Obama, Next To Be Arrested

you forgot, everything comes back to Bush for Dung. You forgot to castrate Bush in your comments and thus elicited his little tirade.

Sorry, but hearing a Bush voter comment about how the last thing this country needs is a Nixon-type scandal when speaking about the newly elected Democratic president absent any evidence at all of wrong-doing on his part just makes my blood boil. It's not that he forgot to castrate Bush in his comments, it's that he castrated himself for six of eight years of this failed presidency and ignored the Nixon type scandals when they were actually occurring.
I dont see how you idiots are all over Obama for this...! From what I heard, Obama's campaign contacted the DOJ to tell them this guy was trying to sell a seat...!

Attack Obama because he comes from the same state as a corrupt govenor... But It was okay that Bush was business partners with OBL's brother!
Its just a matter of fact that we are at a breaking point right now and Obama is the glue. Less about attacking Obama more about hoping that hes not connected to any of these scandals out of that state.
Its just a matter of fact that we are at a breaking point right now and Obama is the glue. Less about attacking Obama more about hoping that hes not connected to any of these scandals out of that state.

I also hope he is not, but why would anyone assume he is? Why would that even be a question?
Sorry, but hearing a Bush voter comment about how the last thing this country needs is a Nixon-type scandal when speaking about the newly elected Democratic president absent any evidence at all of wrong-doing on his part just makes my blood boil. It's not that he forgot to castrate Bush in his comments, it's that he castrated himself for six of eight years of this failed presidency and ignored the Nixon type scandals when they were actually occurring.

All of the above has exactly NOTHING to do with his comments. He did not say that Obama was guilty of anything or that Bush has been the bestest of Presidents. He simply stated that IF Obama were to do something that got him impeached this country would implode.

Not to put words in his mouth, but I took his comments to mean that SINCE we are in this mess created by Bush and SINCE Obama has inspired hope in a better future THEN... IF he were to be impeached for something, this country would fall apart.

But you could not see that, because you are a hack and immediately jumped into your 'Bush sucks' mode.
I also hope he is not, but why would anyone assume he is? Why would that even be a question?

I don't think anyone other than the far right nutjobs are assuming he is guilty. If you look at the thread from yesterday, most people stated that they did not beleive Obama played a role in the Blago scandal. But because Obama and Blago had ties in the past, people are going to discuss this issue.
When can we expect Obama to be hauled off in chains. You cannot tell me he was not in on it. They are all crooks, just look at his buddy Jesse Jackson Jr., another fucking liar and cheat, just like his old man that fucking piece of shit.

When is Obama going to come clean and admit his involvement, the smell of corruption surrounds him. You got Tony Rezko working with the feds and now they will have Blagojevich, and that little turd is going to squeal like a fucking pig to get out of prison.

There is one!
Bush and Ossama Bin Ladden had ties in the past, but did anyone discuss that?
Bush and Ossama Bin Ladden had ties in the past, but did anyone discuss that?

Yeppers, we did here. I seem to remember several discussions by many interested parties but again, only the far left was ready to crucify him for it and the far right was ready to give him a pass for it. But it was discussed by several folks in the middle.
something about this that really looks curious is Rahm Emanuels dead silence on the issue.

What did he know and when did he know it?
There will be no investigation. They will be to hurried to "investigate" (read: punish) any republican that held office in the past 150 years.
There will be no investigation. They will be to hurried to "investigate" (read: punish) any republican that held office in the past 150 years.

Who are "they?" And what is there to investigate? And how do you know what they are or are not investigating?
There will be no investigation. They will be to hurried to "investigate" (read: punish) any republican that held office in the past 150 years.

I think thats why the major call for blowguyavitch to resign. I think we're going to see a major implosion of illinois politics. I've always said that place needs an enema.

Just to clarify, i'm not saying that emanuel did anything criminally wrong here, i'm just wondering how much he knew of what was going on.
Yeppers, we did here. I seem to remember several discussions by many interested parties but again, only the far left was ready to crucify him for it and the far right was ready to give him a pass for it. But it was discussed by several folks in the middle.

I am talking about the media. Like the guys who I heard attacking Obama on Fox & friends this morning.
Who are "they?" And what is there to investigate? And how do you know what they are or are not investigating?
It's sarcasm. It points to how much you guys would have already been calling for an investigation if it was Bush rather than Obama.
It's sarcasm. It points to how much you guys would have already been calling for an investigation if it was Bush rather than Obama.

I dont belive so, the only investigation I ever remember was when they outed the undercover CIA agent. There was much much much more to connect the Bush admin to that, than there is showing Obama having any any any tthing to do with this!
I am talking about the media. Like the guys who I heard attacking Obama on Fox & friends this morning.

What in the world are you doing watching Fox and Friends? I know that blonde gal is cute but gee-willakers.......Fox and Friends? Who were they talking to, Michelle Malkin? She would want Obama hung for farting in the White House.
I dont belive so, the only investigation I ever remember was when they outed the undercover CIA agent. There was much much much more to connect the Bush admin to that, than there is showing Obama having any any any tthing to do with this!
It wouldn't have mattered. That is my point. Had this happened in Texas, and it was Bush, you bet we'd have heard about it as if Bush himself told the Governor to do it.
Tom "the hammer" Delay (R) from Suggarland Texas was arrested and indicted and convicted and I never heard a call to investigate the President for his involvement!