Obama supporters feel betrayed and his support suffers

Democrats Don’t Care about You
by Reza Fiyouzat / July 12th, 2008

Public Service Announcement: You don’t need political analysts; just read the news. Singular lines of news suffice at times. You are now in the post-analytic age.

Here is a one-liner from a Yahoo! News piece on the recent passage of the Snoops-R-Us bill in the Senate: “Obama ended up voting for the final bill, as did Specter.”

That one sentence tells you all you need to know about where Obama and most Democrats stand on the issue of civil liberties and what political leaders are not willing to do to protect those liberties. Now, that should be enough to make you withdraw your support from Obama’s presidency — if, that is, you still have illusions about the Democrats in general, and Barak Obama in this round of Anybody-But-Bush/McCain.

“What?” says you, “And let McCain win the election?”

To that it must be said: What on earth is the difference when the Democratic presidential nominee, during the election campaign, votes in the same way as a right-wing Republican not just on any bill, but on a bill curtailing people’s civil liberties?

Of course, Obama, being a smooth political operator, made a mountain out of his molehill of an ‘opposition’ to the bill, by supporting an amendment to the bill that would have removed the telecom’s immunity, but when the amendment failed, he simply dropped the ball on the whole thing and plainly didn’t care enough to vote No (only symbolically mind you, since its passage was assured tremendously by the rest of the Democratic corporate lackeys masquerading as people’s representatives).

This, in an election year, is highly telling, if not plain astonishing. It is customary for Democratic politicians to pull symbolically left-leaning gestures during the presidential campaign seasons, to prove this or that credential with this or that constituency that has real and therefore left-leaning needs. So, one would have expected Obama to move slightly to the left of the right end of the political spectrum, if only for just a quick photo op.

As the presumptive nominee, he could have rallied all the Democrats into a cohesive voting block to stop this further erosion of people’s civil liberties; he would have raised his political capital by millions. One would have expected fiery speeches in support of a change from the totalitarian path set by the Bush administration to a situation where people’s rights were restored, secured and hopefully expanded. Instead, this Democratic candidate has been proving his right-wing credentials one after another.

-- more at link
This is the stupidist shit I have ever heard. Do you really think that McCain's judicial nominees will look like Obama's? Do you really think McCain's Justice Department will look the same as Obama's? There has been almost no movement inside the DOJ's Civil Right's division in 8 fucking years. This is genius, if he won't goosestep with the left now they are not going to vote. They play this BULLSHIT McCain and Obama are the same card. Vote for Nadar lefties. It is your vote. Then enjoy living for the next four years with a right wing administration. Because as has been pointed out, McCain has voted 100% with Bush this session and has a lifetime conservative rating of 88%. Yup you are right, McCain and Obama will look just a like.
McCain and Obama are the same card ?
I told yall that the righties were trying to make Obama out to be Bush 2.
that's funny blackpanther calls my mom at ho and the turbo libs are attacking me.
Blackpanter that piece of shit asscociates degree you got doesn't qualify as and education dust like Dhula's doesn't
Seriously. It used to be fun and games but now he's taking a CK turn. A little bizarre. Maybe he lost his shoe lifts. Or just one of them. that would make me cranky too.

you start this kind of shit and then cry like the uneducated tramp that you are when it comes back atcha:cof1:
Anyone not amused by a blackpanther and a GED needs a funnybone transplant.

This was the first cheap shot taken in this tread.

So Tops, you can't say that someone else started the shit. If you take cheap shots at someone, and they take them back, people will usually give grief to the one who started it.
your the cheap shot police, bac and dhula have been cheapshotting me for weeks.

I didn't say I was the cheap shot police. Just pointing out WHY "that's funny blackpanther calls my mom at ho and the turbo libs are attacking me.".
you start this kind of shit and then cry like the uneducated tramp that you are when it comes back atcha:cof1:

Why do you always get everyone on this board confused with your mom?

Anyway, short man, how's the weather down at 4'9"?
I like watching Toppy spew out mis-spelled insults, a number of them revolving around the subject of education. Itts varie funee tu cee!!! :cool:
The American People are not to blame. It's people manipulating them that are to blame. We have no real choice by the time candidats are chosen by the worldly power brokers at the tops of corporations and governments. The people are not even represented by this Representative democracy at all, candidates can do what they want.

We need real populist referendums on all major issues. Or just plain anarchy.

We definitely need to weaken the totalitarian military industrial complex by getting off fiat currency, too.
No, Ass, the American people are to blame for being dumbasses. If they are being manipulated, its within a legitimate political process, and only because they are too stupid to respond differently.