Obama losing superdelegates due to prolonged assocn with hatemongering pastor?

Wow.... nice spin. Apparently you do not comprehend what you read very well. He can be "upset, fiery etc...." without being racist. Preaching about social injustices that still exist can be done without the racist overtones. So again, his "anger" is not an issue, his "fiery sermons is not an issue", "fear of the black man" is not an issue. It is the racist overtones to his comments that is the issue.

Or are you saying he has to call white Americans KKK members in order to get his message across?

Again, this whole "angry black man" or "fear of the black man" crap is nothing more than leftwingnut spin.

Oh, so a black pastor speaking to a black congregation about issues affecting the black community can be fiery but must do so without invoking historical racism and it's impact on the black community today. It's good to know the rules about these things. I wouldn't want white people to get upset about the angry black guy invoking race is such a context.

This is pure fear of the black man, getting white folks all uncomfortable in a discussion that raises the specter of this country's racist past and it's impact on the present. The angry black man just can't get over it, whereas white folks have gotten over it long ago. He's just so angry and racial.
Oh, so a black pastor speaking to a black congregation about issues affecting the black community can be fiery but must do so without invoking historical racism and it's impact on the black community today. It's good to know the rules about these things. I wouldn't want white people to get upset about the angry black guy invoking race is such a context.

This is pure fear of the black man, getting white folks all uncomfortable in a discussion that raises the specter of this country's racist past and it's impact on the present. The angry black man just can't get over it, whereas white folks have gotten over it long ago. He's just so angry and racial.

Like I said... the above is pure bullshit spin from those on the left. No one is condemning the man for speaking about issues affecting the black community, being fiery or being pissed about continuing racial issues.

But continue on with the bullshit... obviously you refuse to listen to a friggin word anyone says... you have already made up your mind to blindly follow along again rather than to think for yourself. You have your moveon.org parroting skills honed to perfection.

Good lil polly.... go get your cracker now...
And the dodges and diversions keep gushing thick and fast. "angry black man", "Muslim card", "fear of the black man", "rush limbaugh allegations", "who they'd rather thave a beer with", "Obama is racist", etc. etc. All issues brought up by leftists spinmongers without a conservative mentioning them at all.

And all having nothing to do with the subject of the thread, in the desperate hope that people will stop talking about Obama's astounding poor judgement in adhering to a man for twenty years who preaches the kind of insane hate that Rev. Wright has been spewing.

Is that the kind of judgement we want in the White House?
"Is that the kind of judgement we want in the White House?"

As of today, you have 3 choices.

Obama, or 2 people whose "good judgment"' told them that invading Iraq was the right thing to do.

Let's see...which affects me more? Iraq, or Obama's choice of church?

Thanks for all your help in killing the stupid myth that Obama is a Muslim.

The more you guys try to blame him for what someone else said the more you ingrain into the publics mind that he is a Christian who attends a christian church and anyone who claims he is a muslim is an idiot.

You see every person who has ever sat in a pew has heard the person at the pulpit say things they did not agree with.

They understand you dont jump up an attack the person in the middle of the session.

Thanks for making it clear to all he is a christain.
And the dodges and diversions keep gushing thick and fast. "angry black man", "Muslim card", "fear of the black man", "rush limbaugh allegations", "who they'd rather thave a beer with", "Obama is racist", etc. etc. All issues brought up by leftists spinmongers without a conservative mentioning them at all.

And all having nothing to do with the subject of the thread, in the desperate hope that people will stop talking about Obama's astounding poor judgement in adhering to a man for twenty years who preaches the kind of insane hate that Rev. Wright has been spewing.

Is that the kind of judgement we want in the White House?

Your buddies DID say that Obama's church was racist. Which is either evidence of extreme partisan hackery, or evidence of the complete ignorance of the history of the african american churches.

Fear of the "angry black man" is exactly why you and your butt buddies hate Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. What exactly is the problem, with a church using the gospel to promote social justice, and solidarity with the people in society who have been directly harmed by oppression and racism?

Do the jewish synagouges get a bunch of crap, for using their theology to promote jewish solidarity, and to advocate on behalf of jewish interests? No they don't. Because white people aren't generally afraid of jews.

If fiery language and rhetoric that denouce racism and oppression frighten you, I don't see how you and your republicn butt buddies can possibly take on al qaeda. You might as well be cowering under your bed. I'm not threated by jewish zionism, nor am I threatened by afro-centric theology that takes oppression head on.

In fact, if I were a religious person, I'd be more comforable in a church that directly and aggresively denounces racism and oppression, than I would in a church that lectures me about the evils of the gay lifestyle and "moral decay" perpetrated by secularists.
Like I said... the above is pure bullshit spin from those on the left. No one is condemning the man for speaking about issues affecting the black community, being fiery or being pissed about continuing racial issues.

But continue on with the bullshit... obviously you refuse to listen to a friggin word anyone says... you have already made up your mind to blindly follow along again rather than to think for yourself. You have your moveon.org parroting skills honed to perfection.

