Obama losing superdelegates due to prolonged assocn with hatemongering pastor?

They are the pastors words and not Obamas.

rail all you want but this tact is worthless. No one who might vote Obama is going to be swayed to the R side by this bullshit.

Exactly. It's just going to give "the usual suspects" another flimsy reason for saying, "But I HAD to vote Republican, because once again, you gave me no CHOICE!"

Losers; I hope they get hit hardest by their recession...
LOL, playing with the emotions of the people. It works! It's why 95% of the people are either stuck in a middle class 'rat race' or are poor. They think too much with emotions and not with their brains. The middle class think buying a house is an asset, and the poor just have no idea where to begin. They become content on assisstance because they just plain gave up. Or they work 3 jobs for 'the man', making him richer but never demanding better for themselves because of fear. Then government dumbasses think they are helping, not teaching a damn thing about financial wisdom, but teaching children how to become a good employee through the school system. Do you honestly think it matters whether this man's pastor said 'Kill whitey' or not? It may in the minds of the ignorant, and those who try and predict the whole political spectrum, but it doesn't mean a thing to me. It shouldn't to any one of you. Obama never said it directly, and he never said he followed his pastor 100%. Remember, Obama is smart enough of a man to know when not to be follower, he's in the position to be a leader.
They are the pastors words and not Obamas.

rail all you want but this tact is worthless. No one who might vote Obama is going to be swayed to the R side by this bullshit.
Whether or not it is the pastor's words or Obama's doesn't change that when comparing Obama to themselves the vast majority of the nation knows they would leave a church where racism was preached from the pulpit.
Whether or not it is the pastor's words or Obama's doesn't change that when comparing Obama to themselves the vast majority of the nation knows they would leave a church where racism was preached from the pulpit.

Or, in Obama's case, they would link his preachings to that of an oppinion and get around that. An intelligent person would question why the pastor would say those things and understand that the pastor is an individual with his own experiences. I think Obama is intelligent enough to make his own decisions and not be a sheep to his pastor, how else would he have gotten to the position he is in? Even the white people at the church haven't left.
I tried but I couldn't bear reading through all this tripe but didn't Obama actually gain super delegate pledges this weekend?
I tried but I couldn't bear reading through all this tripe but didn't Obama actually gain super delegate pledges this weekend?

He picked up 14 regular delegates from final tallies in Iowa & OH, and about 4 Supers. He's close to evening out the Super count.

He's the nominee, so the GOP will have to count on this to carry them from April through November....
Also, everything I have heard from Rev. Wright is pretty much true I think. Truth hurts sometimes.


That's what I've been saying.

Some sheltered, and frightened white people shit their diapers when they hear a black man use aggressive rhetoric like that. Yikes!
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Most decent people would have gotten up and walked out of a church where that kind of hate and filth were being spewed from the pulpit.

Why didn't Obama?
Most decent people would have gotten up and walked out of a church where that kind of hate and filth were being spewed from the pulpit.

Why didn't Obama?

Most decent people wouldn't have started, or cheeled a war based on lies that costs 3 trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of dead people.

so take your false outrage, and your irrational fear of black people and their churches, and shove it up you bush loving @ss.
Also, everything I have heard from Rev. Wright is pretty much true I think. Truth hurts sometimes.

and that is why anyone who actually listens to what he is saying will understand just that. The underlying truth is there. The difference is the manner in which the truth is conveyed.

It is like saying Cypress is a dishonest individual intent on spinning everything people say into some one line position. That is the truth.

But it could just as easily have been restated as... Cypress is a fucking moron and so full of his own shit that he is beginning to choke upon it.

Both are the truth... one is a more hateful way to say it.

In the case of the Reverand... he could easily discuss the issues of continued racism in this country without calling white America the KKK. Yes, racism still exists.... but stating it in such a manner is also racist in nature. It is the PERCEPTION among voters that matters.

Obama denounced his pastors comments and stated that was not his position. But in a world where a sigh or a swift boat campaign can paint a candidate in a bad light.... the question is.... has Obama done enough to make sure the PERCEPTION is correct.

But the mere mention of this point sends the dishonest Gumby into a fit of "you must FEAR the black man" blah blah blah...
Most decent people would have gotten up and walked out of a church where that kind of hate and filth were being spewed from the pulpit.

Why didn't Obama?

