Obama losing superdelegates due to prolonged assocn with hatemongering pastor?


Here’s a link from my church about this Hagee man, who has called Catholics “the Great Whore” among many other things.

And John McCain said he is “pleased” to have this hateful bigot’s endorsement.

This is awful. My church is rounding up petitions now. If John McCain will not renounce this hate speech, he is going to lose the Catholic vote by a wide margin. This is not going to fade away no matter how much the media would like it too. We will not accept these militant views in a Presidential candidate.

Here’s a link from my church about this Hagee man, who has called Catholics “the Great Whore” among many other things.

And John McCain said he is “pleased” to have this hateful bigot’s endorsement.

This is awful. My church is rounding up petitions now. If John McCain will not renounce this hate speech, he is going to lose the Catholic vote by a wide margin. This is not going to fade away no matter how much the media would like it too. We will not accept these militant views in a Presidential candidate.
Hagee also thinks we should eliminate Islam entirely. Don't forget that one.
Ok, so do you think Obama is racist? This stuff sounds similar to what was happening to Ron Paul. Obama seems to understand that the pastor is trying to get the people in his church riled up. It's like he leading a Pep rally, and he is basically telling it how he sees it. Most of the things he said... well... are right!

He talked about foreign policy and how we attack other countries, then we get attacked back. (Chicken's coming home to roost comment) I'm sure you agree with this comment, though the tone is not quite the way we would say it.

He talked about how white's control the government and corporations. This is true as well. He perceives this as keeping the black man down, especially since he lived in the civil rights era. This is not something uncommon in the black community. It is kind of a general understanding.

What else... oh the Condemneeza and the blacks that are within the Republican party. Again, it is not uncommon for the black community to view those working within the Bush admin to be nothing but sell-outs.

So I don't really find his comments to be offensive at all. I've heard it all before. Now, the question is, do we think Obama thinks the same way or do I think Obama is smart enough to know that since he is about to become the leader of the United States, that he is going to change the mentality of the Black community? He is a leader, he isn't going to come into office and start legislating white hate. He is going to change everything his pastor preaches into somthing much more positive.
No, I think people who make excuses for the pastor are excusing racism.

As I said, Obama is smart enough to recognize it for what it is, why can't you? Enough that a year ago, according to the Pastor, they spoke of how he would have to "distance himself" if he got close to the nomination.

Of course that speaks to the whole "I was shocked" issue.
No, I think people who make excuses for the pastor are excusing racism.

As I said, Obama is smart enough to recognize it for what it is, why can't you? Enough that a year ago, according to the Pastor, they spoke of how he would have to "distance himself" if he got close to the nomination.

Of course that speaks to the whole "I was shocked" issue.

LOL, ok Damo. I don't think his pastor is a racist. I think he is prejudice against white people with power. I don't think he thinks all whites are evil. He never said anything to that effect. Again, don't you think the white people that attend the church would be constantly harassed had the pastor been racist? This ain't a 'I know black people' kinda deal. You talk about a community being like-minded within a church, call them racists, then expect me to believe that white people can sit there and deal with the racism surrounding them, and THEY don't leave the church? This isn't the same as 'I gotta black friend' reversed. This is the same BS Ron Paul had to deal with, and you defended him as well. Now the role has reversed and you're all over it.
LOL, ok Damo. I don't think his pastor is a racist. I think he is prejudice against white people with power. I don't think he thinks all whites are evil. He never said anything to that effect. Again, don't you think the white people that attend the church would be constantly harassed had the pastor been racist? This ain't a 'I know black people' kinda deal. You talk about a community being like-minded within a church, call them racists, then expect me to believe that white people can sit there and deal with the racism surrounding them, and THEY don't leave the church? This isn't the same as 'I gotta black friend' reversed. This is the same BS Ron Paul had to deal with, and you defended him as well. Now the role has reversed and you're all over it.

LOL, ok Damo. I don't think his pastor is a racist. I think he is prejudice against white people with power. I don't think he thinks all whites are evil. He never said anything to that effect

thank you, it's good to see some honesty and common sense.

