Obama-the gretaest Prez ever?

And why were the cops harassing him in the first place? Because he was wearing a McCain shirt in a crown of Obama supporters. But that is not allowed, is it? Must goose step with the liberal majority because anything else is a threat; intended to provoke.

Had the incident and arrest involved a person wearing an Obama shirt at A McCain rally you fucks would be all over how conservatives repress freedom of expression.

You fascists make Bush look like an anarchist.

Uh, people get arrested or kicked out all the time at Bush rallies for wearing pins or shirts and you have never said a word about it.

On second thought, this guy wasn't arrested at all. He was told to go away.
Wow, uscitizen. Talk about bath water drinking... Seriously. I have seen people up in arms for the exact opposite. It's hypocrisy in the extreme to pretend the dude saying he just wanted to go back to his car is enough to warrant an arrest.
Uh, people get arrested or kicked out all the time at Bush rallies for wearing pins or shirts and you have never said a word about it.

On second thought, this guy wasn't arrested at all. He was told to go away.
But I have Mr. Hacktacularly Hypocritical. When are you planning on the change of name? Suck up that bathwater it's full of "hope".
Perhaps this was a private party. Police usually don't show up randomly to impromptu parties and just hang out waiting to push around McCain supporters.
Perhaps this was a private party. Police usually don't show up randomly to impromptu parties and just hang out waiting to push around McCain supporters.
The streets of Chicago are not a "private party". Perhaps you are desperately seeking any excuse to pretend you aren't playing the part of Huge Hypocrite Number One in this play.

Don't even play the "they do it too" excuse, it's rubbish as an excuse and a confession at the same time.

Either that or cease any and all objection to those you think are "Kool-Ade" drinkers...
There was a Nazi rally just yesterday in the state capital. The police didn't allow anyone to step into the street except the Nazis. Those who did were promptly arrested.

Police have rules for demonstrations. Also, when someone takes over a park for a political event, they often determine who to allow in and what to allow in.

When Obama came to my town a while back, they didn't allow any signs at all in the park. If you wanted a sign, they gave you one to hold. You weren't allowed to wear an Obama pin or a McCain shirt.

Assuming this guy was kicked out because he was wearing a McCain shirt ignores the fact that he was wearing a political shirt at all. A guy in an Obama shirt might just as well have been kicked out, as they would have been in my town several weeks ago. I'm sure the police were enforcing a "no outside signs" restriction and not a "no mccain supporter" restriction.
You will make any damned excuse you can, won't you? If you'd actually WATCHED the video, you'd see the guy was TRYING to get out of there. MULTIPLE times he pointed out where his car was, but every time he tried to head that direction the police pushed him the opposite direction. Additionally, when the camera swings to the crowd, there are several Obama signs being carried. Are you going to claim it is OK to carry a sign, but not wear one?

In short your excuses are completely full of shit. And you know they are full of shit. But since Obama, The Great One can not possibly do wrong, then nothing his followers do can be wrong either.

You assholes are WORSE than Bush & Co. ever dreamed of being. The last 8 years you've been whining about how the Bush admin is tramping on freedoms. You were all up in arms when Cindy was arrested in the halls of congress for wearing a sloganed t-shirt, even knowing that there has been a law against that for 40 years. Yet within HOURS of gaining the seat of power, you're all about "fairness doctrine", removing the 2nd Amendment, and arresting people with the wrong shirt. Not only are you a bunch of fascist fucks, you are hypocritical fascist fucks.
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President Obama is the most popular ever, he should be on the dollar bills and Mount Rushmore
He was pointing in the direction of the party, dumbass. What are the cops supposed to do?

This just as easily could have been a guy in an Obama shirt.
He was pointing in the direction of the party, dumbass. What are the cops supposed to do?

This just as easily could have been a guy in an Obama shirt.
Listen, they should listen. He was clearly no threat to them, made no hostile moves towards them. He was saying he needs to go to his car, it was clear. If I could see what he was saying the cops could hear it. Crap they tell him to leave, he says his car is the other way and tries to do what they were saying.

If this was some dude in an Obama shirt at a McCain rally y'all would be on it like white on rice.

Hypocrisy, like liberty, is completely lost on the liberal democrat of today. They purposely practice the former while trying their best to squash the latter. The combination of unbound egoism and lemming behavior leads to an attitude that only they know "truth" (AFTER it is spoon fed them by their leaders.)