Obama, same as Bush

defending warrantless wiretaps and retroactive immunity for telecoms.

This is evil and I am disappointed. I will have to learn more about this.
It's fairly rare that a President will change every single policy from their predecessor. On these, I am definitely disappointed.

However, the thread title is a bit misleading; this certainly does not equate to Obama being the "same as Bush."
It's fairly rare that a President will change every single policy from their predecessor. On these, I am definitely disappointed.

However, the thread title is a bit misleading; this certainly does not equate to Obama being the "same as Bush."

oh no the thread police is here...

if you read the title with the only sentence in the OP it makes more sense:

Obama, same as Bush defending warrantless wiretaps and retroactive immunity for telecoms.

fact is, obama is like bush in so many ways....iraq, same...on and on...
"iraq, same...on and on... "


Yeah, that's a pretty comprehensive list you've got there.

Obama has set forth a budget that is a radical departure from the Bush era on energy, education, healthcare, business development, alternative technology, etc. He is absolutely nothing like Bush.

You guys basically want it both ways; Obama is a socialist, Obama is soft around the world/iron-fisted tyrant domestically, Obama is a radical, we have to take our country back....oh, but did I mention that he's exactly like Bush?
"iraq, same...on and on... "


Yeah, that's a pretty comprehensive list you've got there.

Obama has set forth a budget that is a radical departure from the Bush era on energy, education, healthcare, business development, alternative technology, etc. He is absolutely nothing like Bush.

You guys basically want it both ways; Obama is a socialist, Obama is soft around the world/iron-fisted tyrant domestically, Obama is a radical, we have to take our country back....oh, but did I mention that he's exactly like Bush?

actually, what I said would happen is that there would be no way that Obama would scale back on any powers that the previous administration took or had handed to them. In that respect, he is exactly the same as Bush.
actually, what I said would happen is that there would be no way that Obama would scale back on any powers that the previous administration took or had handed to them. In that respect, he is exactly the same as Bush.

I would disagree w/ that; closing Gitmo, ending secret prisons & switching to the Army field manual for interrogation have definitely been departures in that area...
I would disagree w/ that; closing Gitmo, ending secret prisons & switching to the Army field manual for interrogation have definitely been departures in that area...

and we would know these are really happening, how? Since this administration has taken it upon itself to be almost as secretive as the previous one, how do we know that these claims are really true?
but he is a democrat so most dems will give him a pass and ignore this thread....

Actually, no. It's bullshit and he was criticized for voting in favor of the FISA bill when it passed and will be criticized going forward. Liberals are at least consistent on this. The conservative types that defended Bush and his unitary executive bullshit, on the other hand, should I suppose be praising Obama.
Actually, no. It's bullshit and he was criticized for voting in favor of the FISA bill when it passed and will be criticized going forward. Liberals are at least consistent on this. The conservative types that defended Bush and his unitary executive bullshit, on the other hand, should I suppose be praising Obama.

are you saying that conservatives did not criticize bush?

if i recall, libs were upset at obama, however, they thought the issue small potatoes AFTER obama voted for it...before that, when it was bush, it was like the end of the world, the gestapo was coming...obama does a 180 on the issue and all of a sudden you barely hear a squeak about it. thats a fact.

i agree with you that there are those on both sides who turn a blind eye simply because of partisanship. honestly though, do you recall the media and blogger uproar for years about bush and the wiretapping....now that obama supports it...do you think the furor is the same?
"iraq, same...on and on... "


Yeah, that's a pretty comprehensive list you've got there.

Obama has set forth a budget that is a radical departure from the Bush era on energy, education, healthcare, business development, alternative technology, etc. He is absolutely nothing like Bush.

You guys basically want it both ways; Obama is a socialist, Obama is soft around the world/iron-fisted tyrant domestically, Obama is a radical, we have to take our country back....oh, but did I mention that he's exactly like Bush?

i mentioned the largest issue and you mock it...too funny

obama won based largely on his iraq stance...he beat out hillary primarily because of it...now, he is just like bush. if obama ran on an iraq stance that he is implementing now he would have lost.

to say he is absolutely nothing like bush is simply not true...
i mentioned the largest issue and you mock it...too funny

obama won based largely on his iraq stance...he beat out hillary primarily because of it...now, he is just like bush. if obama ran on an iraq stance that he is implementing now he would have lost.

to say he is absolutely nothing like bush is simply not true...

You mentioned the largest issue? On election day, exit polls showed taht 62% called the economy the largest issue, while only 10% said Iraq.

Obama's Iraq stance hasn't undergone a dramatic change since the campaign; he always said in the campaign that we didn't get into Iraq overnight, and we wouldn't get out overnight. His timeline changed from 16 months to 18 months.

And he did set an end date, something Bush did not do.

Besides, you said "on & on", which was the hilarious part after naming one issue.
You mentioned the largest issue? On election day, exit polls showed taht 62% called the economy the largest issue, while only 10% said Iraq.

Obama's Iraq stance hasn't undergone a dramatic change since the campaign; he always said in the campaign that we didn't get into Iraq overnight, and we wouldn't get out overnight. His timeline changed from 16 months to 18 months.

And he did set an end date, something Bush did not do.

Besides, you said "on & on", which was the hilarious part after naming one issue.

iraq seperated him from hillary...i was referring primarily to hillary...and that was before election day...and exit polls, schmolls...you know iraq was a major issue throughout the campaign, don't try to deny it

are you conveniently forgetting about the 50,000 troops he is leaving behind? that was not in his promise....his end date keeps changing...bush agreed with a drawdown of troops, like obama is doing...see bush didn't need to lie and hype people up regarding a firm withdraw date, obama did because he knew that would win him votes...now he is in office and that date gets moved....that is why bush was honest and did not set a firm date, rather a horizon which matches what obama is doing
"you know iraq was a major issue throughout the campaign, don't try to deny it"

Not in October/Nov. As soon as the market crashed, there was 1 issue for most Americans.