Obama: Negotiate with this man

Clearly WRL is unaware of this, but the President under the Iranian system has absolutely zero discretion to dictate foreign policy. All significant policy areas like foreign policy and the nuclear program are the exclusive domain of the Supreme Leader. That's exactly why the President is encouraged to make these kinds of explosive statements. They excite the masses, even though he is entirely unable to act upon his threats.

So... this thread was pretty worthless except as a display of conservative ignorance.
You missed this part...


"In the wake of yesterday’s Palestinian elections, Hamas must change itself fundamentally - renounce violence, abandon its goal of eradicating Israel and accept the two-state solution. These elections are evidence that democracy is indeed spreading in the Middle East, but Hamas is not a partner for peace so long as they advocate the overthrow of Israel."
In an interview with CNN, McCain once again made clear that the US would not negotiate with terrorists, whether they got elected or not:
CNN’S BETTY NGUYEN: All right, let’s shift over to the global front. The Bush administration is reviewing all aspects of U.S. aid to the Palestinians now that Hamas has won the elections. And I do have to quote you here. A State Department spokesman did say this: ‘To be very clear’ – and I’m quoting now – ‘we do not provide money to terrorist organizations.’ What does this do to the U.S. relationship with the Palestinians?

MCCAIN: Well, hopefully, that Hamas now that they are going to govern, will be motivated to renounce this commitment to the extinction of the state of Israel. Then we can do business again, we can resume aid, we can resume the peace process.


Rather than proving your point, all this does is show that McCain will say virtually anything at any point in time depending on what he thinks the right answer ought to be. He has no principles whatsoever.
Rather than proving your point, all this does is show that McCain will say virtually anything at any point in time depending on what he thinks the right answer ought to be. He has no principles whatsoever.
Actually it shows that there were preconditions all the time and that what he has said hasn't changed in this area. What you say doesn't make sense. He says we should have preconditions to meeting with Hamas, somebody posts what he said in an interview out of context, without the part about preconditions and tries to say that he didn't mention them before, somebody else points out that he actually did mention preconditions then, putting it back into context.

This proves that the entire basis was pretense and disingenuous misstatement purposefully meant to mislead.
My question to Obama supporters, do you really think this man has honest enough intentions to negotiate with.

Absolutely. Iran has LEGITIMATE concerns about the intentions of the US and Israel .. both of whom were involved in the overthrow of a democratically elected government in Iran.

They've seen the US as a rogue and dangerous nation march in and mass-murder countless numbers of Iraqis FOR PROFIT.

With his snubs to the UN

No nation on earth, including Saddam's Iraq, has been in violation of more UN resolutions than Israel.

What's your point?

his pursuit of Nuclear Weaponry

Isarel has nukes .. why shouldn't Iran?

his funding of terrorists like Hamas

Both the US and his have a long ass history of funding terrorists. In fact, we created and funded the Taliban and we trained and supported OBL .. and we have a terrorist training camp right here on US soil.

Your point?

his anti American alliance

Don't look now but most of planet earth is anti-American.

his weapons and training

You mean like the chemical weapons we sold Saddam or the weapons and training of our own terrorists?

Are we not the worlds biggest arms dealer?

and quite possibly his agents killing Americans

Possibly? The "evidence" of that already been disproven?

a man who denies 9/11

MILLIONS of AMERICANS don't believe the 9/11 official story .. nor does the rest of planet earth.

Your point?

the Holocaust

So now we're the thought police. Everyone has to believe in the holocaust or else they're the enemy.


and quote wants to 'wipe Israel of the face of the map'

Shouldn't that be between Iran and Israel? Why is it necessary for the US to wipe Israels ass everytime they take a dump?

Do Democrats really want to change US policy to negotiate with terrorists?

I suspect that democrats want what most Americans want .. intelligence in our foreign policy which is completely missing from right-wing policy.
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We've never negotiated with terrorists, this would be a 100% reversal of US policy for quite some time, it's not just Bush's position, all the points made here are exactly why we should continue down the path of isolating Iran, least they join the mainstream world community. Know their intentions, you never will. Keep your enemies close, we had Saddam pretty close, that worked great. Hope in his honesty, laughable.

of course we have! we negotiated with Iraqi sunni warlords who had been engaged in terrorism against the Iraqi shiite population and against our troops. We actually made a deal with them to give them guns and money on their promise that they would use them against AQI and not against us.
of course we have! we negotiated with Iraqi sunni warlords who had been engaged in terrorism against the Iraqi shiite population and against our troops. We actually made a deal with them to give them guns and money on their promise that they would use them against AQI and not against us.
