Obama to Plumber: My plan is to spread the wealth around


New member
Must be part of his plan to get those uber-rich plumbers. I can't believe any middle class or working class voter would actually believe he won't raise their taxes.

"Barack Obama told a tax-burdened plumber over the weekend that his economic philosophy is to "spread the wealth around" -- a comment that may only draw fire from riled-up John McCain supporters who have taken to calling Obama a "socialist" at the Republican's rallies.

Obama made the remark, caught on camera, after fielding some tough questions from the plumber Sunday in Ohio, where the Democratic candidate canvassed neighborhoods and encouraged residents to vote early.

"Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed "more and more for fulfilling the American dream."

"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

Maybe he can consult with Hugo Chavez and other Socialists on how best to go about that.
This has already been posted about 3 times, and it's getting way too much play for a casual use of words. It's no different from conservatives arguing for "trickle down," and explaining how money from the top will find it's way to the lower income groups. He's talking about it in reverse, but in context, it's ridiculous to assert that his plans amount to a redistribution of wealth, or anything socialistic.
Dano, did you post this thread because you had heard me mention that I was looking for a good plumber?
This was a really really stupid political move, and the fact that you liberals don't see it as such is equally alarming.

Seriously for people like me who are biting the bullet to vote for him as it is and are tenaciously defending him against accusations of socialism, this really leaves us out in the cold looking stupid.

If this kind of language gets play he will lose votes. Simple as that.
"This was a really really stupid political move, and the fact that you liberals don't see it as such is equally alarming."

You're overreacting. It wasn't a "move." It was a way he phrased a spontaneous reply. I would agree the use of words is unfortunate & gives his adversaries ammo - kind of like "global test" in '04 - but in order to do so, they have to take them out of context, and mischaracterize his economic philosophy & plans.
This has already been posted about 3 times, and it's getting way too much play for a casual use of words. It's no different from conservatives arguing for "trickle down," and explaining how money from the top will find it's way to the lower income groups. He's talking about it in reverse, but in context, it's ridiculous to assert that his plans amount to a redistribution of wealth, or anything socialistic.
Sorry, I hadn't realized it was already posted, I don't spend as much time here now going through everything, so this happens.

Ib1 made the same point, but it's important to note he was saying that in response to the plumber saying "will you tax me more"? If I was that plumber, then I walk away realizing that yes he will.
Jackass, you started the bush bluejeans stuff.

No that was Dixie. Seriously dude you are senile, 2 thirds of the time you realize you are talking to me and the other third you think I am Dixie. I know you will say your usual "Oh you 2 both sound the same" but sorry no we don't and no other lefty makes this mistake...over and over and over.
"This was a really really stupid political move, and the fact that you liberals don't see it as such is equally alarming."

You're overreacting. It wasn't a "move." It was a way he phrased a spontaneous reply. I would agree the use of words is unfortunate & gives his adversaries ammo - kind of like "global test" in '04 - but in order to do so, they have to take them out of context, and mischaracterize his economic philosophy & plans.

Okay, it was a foolish gaffe then. Just from what I've seen today though, it seems to be energizing the right. Obama better hope that he either explains himself well or that these comments don't get more play. I could not imagine a more foolish time for these comments.
No that was Dixie. Seriously dude you are senile, 2 thirds of the time you realize you are talking to me and the other third you think I am Dixie. I know you will say your usual "Oh you 2 both sound the same" but sorry no we don't and no other lefty makes this mistake...over and over and over.

Ohh Yeah, sorry sincere apologies. Hard to tell jackasses apart.
Okay, it was a foolish gaffe then. Just from what I've seen today though, it seems to be energizing the right. Obama better hope that he either explains himself well or that these comments don't get more play. I could not imagine a more foolish time for these comments.

I'm sure McCain will use it tomorrow. It would probably be good if he did, because it would give Obama a chance to explain what he meant.
"This was a really really stupid political move, and the fact that you liberals don't see it as such is equally alarming."

You're overreacting. It wasn't a "move." It was a way he phrased a spontaneous reply. I would agree the use of words is unfortunate & gives his adversaries ammo - kind of like "global test" in '04 - but in order to do so, they have to take them out of context, and mischaracterize his economic philosophy & plans.

But they are not out of context, he was replying to the plumber on his question of more taxation. That was his answer to the plumber. What would you walk away thinking?