Obama Understands that there can be Backlash...

Where's the news?

Obama is scared of everything and anything the republicans might say.


But in this case he is correct. Going after the kid of a politician as the far left bloggers did is NOT going to do him any good. Kids are off limits. The spouses are as well (provided they are not out campaigning)

But in this case he is correct. Going after the kid of a politician as the far left bloggers did is NOT going to do him any good. Kids are off limits. The spouses are as well (provided they are not out campaigning)

Doesn't change the fact the Mr. Scaryman is afraid of shadows that lean to the right.

But in this case he is correct. Going after the kid of a politician as the far left bloggers did is NOT going to do him any good. Kids are off limits. The spouses are as well (provided they are not out campaigning)

Again, I guess I have to inform you that, the rumors that Sarah Palin did not give birth to that child started in Alaska, and began because when she announced she was pregnant at 7 months, her office was stunned and so was everyone the Anchorage daily news called for comment, because Sarah Palin “simply does not look pregnant’. When she then claimed to have had her water break in texas, gave a speech anyway, took two commercial flights back to Alaska, and then drove 50 minutes from Anchorage where there is a large hospital, in order to give birth in Wasilla, AND her teenaged daughter had been pulled out of her school…it caused a lot of talk.

It had nothing to do with far left blogs, they simply posted info that was ALREADY AVAILABLE. That McCain didn’t know about it, is because his vetting team arrived in Alaska the evening before he announced Palin was his pick. Normally, a candidate is vetted BEFOREhand, not afterwards.

You’re such a sissy SF. You hacked up Hillary Clinton anytime you wanted to, but now you have yourself an incompetent, unqualified, uncredentialed, fraud with a family out of Hee haw, and all of a sudden everyone is a sexist and “going after her children”.
Give it up, you will look even more the fool as this whole thing plays out.
Doesn't change the fact the Mr. Scaryman is afraid of shadows that lean to the right.

He’s being very classy about it, just as he should be. Let her be hacked to pieces by others. He should stay above it. He’s playing this just right.

He scared McCain so shitless with his convention speech, that McCain made this pick.

Why dont' you give him some credit at least? I mean, give it a rest bac, you are way overboard with the obama bashing. He literally made the McCain camp shit their pants and forced them into a panic pick, which we are now enjoying the fruits of.
Of course they won't listen. It has been stated quite clearly before that it is appropriate political strategy for the politician to take the high road while the followers gleefully wallow in the mud like the mindless pigs they are.

Yes. That's called the Bush/Rove strategy, and I see that all of the former pigs are the ones squealing the loudest now. :clink:
He’s being very classy about it, just as he should be. Let her be hacked to pieces by others. He should stay above it. He’s playing this just right.

He scared McCain so shitless with his convention speech, that McCain made this pick.

Why dont' you give him some credit at least? I mean, give it a rest bac, you are way overboard with the obama bashing. He literally made the McCain camp shit their pants and forced them into a panic pick, which we are now enjoying the fruits of.

True dat.

BAC, you're going too far w/ this. What response from Obama would have been appropriate for you? What could he have said to not be "scared"...should he have piled on?

As Darla said, his response was pretty perfect; let everyone else get dirty on this.

At first, given the fact that the last two republican's nominee's spouses had way more dirt than this (Laura Bush killed a kid and Cindy McSame is a thieving pill popping junkie) plus the fact that she's just a kid, I was willing to ignore it and say that its off limits.

But fuck that. This woman and the republican party in general preach family values and abstinence like its the way to prevent teen pregancy, and here we have the daughter of one of these fuckwits knocked up and pregnant? Hello......earth to the US, their methods don't work.

Secondly, I wonder if her daughter even had a choice in terminating the pregnancy or did she have to carry to term b/c of her mother?
True dat.

BAC, you're going too far w/ this. What response from Obama would have been appropriate for you? What could he have said to not be "scared"...should he have piled on?

As Darla said, his response was pretty perfect; let everyone else get dirty on this.