LOL, ok Damo. I don't think his pastor is a racist. I think he is prejudice against white people with power. I don't think he thinks all whites are evil. He never said anything to that effect

thank you, it's good to see some honesty and common sense.

When it comes to politics, people always blow things way out of proportion to effect the emotions of the voters. It works...
LOL, ok Damo. I don't think his pastor is a racist. I think he is prejudice against white people with power. I don't think he thinks all whites are evil. He never said anything to that effect. Again, don't you think the white people that attend the church would be constantly harassed had the pastor been racist? This ain't a 'I know black people' kinda deal. You talk about a community being like-minded within a church, call them racists, then expect me to believe that white people can sit there and deal with the racism surrounding them, and THEY don't leave the church? This isn't the same as 'I gotta black friend' reversed. This is the same BS Ron Paul had to deal with, and you defended him as well. Now the role has reversed and you're all over it.
Yet he called all of white America "the US of KKK A". That is a racist statement. What you don't think, is that racism should be pointed out if it reflects negatively on your candidate.

They wouldn't be constantly harassed any more than black people at a largely white Republican church.

As for "all over it". The pastor made racist remarks. And those statements in RP's letters were also racist. I point it out where I see it. I called for RP to get rid of the people to out them, to more than distance himself from it. I am supposed to do something differently with Obama? Why?

I expect him to do this without pretending he never knew. I am not that stupid.
Yet he called all of white America "the US of KKK A". That is a racist statement. What you don't think, is that racism should be pointed out if it reflects negatively on your candidate.

They wouldn't be constantly harassed any more than black people at a largely white Republican church.

As for "all over it". The pastor made racist remarks. And those statements in RP's letters were also racist. I point it out where I see it. I called for RP to get rid of the people to out them, to more than distance himself from it. I am supposed to do something differently with Obama? Why?

I expect him to do this without pretending he never knew. I am not that stupid.

Damo, I'll chalk this one up as just ignorance to what is meant by the term 'White America'. You can take it as you wish. 'White America' refers to 'whites with power'. You think eminem calls himself a racist in his song 'White America'?
Damo, I'll chalk this one up as just ignorance to what is meant by the term 'White America'. You can take it as you wish. 'White America' refers to 'whites with power'. You think eminem calls himself a racist in his song 'White America'?
I don't care what you think "White America" means. He spoke of how all white people get mad if you point out such and such then called all of them White America before saying that they were the US of KKK A.

I put it in context. He stereotyped all of "White America" into one ball. That pastor wasn't just talking about "Whites in power".

I think Eminem stereotypes in his song White America.
I don't care what you think "White America" means. He spoke of how all white people get mad if you point out such and such then called all of them White America before saying that they were the US of KKK A.

I put it in context. He stereotyped all of "White America" into one ball. That pastor wasn't just talking about "Whites in power".

I think Eminem stereotypes in his song White America.

Like I said, take it as you wish. I think it's just ignorance, and refusal to understand what is meant by 'White America'. He's talking about the Hannity's, the Rush's, the Coulter's, the Bush's, the people who believe their BS and give them power. In Eminem's song, he's talking about the uppity parents wanting to legislate morality to shut him up. He mocks them and tells them how their kids love his music. 'White America' does not mean every white person. Just as 'Black America' doesn't mean every Black person.
Like I said, take it as you wish. I think it's just ignorance, and refusal to understand what is meant by 'White America'. He's talking about the Hannity's, the Rush's, the Coulter's, the Bush's, the people who believe their BS and give them power. In Eminem's song, he's talking about the uppity parents wanting to legislate morality to shut him up. He mocks them and tells them how their kids love his music. 'White America' does not mean every white person. Just as 'Black America' doesn't mean every Black person.
It is just another way to stereotype and then suggest, "I wasn't talking about you, it is more general than that!" It's the same type of thing those who say, "I was talking about the bad ones" when they use negative slurs.

