Obama: Negotiate with this man

After he sent his WMD to the US.

Yeah, that's exactly how the negotiations went. We said "send us your wmds and we'll talk" and he sent them.

You're a fucking idiot. The end result of the diplomatic effort was the disarming of Libya. It wasn't a precondition.
[LEFT said:
Dungheap[/left];247130]1) So your position is that the Sunni minority is somehow going to displace the Shiite majority that current runs the Iraqi government? Not gonna happen. The Shiites will run the show, and the Shiites and Iran and very close friends and allies.

2) I didn't call
the Supreme Leader. I was merely pointing out that 1) diplomacy doesn't have to occur at the highest levels of government, i.e. between the President and the Supreme Leader, and 2) that the Supreme Leader, not the figure-head president who has no power at all to do anything he claims to want to do, calls the shots in Iran.

It's a minority within the Shite community as well, all other Shite sects abandoned the Iranian backed Sadr during the recent fight for the control of Basra's streets, where Sadr was thoroughly defeated and run from the streets!
Yeah, that's exactly how the negotiations went. We said "send us your wmds and we'll talk" and he sent them.

You're a fucking idiot. The end result of the diplomatic effort was the disarming of Libya. It wasn't a precondition.

Ok mr. Supreme leader.
Dude, Sadr is the least Iranian backed of the Shiite groups. Where do you think Maliki was hanging out during the Saddam years? Where do you think the Badr brigades, who have been rolled into the Iraqi army, received their training? Who do you think is receiving pensions from the Iranian Revolutionary guards? None other than the guys we are supporting.

Sadr is the least beholden to Iran of the bunch!
Following several years of diplomatic effort starting during the Clinton Administration that the Bush Administration continued.

Wow, you've clearly been reading to much moveon.org or something, The UN had been trying to get those weapons to no avail, and when the deal went down, it was with the US not the UN. He reached out to Bush weeks after the Iraq invasion, after rejecting the UN for years. Funny thought you trying to give Clinton credit on that one though, that's a first...
Dude, Sadr is the least Iranian backed of the Shiite groups. Where do you think Maliki was hanging out during the Saddam years? Where do you think the Badr brigades, who have been rolled into the Iraqi army, received their training? Who do you think is receiving pensions from the Iranian Revolutionary guards? None other than the guys we are supporting.

Sadr is the least beholden to Iran of the bunch!

Yeah, that's exactly how the negotiations went. We said "send us your wmds and we'll talk" and he sent them.

You're a fucking idiot. The end result of the diplomatic effort was the disarming of Libya. It wasn't a precondition.

End result, they went the the US right after the Iraq war started, we have the WMD now, and the negotiations continue.
Wow, you've clearly been reading to much moveon.org or something, The UN had been trying to get those weapons to no avail, and when the deal went down, it was with the US not the UN. He reached out to Bush weeks after the Iraq invasion, after rejecting the UN for years. Funny thought you trying to give Clinton credit on that one though, that's a first...

You're clearly clueless. The negotiations relating to Libya giving up its WMD began as early as 1997 with the Clinton Administration as part of a multilateral approach including a stiff sanctions regime. I'm not giving Clinton credit for anything. Clearly the end result was obtained by the Bush Administration. For that, they deserve credit. I'm merely pointing out that diplomacy works even among enemies and rogue states.

Nice substantive response. Again, you're clueless. Read up about Maliki, Dawa, Dawa's support for the Iranian Revolution, support for Iran in the Iran-Iraq War, Maliki's exile in Iran and then Syria, Dawa's continued reliance on Iran, Dawa's reliance on the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council nee Supreme Council for Islamic Resolution in Iraq (also supporters of Iran in the Iran-Iraq War), their headquarters in Tehran, and their Badr Brigade militia, as well as the Badr Brigade's training in Iran by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

