Obama losing superdelegates due to prolonged assocn with hatemongering pastor?

we shall see. Independents are happy with both Obama and Mccain. they will pick based on the war and tax issues not religious issues.

This isn't really an issue of religious beliefs.... it is the espousing of racist rhetoric that could potentially matter. I think that because there is a good deal of truth underlying his racist comments that it may be perceived as more acceptable (rightly or wrongly).

But I would agree that this is not over yet. If the Hillary camp lets it drop for now, it will likely be resurrected by the Reps in the general.
The story won't have the legs to go till November. YOu have to wonder if the repubs regret it coming public so soon?

This would have been a dreamy October story for them.

Bummer. I'm sure they'll keep digging for something else they can spring on us....
What more meat? Where else can the story go? I'm sure as shit that the story will be beaten to death but how can it develop in any meaningful sense? I imagine people will be trolling through everything Wright ever touched in his lifetime and speak to every person that ever laid eyes on him but where else can the story go?

Having said that, I thought similarly of the Swift Boat shitstorm and we see how that worked out. I imagine a similar attempt to flog this story from now til November is what you have in mind.
The guy's sermons are recorded, there will be people seeking whether Obama was indeed there when he made "controversial" (read racist) statements. If they find he was that will again bring it to the front page.

Editorials galore will be written about how a 20 year membership leaves little to the imagination on how the guy believes that teaches from any pulpit.

On and on this one will go, when you want it to end it will still go. Like Monica. We'll be sick of hearing about it.

That is the type of legs I think this story will have.
This kind of story appeals mainly to those who are thoroughly or marginally bigoted, and Obama wasn't getting too many of those, anyway.

It's a "be afraid of the black man" story, nothing more.

What a load of shit. Trying to equate this story to "being afraid of the black man" is nothing more than idiotic spin. The guy is a racist. This is more of a "can he unite this country if people perceive he has similar views to his pastor" story.
Black pastor uses fiery rhetoric to condemn racism and oppression in the U.S.

ZOMG!! Run for the hills white people! Be afraid!

What a bunch of horseshit.

The rightwingnut-osphere will flog this for the next seven months. That's for sure. Who cares. :rolleyes:

One things for sure. The wingnutosphere is going to have a hard time reconciling their contractions that, on the one hand Obama is a muslim, and on the other hand, he's a member in good standing at an inner city christian church. Which one is it?
Personally, I think Obama reinforced his better qualities with the way he has responded to this flap.

It's just guys like Damo who are desperately seeking excuses to vote Republican yet again who think this is a huge deal. Obama wasn't getting him or any of the bigots, anyway...
What a load of shit. Trying to equate this story to "being afraid of the black man" is nothing more than idiotic spin. The guy is a racist. This is more of a "can he unite this country if people perceive he has similar views to his pastor" story.

You're so fucking full of it. Your own description of the story tells it all. Basically, this story is "Obama's pastor is an angry black man. Can someone that hangs out with an angry black man lead this country?"

It's horseshit. Plain and simple.

And yes, Damocles, this story can be recycled perpetually in smear campaigns by right-wing editorial writers and opposition research recyclers but where else does the narrative lead: Obama's pastor is an angry black man. That's all that is here and all that will ever be here.
You're so fucking full of it. Your own description of the story tells it all. Basically, this story is "Obama's pastor is an angry black man. Can someone that hangs out with an angry black man lead this country?"

It's horseshit. Plain and simple.

And yes, Damocles, this story can be recycled perpetually in smear campaigns by right-wing editorial writers and opposition research recyclers but where else does the narrative lead: Obama's pastor is an angry black man. That's all that is here and all that will ever be here.
It leads further than that. Most Americans know they would leave a congregation that preached racism from a pulpit. It will create far more of a question in the minds of Americans than you or I would wish.
You're so fucking full of it. Your own description of the story tells it all. Basically, this story is "Obama's pastor is an angry black man. Can someone that hangs out with an angry black man lead this country?"

It's horseshit. Plain and simple.

And yes, Damocles, this story can be recycled perpetually in smear campaigns by right-wing editorial writers and opposition research recyclers but where else does the narrative lead: Obama's pastor is an angry black man. That's all that is here and all that will ever be here.

what a load of crap. It has nothing to do with his "fiery speech" or that he is "angry". It most certainly has nothing to do with "fearing the black man". That is just idiiotic rhetoric from the leftwingnuts to try to justify the pastors comments.

His comments were racist. As I said, I think this story is not a big issue given that even though they were racist, his comments have an underlying truth to them. Which means they will be perceived as being more acceptable. It is the PERCEPTION that matters. Is Obama painted as sharing the views of his pastor or not. That is what will matter.

This concoction of "if you are upset by the racist comments, you must fear black men" is nothing more than idiotic leftwingnut spin.
Actually the story WILL "fade out" pretty soon. These are Democrats we're talking about - people with an average 20-minute attention span, who believe that a speech using the words "hope" and "change" to the exclusion of any substance, constitutes a reason to vote for someone.

The anti-American-fanatic-pastor story will fade out... and then be resurrected by the Forces Of Clinton, in August shortly before the Democrat convention, when the superdelegates must finally commit themselves.

Do you think you're dealing with amateurs here?
what a load of crap. It has nothing to do with his "fiery speech" or that he is "angry". It most certainly has nothing to do with "fearing the black man". That is just idiiotic rhetoric from the leftwingnuts to try to justify the pastors comments.