Good lil polly.... go get your cracker now...
The idea is to get the people pointing out the racism to be considered "racists" themselves. That way nobody will listen to them. Unfortunately for them people can see racism when he considers all of white America to be one big negative thing. People are smarter than this sad attempt at ad hominem.
It's not on the cover of any of the news sites at all anymore - Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. Obama gave interviews on Friday, made a speech about it on Saturday, and on Sunday, David Axelrod confirmed that they are putting it in the past.

News outlets are going to be hard-pressed to continue to make a story out of it without Obama commenting, or some huge revelation like Obama in the pews during one of those sermons.

The story is done. By PA, it will be a dim memory.

By then the more important problem, Rezko and ties, will be going.
"People are smarter than this sad attempt at ad hominem"

People aren't really that smart...just an FYI....
Hence the perception factor. They are smart enough to know that calling all of "White America" the "US of KKK A" is definitely racist, not just "racial" definitely and directly negatively racist. It is the perception factor that would associate that with Obama. Even if he had a good reason for going to a church with such a culture.
By then the more important problem, Rezko and ties, will be going.

Have you idiots on the right picked up a newspaper lately?

Just so's you know, the country is heading into a deep recession, at a time when we are in an untenable war.

You wanna make the election about Rezco & Rev. Wright, and then lecture us on the "intelligence" of the American voter?
Like I said... the above is pure bullshit spin from those on the left. No one is condemning the man for speaking about issues affecting the black community, being fiery or being pissed about continuing racial issues.

But continue on with the bullshit... obviously you refuse to listen to a friggin word anyone says... you have already made up your mind to blindly follow along again rather than to think for yourself. You have your moveon.org parroting skills honed to perfection.

Good lil polly.... go get your cracker now...

Hilarious. Another moveon.org jab.

The whole issue here is a black pastor speaking to a black congregation about issue affecting the black community discussing racial issues and calling out the historical racism in America and it's modern day impact on the black community and doing so angrily. How scandalous!
Have you idiots on the right picked up a newspaper lately?

Just so's you know, the country is heading into a deep recession, at a time when we are in an untenable war.

You wanna make the election about Rezco & Rev. Wright, and then lecture us on the "intelligence" of the American voter?

Umm, yes. The Chicago Tribune daily for the past 30 years or so. Let's just say both issues have been addressed locally, we all are waiting for the MSM to understand Rezko, which should be happening as the trial is going on.
Your buddies DID say that Obama's church was racist. Which is either evidence of extreme partisan hackery, or evidence of the complete ignorance of the history of the african american churches.

Fear of the "angry black man" is exactly why you and your butt buddies hate Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. What exactly is the problem, with a church using the gospel to promote social justice, and solidarity with the people in society who have been directly harmed by oppression and racism?

Do the jewish synagouges get a bunch of crap, for using their theology to promote jewish solidarity, and to advocate on behalf of jewish interests? No they don't. Because white people aren't generally afraid of jews.

If fiery language and rhetoric that denouce racism and oppression frighten you, I don't see how you and your republicn butt buddies can possibly take on al qaeda. You might as well be cowering under your bed. I'm not threated by jewish zionism, nor am I threatened by afro-centric theology that takes oppression head on.

In fact, if I were a religious person, I'd be more comforable in a church that directly and aggresively denounces racism and oppression, than I would in a church that lectures me about the evils of the gay lifestyle and "moral decay" perpetrated by secularists.

There is a BIG difference in denouncing racism and making racist comments yourself.

Also..."butt buddies".... how so very tolerant of you.... homophobic much? Why do you hate and fear gays?
Have you idiots on the right picked up a newspaper lately?

Just so's you know, the country is heading into a deep recession, at a time when we are in an untenable war.

You wanna make the election about Rezco & Rev. Wright, and then lecture us on the "intelligence" of the American voter?

Pfffttt. You think Bush voters want to talk about their party’s stewardship of the war, of the economy, and of the environment?

Call me crazy, but I think not. Being republican for the past two decades has meant struggling to find a reason to vote against something. Not voting enthusiastically for something.

Fiery black ministers and obscure Chicago real estate developers will have to suffice this election. As did fradulent Purple heart medals, blowj*bs, and “serial lying” had to suffice in previous elections.
Hilarious. Another moveon.org jab.

The whole issue here is a black pastor speaking to a black congregation about issue affecting the black community discussing racial issues and calling out the historical racism in America and it's modern day impact on the black community and doing so angrily. How scandalous!

No, moron, as pointed out to you many times, but your brainwashed idiocy does not allow you to comprehend, is that it is NOT ABOUT him discussing issues that effect the black community, it is NOT ABOUT discussing historical or current racism. IT IS about the pastor making racist comments himself.

But please, continue being a good little parrot.
Have you idiots on the right picked up a newspaper lately?

Just so's you know, the country is heading into a deep recession, at a time when we are in an untenable war.

You wanna make the election about Rezco & Rev. Wright, and then lecture us on the "intelligence" of the American voter?

unlike a few morons on the left, namely you and Gumby.... most people are capable of discussing more than one issue.

They are the pastors words and not Obamas.

rail all you want but this tact is worthless. No one who might vote Obama is going to be swayed to the R side by this bullshit.