These are the people we are spilling blood and treasure for.
WRL it is apparent, to me at least, that you are not stupid. But you are one of the most myopic people I have ever met. ANYTHING that contradicts your beliefs must be wrong, politically motivated, a lie or a combination of 2 or all of these things. You can NEVER hear a point contrary to yours and acknowledge that it is true. It must be difficult to be right all the time.
Nice substantive response. Again, you're clueless. Read up about Maliki, Dawa, Dawa's support for the Iranian Revolution, support for Iran in the Iran-Iraq War, Maliki's exile in Iran and then Syria, Dawa's continued reliance on Iran, Dawa's reliance on the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council nee Supreme Council for Islamic Resolution in Iraq (also supporters of Iran in the Iran-Iraq War), their headquarters in Tehran, and their Badr Brigade militia, as well as the Badr Brigade's training in Iran by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

These are the people we are spilling blood and treasure for.
Again pearls before swine. He won't go read this because it might change his view of these people as nothing more than US puppets, people WE ALLOW to be in power because they are completely supportive of us and would NEVER rely on Iran for help. He has repeatedly ignored the fact that Iran helped broker the most recent ceasefire in Iraq, that Iran put the pressure on Sadr and when Sadr said stop the fighting stopped, no INDEPENDENT Shia group told him to go fuck himself. THEY STOPPED. But as I said above. Anything that contradicts his view of the world is rejected out of hand.
Don't kid yourself, Iran provides training and funding of terrorist organizations. But they are ALSO a government, and we are going to have to work, if not with them, near them, so negotiating has to be one of the tools in our arsenal. The Soviets ALSO trained the PLO in the 70's and the 80's and we DID negotiate with them. So we HAVE negotiated with supporters of terrorism. Lots of people think that none of us remember history.

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cast doubt Wednesday over the U.S. version of the Sept. 11 attacks, calling it a pretext used to invade Afghanistan and Iraq... This was the third time in a week that Ahmadinejad questioned the death toll, who was behind the attacks and how it happened.

"Four or five years ago, a suspicious event occurred in New York. A building collapsed and they said that 3,000 people had been killed but never published their names," Ahmadinejad told Iranians in the holy city of Qom.

Under this pretext, the U.S. "attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and since then a million people have been killed only in Iraq," Ahmadinejad said in the speech broadcast live on state-run television.



Oh little willie.....you never learn. What the hell did 911 have to do with Iraq? NOTHING!! Other than it was used, cynically, by right wing politicians with vested interest in middle eastern oil, to invade a nation that clearly was NOT a clear and present danger to our national security.

In other words, Madenajaad is partially correct. 911 WAS a pretext for invading Iraq. That's an established fact.

Now considering that the folks you support, and their lack of dialogue with nations who's policies they oppose and how they have been consistantly wrong on nearly everything and have lead this nation to DISASTER.


TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cast doubt Wednesday over the U.S. version of the Sept. 11 attacks, calling it a pretext used to invade Afghanistan and Iraq... This was the third time in a week that Ahmadinejad questioned the death toll, who was behind the attacks and how it happened.

"Four or five years ago, a suspicious event occurred in New York. A building collapsed and they said that 3,000 people had been killed but never published their names," Ahmadinejad told Iranians in the holy city of Qom.

McCain was willing to talk with and deal with Hamas

You missed this part...


"In the wake of yesterday’s Palestinian elections, Hamas must change itself fundamentally - renounce violence, abandon its goal of eradicating Israel and accept the two-state solution. These elections are evidence that democracy is indeed spreading in the Middle East, but Hamas is not a partner for peace so long as they advocate the overthrow of Israel."
In an interview with CNN, McCain once again made clear that the US would not negotiate with terrorists, whether they got elected or not:
CNN’S BETTY NGUYEN: All right, let’s shift over to the global front. The Bush administration is reviewing all aspects of U.S. aid to the Palestinians now that Hamas has won the elections. And I do have to quote you here. A State Department spokesman did say this: ‘To be very clear’ – and I’m quoting now – ‘we do not provide money to terrorist organizations.’ What does this do to the U.S. relationship with the Palestinians?

MCCAIN: Well, hopefully, that Hamas now that they are going to govern, will be motivated to renounce this commitment to the extinction of the state of Israel. Then we can do business again, we can resume aid, we can resume the peace process.