Maybe he should have released a statement calling the 17 year old girl a whore! Personally, it’s about Palin, and even more so, about McCain’s judgement in picking her. Frankly, I would not have accepted if my daughter was in that situation, because I think the resulting publicity, which is unavoidable, could destroy her. To be clear, I don’t believe a father should accept under those circumstances either. But, regardless, no one should be going after the child, period. And I have seen NO ONE call that child any names, or imply anything about her activities, which I for one, believe are perfectly normal anyway. Though of course, I would have had her on birth control.
True dat.

BAC, you're going too far w/ this. What response from Obama would have been appropriate for you? What could he have said to not be "scared"...should he have piled on?

As Darla said, his response was pretty perfect; let everyone else get dirty on this.

I think he could have at least mentioned the fact that abstinence only programs aren't effective. Even when the most ardent of supporters are the parents.

This sums it up nicely:


Palin, a strong advocate of abstinence-only sex education, didn't address the fact that the just-say-no method of birth control obviously failed for Bristol - the way, studies show, it fails so many teens.
Maybe he should have released a statement calling the 17 year old girl a whore! Personally, it’s about Palin, and even more so, about McCain’s judgement in picking her. Frankly, I would not have accepted if my daughter was in that situation, because I think the resulting publicity, which is unavoidable, could destroy her. To be clear, I don’t believe a father should accept under those circumstances either. But, regardless, no one should be going after the child, period. And I have seen NO ONE call that child any names, or imply anything about her activities, which I for one, believe are perfectly normal anyway. Though of course, I would have had her on birth control.

Nah.....What we need to do is bring back the spiked chastity belt.
I think he could have at least mentioned the fact that abstinence only programs aren't effective. Even when the most ardent of supporters are the parents.

This sums it up nicely:


Palin, a strong advocate of abstinence-only sex education, didn't address the fact that the just-say-no method of birth control obviously failed for Bristol - the way, studies show, it fails so many teens.

No way. His mother gave birth to him at 18, and I think they were married? But not sure, and either way, part of his life story is that he was raised by a single mom. Sorry, I think he played it just right. He looked like a moral leader, and I think he came off great.
No way. His mother gave birth to him at 18, and I think they were married? But not sure, and either way, part of his life story is that he was raised by a single mom. Sorry, I think he played it just right. He looked like a moral leader, and I think he came off great.


I'd like to some semblance of fight in him. I agree that attacking her daughter is just wrong, but I think he should have definitely slid in something to the effect of, "This is why we promote more than abstinence only programs."

I'd like to some semblance of fight in him. I agree that attacking her daughter is just wrong, but I think he should have definitely slid in something to the effect of, "This is why we promote more than abstinence only programs."

HE gave plenty of fight in his speech, so much so that McCain shit his diaper, made a panic VP pick, and probably had to be sedated.
I think he could have at least mentioned the fact that abstinence only programs aren't effective. Even when the most ardent of supporters are the parents.

This sums it up nicely:


Palin, a strong advocate of abstinence-only sex education, didn't address the fact that the just-say-no method of birth control obviously failed for Bristol - the way, studies show, it fails so many teens.
Do we have a link to her official position on birth control. I've been searching and haven't found one. As far as I understand it she is part of a pro-life group that supports the use of birth control.
Tiana, I just look at it this way – Palin is probably the most disastrous vp pick in history. There already giving odds at that internet place that does this, of whether or not she’ll be on the ticket in two weeks. Obama is rising in the polls. Independents do not like this pick.

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
The last thing Obama needs to do is make this about him. Right now, the Republican convention coverage is about just how big of a disaster is Sarah Palin, and what does it say about McCain’s judgement. He’d be stupid to distract from that. Just my opinion.
Do we have a link to her official position on birth control. I've been searching and haven't found one. As far as I understand it she is part of a pro-life group that supports the use of birth control.


From NBC's Katie Primm and Mark Murray
By the way, as has been pointed out, Palin backed abstinence-only education during her 2006 gubernatorial race. In an Eagle Forum Alaska questionnaire, Palin gave this response to the following question:

Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?

Palin: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.