Obama-the gretaest Prez ever?

so far its true, he has made less mistakes than any president ever, thus far.
You know, it is almost scary the degree to which some are all but worshiping Obama.

Not even the most die hard neo-con republican fools were as far up Bush's ass.
You know, it is almost scary the degree to which some are all but worshiping Obama.

Not even the most die hard neo-con republican fools were as far up Bush's ass.

there does seem to be a degree of the Obama walking on water mindset but in Democrats defense they have been out of the Presidency for eight years so its understandable people would be excited less than a week after winning back office.

If you see some of the same things being written today being written into next year then yeah there would be some issues. For now though they have earned the right to celebrate and enjoy, imo.
there does seem to be a degree of the Obama walking on water mindset but in Democrats defense they have been out of the Presidency for eight years so its understandable people would be excited less than a week after winning back office.

If you see some of the same things being written today being written into next year then yeah there would be some issues. For now though they have earned the right to celebrate and enjoy, imo.
Your defense of the democrats does not hold water. When GW was elected, republicans had been out of the presidency for 8 years but we didn't see anywhere near this degree of outright worship. In fact the neo-con bushites really didn't come screebling out of the walls in force until Bush came under attack.

When Clinton was elected democrats had been out of the presidency for 12 years, and he did not get this kind of mindless adoration.

Now I am not saying Obama will not be a great president. I have my doubts based on the historical results of many of his ideas, but he could be a great leader and modify or even abandon his ideas when they start going south. Time will tell, and only time will tell.

But to proclaim him among the greatest before he's even inaugurated goes way to the extreme.
Your defense of the democrats does not hold water. When GW was elected, republicans had been out of the presidency for 8 years but we didn't see anywhere near this degree of outright worship. In fact the neo-con bushites really didn't come screebling out of the walls in force until Bush came under attack.

When Clinton was elected democrats had been out of the presidency for 12 years, and he did not get this kind of mindless adoration.

Now I am not saying Obama will not be a great president. I have my doubts based on the historical results of many of his ideas, but he could be a great leader and modify or even abandon his ideas when they start going south. Time will tell, and only time will tell.

But to proclaim him among the greatest before he's even inaugurated goes way to the extreme.

The excitement I still feel is justified but I won't disagree that there has been some over the top hyperbole about Obama.
BTW: to be a great president takes more than simply making zero mistakes.
I was going to say, to make no mistakes he would have to do basically nothing. Anyone who tried something will from time to time fail. The mark of a great leader is how he overcomes his failures, not that he makes no mistakes.
Your defense of the democrats does not hold water. When GW was elected, republicans had been out of the presidency for 8 years but we didn't see anywhere near this degree of outright worship. In fact the neo-con bushites really didn't come screebling out of the walls in force until Bush came under attack.

When Clinton was elected democrats had been out of the presidency for 12 years, and he did not get this kind of mindless adoration.

Now I am not saying Obama will not be a great president. I have my doubts based on the historical results of many of his ideas, but he could be a great leader and modify or even abandon his ideas when they start going south. Time will tell, and only time will tell.

But to proclaim him among the greatest before he's even inaugurated goes way to the extreme.
While I continue to agree with you that it is too soon to call him good great or bad, the reason there was no celebration like this when Bush won in 2000 is because more of us voted against him.
While I continue to agree with you that it is too soon to call him good great or bad, the reason there was no celebration like this when Bush won in 2000 is because more of us voted against him.
The relative percentages hardly account for the degree of mania out there, and you know it.

Nor do you account for the lack of equal celebration when Clinton won after 12 years of republican WH.
The relative percentages hardly account for the degree of mania out there, and you know it.

