believe that Obama agrees with his "spiritual leader's" racist and anti-American sentiments. But with the questions being raised about why he never disowned the man for those sentiments, the Democrat electorate my be more understanding and permissive toward superdelegates who, in turn, may disown Obama.

While Obama is ahead by perhaps 100-150 pledged delegates in the race for the Dem nomination, there are nearly 800 superdelegates in play, who can change their vote at any time - far more than needed to sway the entire race to one side or the other.

Is Barack Obama on the verge of losing substantial numbers of superdelegates due to his apparent lack of judgement in supporting a virulent racist and hatemonger? And thus, lose the entire race for the nomination?
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The NY Times did extensive interviews with dozens of Superdelegates over the past week or 2.

The vast majority will be unwilling to overturn the will of the voters. If Obama wins the elected delegates, it is EXTREMELY unlikely that the supers will vote the other way. This story is already dying down, and will be officially dead by the PA primary. After that, they'll likely split delegates the rest of the way.
The NY Times did extensive interviews with dozens of Superdelegates over the past week or 2.

The vast majority will be unwilling to overturn the will of the voters. If Obama wins the elected delegates, it is EXTREMELY unlikely that the supers will vote the other way. This story is already dying down, and will be officially dead by the PA primary. After that, they'll likely split delegates the rest of the way.
This story isn't dying down. It's barely started. It's been brewing for months and I was constantly wondering when it would come out, who would do it. Would it be HillBilly or the Rs? Well, I found out. I think you are being hopeful when you say that this story is already dying.
This story isn't dying down. It's barely started. It's been brewing for months and I was constantly wondering when it would come out, who would do it. Would it be HillBilly or the Rs? Well, I found out. I think you are being hopeful when you say that this story is already dying.

It's not on the cover of any of the news sites at all anymore - Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. Obama gave interviews on Friday, made a speech about it on Saturday, and on Sunday, David Axelrod confirmed that they are putting it in the past.

News outlets are going to be hard-pressed to continue to make a story out of it without Obama commenting, or some huge revelation like Obama in the pews during one of those sermons.

The story is done. By PA, it will be a dim memory.
you'd be a hypocrite to say obamas unfit to be president based on what his minister said unless you dont go to church.

I think ALL Christian religions are anti war in there sermons or homilies.
It's not on the cover of any of the news sites at all anymore - Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. Obama gave interviews on Friday, made a speech about it on Saturday, and on Sunday, David Axelrod confirmed that they are putting it in the past.

News outlets are going to be hard-pressed to continue to make a story out of it without Obama commenting, or some huge revelation like Obama in the pews during one of those sermons.

The story is done. By PA, it will be a dim memory.
Story cycles don't continuously keep any story like this on the front page, it does have legs though and will continue to be a topic of discussion and will return to the front page if he does begin losing superdelegates, or shows a loss of support in the general election because of it. The more he attempts to dodge knowledge of what the man said while he was a member of his congregation and the more people find out about it...

This isn't going away any more than the war did when it wasn't front page.
Story cycles don't continuously keep any story like this on the front page, it does have legs though and will continue to be a topic of discussion and will return to the front page if he does begin losing superdelegates, or shows a loss of support in the general election because of it. The more he attempts to dodge knowledge of what the man said while he was a member of his congregation and the more people find out about it...

This isn't going away any more than the war did when it wasn't front page.

Keep flogging it Damo. Barack is an angry black man!!1! Well, not really, but he hangs out with angry black men!!!!11!

And did you really just claim that the war didn't precipitously fall off the front page? Really?
you'd be a hypocrite to say obamas unfit to be president based on what his minister said unless you dont go to church.