The sermons in question were televised, and I have heard it said that the good Rev. "ratcheted it up" for the cameras. There is no proof that Obama was there for these particular sermons; he was in Miami on the day of the one they show the most.

Hate & intolerance are issued from the pulpit every Sunday in a wide variety of churches, and I would wager that very few "decent" people get up & leave.

Hell, McCain actively SOUGHT the endorsement of someone who preaches intolerance....how 'bout that?
Most decent people would have gotten up and walked out of a church where that kind of hate and filth were being spewed from the pulpit.

Why didn't Obama?

Well, if you're looking to simply be a follower, but can't stomach the sermon, sure you would get up and walk out. If your looking for wisdom, you listen but disagree with his oppinion, then try to change that oppinion through leadership.
Most decent people wouldn't have started, or cheeled a war based on lies that costs 3 trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of dead people.

so take your false outrage, and your irrational fear of black people and their churches, and shove it up you bush loving @ss.

So angy.... you must learn to control your anger Gumby.

AND AGAIN with comments about shoving things up someones ass... why do you fear gays so much Cypress? Why do you hate them? Or is your anger towards gays just a vain attempt to hide your own preferences?
Or, in Obama's case, they would link his preachings to that of an oppinion and get around that. An intelligent person would question why the pastor would say those things and understand that the pastor is an individual with his own experiences. I think Obama is intelligent enough to make his own decisions and not be a sheep to his pastor, how else would he have gotten to the position he is in? Even the white people at the church haven't left.
A church is far more than a pastor, it is the community. I heard the agreement. I know I wouldn't want to be part of that culture. And the vast majority of Americans know that there are plenty of churches to attend that would not be that way and you choose to stay.

The "white people haven't left" thing. Sounds very much like "Some of my best friends are black!"
Well, now we know where Cypress stole his talking points of the day from....


"What you can't believe is that blacks have suffered a long history of oppression in this country, that they're still face deep institutional discrimination, and that a country where 100 percent of the presidents have been rich white guys is actually run by rich white guys. More to the point, even if you do believe those things, you certainly can't be angry about it!"

Funny how close Cypress's feeble attempts at spin resemble Kleins comments.
A church is far more than a pastor, it is the community. I heard the agreement. I know I wouldn't want to be part of that culture. And the vast majority of Americans know that there are plenty of churches to attend that would not be that way and you choose to stay.

The "white people haven't left" thing. Sounds very much like "Some of my best friends are black!"

Ok, so do you think Obama is racist? This stuff sounds similar to what was happening to Ron Paul. Obama seems to understand that the pastor is trying to get the people in his church riled up. It's like he leading a Pep rally, and he is basically telling it how he sees it. Most of the things he said... well... are right!

He talked about foreign policy and how we attack other countries, then we get attacked back. (Chicken's coming home to roost comment) I'm sure you agree with this comment, though the tone is not quite the way we would say it.

He talked about how white's control the government and corporations. This is true as well. He perceives this as keeping the black man down, especially since he lived in the civil rights era. This is not something uncommon in the black community. It is kind of a general understanding.

What else... oh the Condemneeza and the blacks that are within the Republican party. Again, it is not uncommon for the black community to view those working within the Bush admin to be nothing but sell-outs.

So I don't really find his comments to be offensive at all. I've heard it all before. Now, the question is, do we think Obama thinks the same way or do I think Obama is smart enough to know that since he is about to become the leader of the United States, that he is going to change the mentality of the Black community? He is a leader, he isn't going to come into office and start legislating white hate. He is going to change everything his pastor preaches into somthing much more positive.
As a catholic, I strongly resent John McCain’s friendship with the preacher who called me and my entire family whoremongers. That was very hateful. I wish that the media would demand to know why McCain would hang around someone who would call me and my family, all taxpayers and law-abiding citizens, whore mongers? Why is this hate speech being allowed to go unremarked?
I am very upset about this.
As a catholic, I strongly resent John McCain’s friendship with the preacher who called me and my entire family whoremongers. That was very hateful. I wish that the media would demand to know why McCain would hang around someone who would call me and my family, all taxpayers and law-abiding citizens, whore mongers? Why is this hate speech being allowed to go unremarked?
I am very upset about this.

And really, what's worse, Obama's refusing to throw a personal friend under the bus because he said some things over the years that Obama personally disagree with or McCain's actively seeking out the endorsement of true hatemongers well after their statements are publicly known?