I think that people who excuse racist remarks of any sort regardless of the source are still excusing racist remarks. Eminem, in his song, is stereotyping how White Families work and attempting to insult it and bring about what he thinks should be. As I said, stereotyping.
It is just another way to stereotype and then suggest, "I wasn't talking about you, it is more general than that!" It's the same type of thing those who say, "I was talking about the bad ones" when they use negative slurs.

I think that people who excuse racist remarks of any sort regardless of the source are still excusing racist remarks.

Go to urbandictionary.com Damo. Seriously. It is a common term used to refer to either 'Whites with power' or 'Suburbian White's with money'...

It's a prejudice, not necessarily racist.

Again, Suburbian White in the Midwest... generally racist.
Go to urbandictionary.com Damo. Seriously. It is a common term used to refer to either 'Whites with power' or 'Suburbian White's with money'...

It's a prejudice, not necessarily racist.
And what race of suburbanites with money are they talking about?

It is a racist remark, Dave. It centers on which race? I think we can point one out.

Again, if I say that I am only focusing on "the bad ones" when I say <insert negative slur here>, it doesn't change that it is a racist remark.
And what race of suburbanites with money are they talking about?

It is a racist remark, Dave. It centers on which race? I think we can point one out.

Again, if I say that I am only focusing on "the bad ones" when I say <insert negative slur here>, it doesn't change that it is a racist remark.

Maybe I've just seen what the hell he's talking about and can excuse it. Again, I've been called 'nigger' by Suburbian Whites living in Mentor, Oh, simply because I played football with an Inner City School. I'm looked down upon by people when I say I attended Canton McKinley High School. 'White America' is refering to these people. Yes, it's sterotyping, but it isn't just meaning 'White people in general'. What have the people in Mentor, Oh done about their racism? North Canton people think I'm scum for growing up in Canton. He's experienced it probably ten-fold more than I have.
Maybe I've just seen what the hell he's talking about and can excuse it. Again, I've been called 'nigger' by Suburbian Whites living in Mentor, Oh, simply because I played football with an Inner City School. I'm looked down upon by people when I say I attended Canton McKinley High School. 'White America' is refering to these people. Yes, it's sterotyping, but it isn't just meaning 'White people in general'. What have the people in Mentor, Oh done about their racism? North Canton people think I'm scum for growing up in Canton. He's experienced it probably ten-fold more than I have.
And maybe I have seen racism too, but refuse to excuse it regardless of the source.
And maybe I have seen racism too, but refuse to excuse it regardless of the source.

Call him racist for pointing out racism in Suburbian America, damn your good.


In fact, you're just helping prove his point. Are you working undercover FOR Obama?

"You get mad" when he points out the racism in 'White America'.
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Obama gets.....................

The 'Race Card' of the year award! He has pulled off the biggest scam since the 'Race Card'was invented in politics...by the Democrats!
**shakes head***

Y'all have been proverbially sucker punched!
Call him racist for pointing out racism in Suburbian America, damn your good.
No, I call his remark racist for doing it in such a negative and divisive fashion.

If I point out racism while using racist slurs it doesn't change that my remark is racist, nor does it help to fix the problem. It perpetuates the problem, exacerbates it, increases it. It is not something that equal force can work to fix.

It is one of the areas that we learned about in Kindergarten with the statement, "Two wrongs don't make a right."
No, I call his remark racist for doing it in such a negative and divisive fashion.

If I point out racism while using racist slurs it doesn't change that my remark is racist, nor does it help to fix the problem. It perpetuates the problem, exacerbates it, increases it. It is not something that equal force can work to fix.

It is one of the areas that we learned about in Kindergarten with the statement, "Two wrongs don't make a right."

Hell, I'm angry at how I was treated by 'White America' when I was growing up. This dude lived through the civil rights era and is a Black Man that still experiences racism. Who controls the United States? People from Suburbian America. Rich White people! Is he lumping these people into one big ball? Yes, he's sterotyping. Not every white person in Suburban America is racist, but you try and be a black man in those areas. You'll get scared out. That's why it's called 'White America'.