I think ALL Christian religions are anti war in there sermons or homilies.
Whether or not somebody would have to be a hypocrite to think this, (I don't necessarily think it is such because it wasn't the anti-war message that people objected to, it was the direct racism, and many know that they would leave a church that displayed such and would not be hypocritical to wonder why he didn't.) the reality is perception runs politics, if it is perceived he will lose because of this he will not be your nominee.
Story cycles don't continuously keep any story like this on the front page, it does have legs though and will continue to be a topic of discussion and will return to the front page if he does begin losing superdelegates, or shows a loss of support in the general election because of it. The more he attempts to dodge knowledge of what the man said while he was a member of his congregation and the more people find out about it...

This isn't going away any more than the war did when it wasn't front page.

Jeez - that sounds like wishful thinking. Comparing it to the war?

There are certain people, like youself, who seem to think this is the most important story since 9/11. Most reasonable people don't. There just isn't much "there" there, and Obama hasn't "dodged knowledge" of anything...unless you have proof to the contrary?

It's a dying story. Sorry about that.
Jeez - that sounds like wishful thinking. Comparing it to the war?

There are certain people, like youself, who seem to think this is the most important story since 9/11. Most reasonable people don't. There just isn't much "there" there, and Obama hasn't "dodged knowledge" of anything...unless you have proof to the contrary?

It's a dying story. Sorry about that.
Comparing it to other news stories. I could have used others, which one wasn't important. Politics often have stories that start on the front page, move to editorials and return to the front page when new information is received or new developments take place.

I think it is wishful thinking to believe that the story is going away because it is temporarily off the front page. This one has barely started, IMO. It has legs.
Whether or not somebody would have to be a hypocrite to think this, (I don't necessarily think it is such because it wasn't the anti-war message that people objected to, it was the direct racism, and many know that they would leave a church that displayed such and would not be hypocritical to wonder why he didn't.) the reality is perception runs politics, if it is perceived he will lose because of this he will not be your nominee.

yes your right about perception in many cases.

From my point of view as a right leaning independent this story doesn't bother me... we shall see if my group of voters is phased from this or if it bothers other key voters for obama in the next few primaries.

My money says no.
yes your right about perception in many cases.

From my point of view as a right leaning independent this story doesn't bother me... we shall see if my group of voters is phased from this or if it bothers other key voters for obama in the next few primaries.

My money says no.
I don't know if it will phase Ds. But that won't change that it may phase many of the Independents that are necessary for a General victory and if it is perceived he will lose...

I think this has more legs than Onceler wants it to.
"This one has barely started, IMO. It has legs."

Well, we can check back with each other in a month on that one. I think it's dead.

It's a lot of wishful thinking by people who have been dying to chink the armor around Obama. It's a very thin story.
"This one has barely started, IMO. It has legs."

Well, we can check back with each other in a month on that one. I think it's dead.

It's a lot of wishful thinking by people who have been dying to chink the armor around Obama. It's a very thin story.
Exactly, we will know relatively soon which of us is right in this regard. I think it has more meat than you think.
I don't know if it will phase Ds. But that won't change that it may phase many of the Independents that are necessary for a General victory and if it is perceived he will lose...

I think this has more legs than Oncelor wants it to.

we shall see. Independents are happy with both Obama and Mccain. they will pick based on the war and tax issues not religious issues.
Exactly, we will know relatively soon which of us is right in this regard. I think it has more meat than you think.

What more meat? Where else can the story go? I'm sure as shit that the story will be beaten to death but how can it develop in any meaningful sense? I imagine people will be trolling through everything Wright ever touched in his lifetime and speak to every person that ever laid eyes on him but where else can the story go?

Having said that, I thought similarly of the Swift Boat shitstorm and we see how that worked out. I imagine a similar attempt to flog this story from now til November is what you have in mind.
This kind of story appeals mainly to those who are thoroughly or marginally bigoted, and Obama wasn't getting too many of those, anyway.

It's a "be afraid of the black man" story, nothing more.
Why is...............

it so hard for Dems/Socialist to believe that African American groups do not have their own KKK...remember the Black Panther movement of the sixties...?
Well Obama is guilty thru association...no matter how one dices the cake!
The story won't have the legs to go till November. YOu have to wonder if the repubs regret it coming public so soon?