Obama, Next To Be Arrested

Its amazing how we will be told for years to come now what we "would" have done if it was Bush in this or that case.

Bush is filthy dirty with all types of scandal and Obama was called a non player by the criminal himself on the tapes yet "you would have" is the new defense when nothing is found wrong.

Your philosophy on how the world works turned 0ut to be wrong guys. Please just face the facts and quit making shit up to suit your world view.
It's quite intriguing and is starting to raise a hell of alot of suspicion that news stories that indicated meetings between the president elect and gov blowhard that were published in Nov are now disappearing and the denials of said meetings feel so 'clintonesque', or even reaganish.

They say where there is smoke, there is usally fire. Could there be something there that incriminates Obama?
It's quite intriguing and is starting to raise a hell of alot of suspicion that news stories that indicated meetings between the president elect and gov blowhard that were published in Nov are now disappearing and the denials of said meetings feel so 'clintonesque', or even reaganish.

They say where there is smoke, there is usally fire. Could there be something there that incriminates Obama?

What indicates that there was a meeting?
What indicates that there was a meeting?

the meeting that maybe was and maybe wasn't

KHQA Renounces Its Nov. 5 Story, But Reported Obama-Blago Meeting as a Fact on Nov. 8

KHQA TV wishes to offer clarification regarding a story that appeared last month on our website ConnectTristates.com. The story, which discussed the appointment of a replacement for President Elect Obama in the U.S. Senate, became the subject of much discussion on talk radio and on blog sites Wednesday.

The story housed in our website archive was on the morning of November 5, 2008. It suggested that a meeting was scheduled later that day between President Elect Obama and Illinois Governor Blagojevich. KHQA has no knowledge that any meeting ever took place. Governor Blagojevich did appear at a news conference in Chicago on that date.


Now that Barack Obama will be moving to the White House, his seat in the U.S. Senate representing Illinois will have to be filled.

Obama met with Governor Rod Blagojevich earlier this week to discuss it. Illinois law states that the governor chooses that replacement. There's already been speculation about his selection...from Congressman Jesse Jackson, Junior to Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs Director Tammy Duckworth.

nothing says politics like a little history revisionism
There will be no investigation. They will be to hurried to "investigate" (read: punish) any republican that held office in the past 150 years.

C'mon brother. You're smarter than that.

Democrats are pussies .. they won't be investigating anybody or anything.

Obama is equally a pussy and I'd expect he's investigate a democrat before he would a republican .. in the spirit of bi-partisanship of course .. NOT
I would love to see the looks on you guys faces if it came out that the Obama team is the one who tipped off Fitz to the sell of the seat.

What if it turns out the Obama team was the one who told Fitz that blogo tried to get something from them and that the guy needed arresting?
I would love to see the looks on you guys faces if it came out that the Obama team is the one who tipped off Fitz to the sell of the seat.

What if it turns out the Obama team was the one who told Fitz that blogo tried to get something from them and that the guy needed arresting?

I really hope this turns out to be the case. It would tickle me to death. Right now I see no evidence of wrong-doing on Obama's part.
I would love to see the looks on you guys faces if it came out that the Obama team is the one who tipped off Fitz to the sell of the seat.

What if it turns out the Obama team was the one who told Fitz that blogo tried to get something from them and that the guy needed arresting?

From the original stories, the guy in all of this with the closest apparent ties to Obama IS the one that wore the wire that busted Blago.
From the original stories, the guy in all of this with the closest apparent ties to Obama IS the one that wore the wire that busted Blago.

I wonder how many on the right will give him the credit if Rahm Emmanuel set this up because of what Blog was trying to shake them down for?
I wonder how many on the right will give him the credit if Rahm Emmanuel set this up because of what Blog was trying to shake them down for?

The far right... probably zero.

But we have already seen many conservatives state that they don't think Obama is guilty of any wrong doing in this.

Who knows if Rahm set this up... he is the link between the guy who wore the wire and Obama, could easily be the case. Or it could just be the guy that wore the wire was pissed off on his own. Time will tell. Either way, Obama doesn't seem to have done anything wrong in this.
I am hoping and praying that he isn't implicated or involved and honestly, I don't believe he is. I didn't vote for the man but I really have believed and continue to believe he is a pretty good person as far as people go. Giving people the benefit of the doubt is one of my faults.....at least according to my wife. Anyway, it would be the last thing our country needs for him to be involved in this mess.
Wow, talk about putting your head in the sand.
C'mon brother. You're smarter than that.

Democrats are pussies .. they won't be investigating anybody or anything.

Obama is equally a pussy and I'd expect he's investigate a democrat before he would a republican .. in the spirit of bi-partisanship of course .. NOT
lol. Well, there is that spirit of 'bipartisanship'...
