Obama the nominee, and he only had to disenfranchise millions in two states!

oh come one now take the one comment I made in jest and run with it... Still quite the show. And the Democrat will be chosen by some elite 'super delegate' not the votes, disenfranchising two swing states or not, great idea of Democracy you folks have.

The nominee has already been decided by the votes, your supreme hackishness....
I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I think it's hormonal. Sorry. I will try and keep my inappropriate talk to bashing old people and talking about murdering conservatives. Its more on topic.
Don't apologize. JPP could use more sexual imagery. And you can write so it might actually be arousing.
I never thought I would root for the Hill.....But I hope she goes all the way to the convention...

go Hill go..:cheer:
I never thought I would root for the Hill.....But I hope she goes all the way to the convention...

go Hill go..:cheer:

Careful what you wish for.

Either Democrat will likely bury McCain. The only silver lining for me - and I mean the ONLY - if Hillary somehow pulled it out would be imagining Rush & the dittoheads feelings about 8 more years of the Clintons in the White House.
It wont matter McSame will still lose the general election.

It must be sad to know that the majority of your fellow citizens have so turned against you and everything you stand for, that you have to pray for someone else to self-destruct in order to have some slim-chance.
I never thought I would root for the Hill.....But I hope she goes all the way to the convention...

go Hill go..:cheer:

This is just sad.

Republicans started a war that wasn't neccessary, and nominated a geriatric fossil they hate, and the best they can hope for is for riots and chaos at the Dem convention

The GOP is really a bankrupt, and ideologically depleted party if your cheerleading pom poms are out for this crap.
The recreate '68 group will be upset.

Also those people in Florida all mad because they have no delegates who plan on "going to Denver and taking over the streets and creating havoc"...

I plan on setting up a nice blanket and just watching.

It is going to be interesting to watch... especially if Hillary continues to refuse to accept that she lost.
No, it is human to take interest in the self-destruction of Hillary though. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

yeah kinda reminds me of the bush bus heading towards the precipice for the last few years.

Fun to watch if it did not effect all of us somewhat.
This is just sad.

Republicans started a war that wasn't neccessary, and nominated a geriatric fossil they hate, and the best they can hope for is for riots and chaos at the Dem convention

The GOP is really a bankrupt, and ideologically depleted party if your cheerleading pom poms are out for this crap.

Oh the drama..

You might want to worry about your party right now..:)
Look into it, it was the Republican state legislature and the Republican governor who disinfranchised voters in FLORIDA... But you will say anything to ding a Democrat, wont you!
Look into it, it was the Republican state legislature and the Republican governor who disinfranchised voters in FLORIDA... But you will say anything to ding a Democrat, wont you!
They did nothing, nor could, to move the Florida Primary to a new date. Only your own party could do that, and only they could choose not to seat delegates at the convention.
So much wishful thinking. Can't blame you; prospects for McCain & the GOP in the Senate are BLEAK.

Here is the likely reality: Hillary concedes in June, gives a speech praising Obama at the convention, Obama gives the acceptance speech to end all acceptance speeches & walks out of the convention with a 17 point lead in the polls.

No riot in sight...

I agree that is still the most likely senario... Except maybe the part about the 17 point lead. I hope so, but its unlikely.

Boy will the cons be disapointed at the lack of riots.
oh come one now take the one comment I made in jest and run with it... Still quite the show. And the Democrat will be chosen by some elite 'super delegate' not the votes, disenfranchising two swing states or not, great idea of Democracy you folks have.

Like when the R's stopped the vote counting in Florida?