Obama, Next To Be Arrested


When can we expect Obama to be hauled off in chains. You cannot tell me he was not in on it. They are all crooks, just look at his buddy Jesse Jackson Jr., another fucking liar and cheat, just like his old man that fucking piece of shit.

When is Obama going to come clean and admit his involvement, the smell of corruption surrounds him. You got Tony Rezko working with the feds and now they will have Blagojevich, and that little turd is going to squeal like a fucking pig to get out of prison.
the sharks are circling, but so far none of bho's blood is int the water

not that you could tell by listening to the 'liberal' media that seen to be unable to report on the scandal without mentioning both the governor's name and bho's name in the same sentence...
The only way something legal is going to happen to BHO is for the republicans to get majorities in the house and senate in the next election cycle. With the AG firmly in control from BHO, Fitzpatrick is not going anywhere with an investigation that even remotely smells of Obama not would a dem majority dare breathe the word impeachment.

The best thing to happen to Obama was getting elected. He's safe for a few years anyway.
Obama is a fool for pandering to people who are always going to hate him no matter what he does.

At the rate he's gong, he'll soon have nobody watching his back.

... and that would be a good thing.

Drinking the Obamade
I was just thinking about that last night. It would be very hard to be a boyscout and make it in politics in that cesspool of corruption in Illinois.
I was just thinking about that last night. It would be very hard to be a boyscout and make it in politics in that cesspool of corruption in Illinois.

Can someone generate a list of states that it is OK to live in if you want to run for President? Apparently, if you move to Chicago, marry a woman from Chicago and want to go into politics you have to move out of state if you have presidential aspirations because otherwise you are viewed as corrupt by virtue of going into politics where you and your family live.

It's very strange.
Can someone generate a list of states that it is OK to live in if you want to run for President? Apparently, if you move to Chicago, marry a woman from Chicago and want to go into politics you have to move out of state if you have presidential aspirations because otherwise you are viewed as corrupt by virtue of going into politics where you and your family live.

It's very strange.

Every politician has ethical choices to make and most will have to do things that would raise ethical questions in order to move up in politics. Obamas not even president yet and hes connected to business criminals in land deals, anti American ministers, and a governor who charges pay to play. Thats a pretty thick forest hes coming out of.

On a side note
Seems Illinois may be even worse then MA in terms of corruption.
Every politician has ethical choices to make and most will have to do things that would raise ethical questions in order to move up in politics. Obamas not even president yet and hes connected to business criminals in land deals, anti American ministers, and a governor who charges pay to play. Thats a pretty thick forest hes coming out of.

On a side note
Seems Illinois may be even worse then MA in terms of corruption.

Then say that you think he is corrupt because he is connected to Rezko, Wright and Blagojevich rather than suggesting he can't be a "boyscout" because he's from Chicago.
Then say that you think he is corrupt because he is connected to Rezko, Wright and Blagojevich rather than suggesting he can't be a "boyscout" because he's from Chicago.

The two go hand in hand. I still have faith that even if he had to chew his way to the top with questionable ethics that he will do the right thing now as president. LAST thing we need right now is to have a Nixon type scandal.
Can someone generate a list of states that it is OK to live in if you want to run for President? Apparently, if you move to Chicago, marry a woman from Chicago and want to go into politics you have to move out of state if you have presidential aspirations because otherwise you are viewed as corrupt by virtue of going into politics where you and your family live.

It's very strange.

I am hoping and praying that he isn't implicated or involved and honestly, I don't believe he is. I didn't vote for the man but I really have believed and continue to believe he is a pretty good person as far as people go. Giving people the benefit of the doubt is one of my faults.....at least according to my wife. Anyway, it would be the last thing our country needs for him to be involved in this mess.
The two go hand in hand. I still have faith that even if he had to chew his way to the top with questionable ethics that he will do the right thing now as president. LAST thing we need right now is to have a Nixon type scandal.

Where the fuck have you been for the past eight years?

This is ridiculous.
Huh? I'm referring to something coming up where Obama would be impeached or resign. That would crush this country.

you forgot, everything comes back to Bush for Dung. You forgot to castrate Bush in your comments and thus elicited his little tirade.
Ok well bush sucks and is a blood thirsty vampire who has marred us in two wars run our deficit to 10Trillion, ruined our retirement accounts and home values, and made us the laughing stock of the world.. Oh and obama going down in scandal would absolutely destroy this country in its current vulnerable state.
Ok well bush sucks and is a blood thirsty vampire who has marred us in two wars run our deficit to 10Trillion, ruined our retirement accounts and home values, and made us the laughing stock of the world.. Oh and obama going down in scandal would absolutely destroy this country in its current vulnerable state.

much much better. NOW perhaps dung will discuss your actual point.

I seriously doubt he is involved in this scandal at all. But you are correct, should he do something that would get him impeached, this country would fall apart.