Nor do you account for the lack of equal celebration when Clinton won after 12 years of republican WH.
We have had two terms of arguably the worst president in history. He got us into a war that we didn't have to be in and ignored the place we should have been in. He oversaw a justice department that wrote a memo saying that conduct we executed Japanese Soldiers for in 1945 was now perfectly fine if conducted in the name of the United States. He was commander in chief of one of the most over extended armies in modern history. He signed into law a listening program that now is known the world over for listening in on private intimate conversations of soldiers in the field. If this guy had been a democrat the conservatives in this country would have shit down both legs, but since he was one of them they purposely turned a blind eye. He had the lowest approval rating of ANY PRESIDENT since we started assessing approval ratings. The celebration is because we are now 73 days away from purging this neophyte from our national stage. After 12 years of Republican rule in 1992 this country was still better off than it is now. George W Bush is not qualified to clean his fathers jock strap by hand. Good riddence to bad garbage.
He could be the greatest president ever.

Hell, GWB could've been the greatest president ever at the beginning of his term. We don't know.
Yes there was Bush worship going on but only by fools and or neocons.

What is going on for Obama is not whorship.

The reality is we have finnally hired for the position the Very top level intellect along with a man who has the Perfect temperment for the job.

This is the source of hope you are so scornful of.

We will have the top experts of the day looking at our problems, the very brightest and best.

No more neocon litmus test or the how far up Bush's butt measure but real experty oppinions and ideas.

The man is accrossed the board recognised a a fucking genious.

You gave us twice a fucking idiot and then crooned about how sexy he was in jeans.
Yes there was Bush worship going on but only by fools and or neocons.

What is going on for Obama is not whorship.

The reality is we have finnally hired for the position the Very top level intellect along with a man who has the Perfect temperment for the job.

This is the source of hope you are so scornful of.

We will have the top experts of the day looking at our problems, the very brightest and best.

No more neocon litmus test or the how far up Bush's butt measure but real experty oppinions and ideas.

The man is accrossed the board recognised a a fucking genious.

You gave us twice a fucking idiot and then crooned about how sexy he was in jeans.

I understand why you wanted to answer but you basically just reconfirmed his point about Obama damn near walking on water already.

And Desh most people didn't even know the term 'neo-con' back in 2000 so it makes hard to say neo-cons were all up on Bush before he took office.
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I dont believe in gods you fool.

I believe in people using their heads instead.

You and your party like stupid people so the Corprate whores can manipulate them.

He is not a god, He is a very bright and capable man who can keep his head.

It beats the hell out of a cowboy who says "Awwhhh shucks" and "Bring it ON" and then destroys our country.
I dont believe in gods you fool.

I believe in people using their heads instead.

You and your party like stupid people so the Corprate whores can manipulate them.

He is not a god, He is a very bright and capable man who can keep his head.

It beats the hell out of a cowboy who says "Awwhhh shucks" and "Bring it ON" and then destroys our country.

You keep using W. to justify this Obama worship. Hey you are free to support him to any level you like. It seems you are sensitive and defensive when called out for the love you have shown. And 'corporate whores' has nothing to do with it and is a poor attempt at a distraction.
Its not distraction you fool.

Its why people like Obama.

Now you see when you call it worship for your OWN little world view it doesnt make it true.

The American public have HOPE that Obama is actually going to represent them and their needs and dreams here in this coutnry for a change.

Its HOPE you are seeing, I know you hate to see your fellow Americans have hope but please dont let that make you think its OK to lie about what HOPE is.
Its not distraction you fool.

Its why people like Obama.

Now you see when you call it worship for your OWN little world view it doesnt make it true.

The American public have HOPE that Obama is actually going to represent them and their needs and dreams here in this coutnry for a change.

Its HOPE you are seeing, I know you hate to see your fellow Americans have hope but please dont let that make you think its OK to lie about what HOPE is.

Well if you read the earlier post in the thread you would have seen that I stood up for that. But when you say 'Obama will be one of the greats' that is more than just hope you are making what they said on this thread correct and that is damn near worship status which is above hope.

And Desh the fact that while discussing this you must refer to others as 'fools' just reinforces the hero worship.