Obama the nominee, and he only had to disenfranchise millions in two states!

Like when the R's stopped the vote counting in Florida?

You mean when the Democrats tried once again to change the rules after an election...

And how many times do you have to hear you lost before it sets in. You can thank Howard Dean and all his wisdom for the mess you all find yourselves in, I swear sometimes I think he's a Republican in disguise.
They did nothing, nor could, to move the Florida Primary to a new date. Only your own party could do that, and only they could choose not to seat delegates at the convention.

Ohhh Contrare... the Florida legislature, run by Republicans, changed the date. I agree the party is partly to blame as they decided on the punishment for the new date. The Republicans in our congress and our Republican governor knew the democrats were saying tehy would not seat the delegates if the primary was moved, they moved it anyway!
You mean when the Democrats tried once again to change the rules after an election...

And how many times do you have to hear you lost before it sets in. You can thank Howard Dean and all his wisdom for the mess you all find yourselves in, I swear sometimes I think he's a Republican in disguise.

No changes in the rules. The rules were... you count the votes. The Republicans changed that rule and the rule became you only count some of the votes. Gore would have won Florida and our long national nightmare would not have occured.
No changes in the rules. The rules were... you count the votes. The Republicans changed that rule and the rule became you only count some of the votes. Gore would have won Florida and our long national nightmare would not have occured.

you have no idea what happened in Florida do you?
I never thought I would root for the Hill.....But I hope she goes all the way to the convention...

go Hill go..:cheer:

I really have no dog in this fight, I just think that Howard Dean and the DNC have really messed this up for the Democrats. That's what they get though for giving him the chairmanship of the DNC.

Oh noze!!!!! This can't be!!!! After taking a beating for a month, he's down by a whole point? What can Obama do?!!! Way too much to overcome...

Man, I think even you have to know it this time around, WRL. Your boy is toast; burnt, smokin' toast. Your whole party is.

It's back to square one, and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving group of hacks.
Oh noze!!!!! This can't be!!!! After taking a beating for a month, he's down by a whole point? What can Obama do?!!! Way too much to overcome...

Man, I think even you have to know it this time around, WRL. Your boy is toast; burnt, smokin' toast. Your whole party is.

It's back to square one, and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving group of hacks.

McCain's putting lots of good states in play. Toast... the American people don't want a Democrat Congress rubber stamped by a Democrat President. McCain adds balance to the Government, and balance with a record of working across the isle, to get things done. Right now is the time for a leader who can cut through the partisan bitterness, and get things done. Right now we face many challenges.
McCain's putting lots of good states in play. Toast... the American people don't want a Democrat Congress rubber stamped by a Democrat President. McCain adds balance to the Government, and balance with a record of working across the isle, to get things done. Right now is the time for a leader who can cut through the partisan bitterness, and get things done. Right now we face many challenges.


Yeah, well whatever it takes you to get through the night.

I'll talk to you later in the summer. For now, I'm busy enjoying the beginnings of the historic loss your party is taking. Seat by seat. District by district. State by state.
McCain's putting lots of good states in play. Toast... the American people don't want a Democrat Congress rubber stamped by a Democrat President. McCain adds balance to the Government, and balance with a record of working across the isle, to get things done. Right now is the time for a leader who can cut through the partisan bitterness, and get things done. Right now we face many challenges.

Jesus F-christ, is this for real?
McCain's putting lots of good states in play. Toast... the American people don't want a Democrat Congress rubber stamped by a Democrat President. McCain adds balance to the Government, and balance with a record of working across the isle, to get things done. Right now is the time for a leader who can cut through the partisan bitterness, and get things done. Right now we face many challenges.

We agree, totally, on that last part - we face bigger challenges than we have in decades, because Bush & the Republicans choked. You think Americans are ready to reward that?

Frankly, I was worried after the past month, because of all the BS about Wright & race & Democrats destroying each other. Then, I saw 3 national polls on Friday, where Obama was ahead of McCain by anywhere from 2-6 points. After the beating he has taken, combined with McCain's relative free ride, this told me that most Americans realize what's going on this time (finally), and they are not going to let the stupid BS distract them this time around. McCain is going to get absolutely trounced.
Hes right though the American people want a DemoctIC congress and a DemocratiIC presidetn not democrat ones.
Personally I like a Democratic president and a Republican Congress.

Divided government curbs excess. That's an academically accepted tenet.

It restricts the responsible party model by limiting parties in their ability to enact the platforms they ran on, but more importantly it curbs waste, fraud, and excess brought on by one party domination.
Personally I like a Democratic president and a Republican Congress.

Divided government curbs excess. That's an academically accepted tenet.

It restricts the responsible party model by limiting parties in their ability to enact the platforms they ran on, but more importantly it curbs waste, fraud, and excess brought on by one party domination.

I'm not crazy about one-party government. The dems are as likely as the r's to become corrupt if they are unchecked for too long.

However, we are at a unique moment. We have real problems such as the Iraq war, and out of control debt, and global warming, coupled with a corrupted R ideology.

I feel strongly that we are going to need one party govt to begin to dig us out of the hole one party govt has put us into. A divided govt tends to move more slowly and often gets little done. This can, at times, be a good thing.

Now is not that time.

So, though I fully expect R's and libertarians to disagree, full speed ahead, and right over them.
I'm not crazy about one-party government. The dems are as likely as the r's to become corrupt if they are unchecked for too long.

However, we are at a unique moment. We have real problems such as the Iraq war, and out of control debt, and global warming, coupled with a corrupted R ideology.

I feel strongly that we are going to need one party govt to begin to dig us out of the hole one party govt has put us into. A divided govt tends to move more slowly and often gets little done. This can, at times, be a good thing.

Now is not that time.

So, though I fully expect R's and libertarians to disagree, full speed ahead, and right over them.

Well you're not going to have much of a majority anyway, when you count the Blue Dogs, so I'm not really too worried. Most of the more distasteful parts of the platform won't make it through.

The Republicans had a dangerous majority from 2002-2006 though. I don't think one party should ever have that much control again.