His comments were racist. As I said, I think this story is not a big issue given that even though they were racist, his comments have an underlying truth to them. Which means they will be perceived as being more acceptable. It is the PERCEPTION that matters. Is Obama painted as sharing the views of his pastor or not. That is what will matter.

This concoction of "if you are upset by the racist comments, you must fear black men" is nothing more than idiotic leftwingnut spin.

The target audience for this crap, like you apparently, believes that yes slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation were all horrible things for black folks but why don't they just get over it. Why are they so angry about these things still? Yes, there is an underlying truth to his comments, but why is he so angry about things in the past. And racial.

Then we get the Obama is an angry black man by association with your whole "painted as sharing the views of his pastor" nonsense.

Enough with the fucking pastor.
Actually the story WILL "fade out" pretty soon. These are Democrats we're talking about - people with an average 20-minute attention span, who believe that a speech using the words "hope" and "change" to the exclusion of any substance, constitutes a reason to vote for someone.

Uh huh; and Republicans always make their choices on sound reasoning and a careful examination of the issues. They wouldn't let anything as dumb as "who they'd rather have a beer with" influence their vote.
The left wingnuts are squirming, ducking, and dodging like crazy over this one. More "Stop talking about this!!" pleas than we have seen since John Kerry threw somebody's medals over the fence.

Gotta love it.....!!

Well, yeah, Acorn - as a matter of fact, we are tired of having elections decided by things like sighs & anti-war protest involvement. Competence matters to us.

In case you haven't noticed, Rome is burning. I know you'd prefer to have the entire election be about Rev. Wright, as opposed to any sort of referendum on the economy or war (you know - issues that actually matter).
Actually the story WILL "fade out" pretty soon. These are Democrats we're talking about - people with an average 20-minute attention span, who believe that a speech using the words "hope" and "change" to the exclusion of any substance, constitutes a reason to vote for someone.

The anti-American-fanatic-pastor story will fade out... and then be resurrected by the Forces Of Clinton, in August shortly before the Democrat convention, when the superdelegates must finally commit themselves.

Do you think you're dealing with amateurs here?

I'm not taking lessons from anyone who cheerled us into the Iraq War, on what or what should not be a legtimate news story for months on end.

Its bigots, partisan hacks, and well meaning, but uninformed people who will continue with the rush limbaugh allegations of obama's church being racists.

Unfortunately, white people like you and many others, have no knowledge on the history of the african american churches, which were born out of the crucible of slavery. And while white people like you can congratulate each other that slavery and racism have been defeated, that's not how others see it. This is still a racist country. Maybe not overtly, but the institutions of racism exist everywhere.

The fact that people might join a church (including white people) who's mission is to use the gospel for social justice, and for solidarity among the people who are actually vicitims of oppression, may be unfathomable to a rush limbaugh fan. But, its perfectly understandable to a person with a modest amount of appreciation for historical context.

The fact that a pastor in one of these churches may use firey language occassionally, to make a point about race and oppression, may make you cower in fear. It doesn't make me cower in fear. I'm not threatened by it. And neither are the other white people in Wright's church.
This story is an over all plus for President Obama.

It kills the lie that he is a Muslim.

Now even the idiots will know better.
The target audience for this crap, like you apparently, believes that yes slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation were all horrible things for black folks but why don't they just get over it. Why are they so angry about these things still? Yes, there is an underlying truth to his comments, but why is he so angry about things in the past. And racial.

Then we get the Obama is an angry black man by association with your whole "painted as sharing the views of his pastor" nonsense.

Enough with the fucking pastor.

Wow.... nice spin. Apparently you do not comprehend what you read very well. He can be "upset, fiery etc...." without being racist. Preaching about social injustices that still exist can be done without the racist overtones. So again, his "anger" is not an issue, his "fiery sermons is not an issue", "fear of the black man" is not an issue. It is the racist overtones to his comments that is the issue.

Or are you saying he has to call white Americans KKK members in order to get his message across?

Again, this whole "angry black man" or "fear of the black man" crap is nothing more than leftwingnut spin.
I'm not taking lessons from anyone who cheerled us into the Iraq War, on what or what should not be a legtimate news story for months on end.

Its bigots, partisan hacks, and well meaning, but uninformed people who will continue with the rush limbaugh allegations of obama's church being racists.

Unfortunately, white people like you and many others, have no knowledge on the history of the african american churches, which were born out of the crucible of slavery. And while white people like you can congratulate each other that slavery and racism have been defeated, that's not how others see it. This is still a racist country. Maybe not overtly, but the institutions of racism exist everywhere.

The fact that people might join a church (including white people) who's mission is to use the gospel for social justice, and for solidarity among the people who are actually vicitims of oppression, may be unfathomable to a rush limbaugh fan. But, its perfectly understandable to a person with a modest amount of appreciation for historical context.

The fact that a pastor in one of these churches may use firey language occassionally, to make a point about race and oppression, may make you cower in fear. It doesn't make me cower in fear. I'm not threatened by it. And neither are the other white people in Wright's church.

The "Rush Limbaugh" allegations????

Funny, because I could have sworn it was the Hitlary camp that is making this an issue.

As for the allegations part.... only an idiot would think that his comments weren't racist.
"This story is an over all plus for President Obama."

He handled himself very well on Friday & Saturday.

I think it is a plus for the primaries; primary voters want to know that you can take a punch.