Obama Understands that there can be Backlash...

Tiana, I just look at it this way – Palin is probably the most disastrous vp pick in history. There already giving odds at that internet place that does this, of whether or not she’ll be on the ticket in two weeks. Obama is rising in the polls. Independents do not like this pick.

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
The last thing Obama needs to do is make this about him. Right now, the Republican convention coverage is about just how big of a disaster is Sarah Palin, and what does it say about McCain’s judgement. He’d be stupid to distract from that. Just my opinion.

That's very true.
Darla -

You think she's the most dangerous in history? I don't know about that. Besides Mitt Romney I think she's one of the few republicans that don't make me feel like we'd be headed into Armegeddon if she's in office. I haven't seen anything that has made her as dangerous as Cheney has been. Unless you mean politically speaking.

From NBC's Katie Primm and Mark Murray
By the way, as has been pointed out, Palin backed abstinence-only education during her 2006 gubernatorial race. In an Eagle Forum Alaska questionnaire, Palin gave this response to the following question:

Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?

Palin: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.
That doesn't mean that she thinks the use of contraception is evil, just that she believes that handing it out in schools and teaching it as the only form of control are not within what she thinks should be done.

The group she belongs to, FFL (Feminists for Life), takes no stance on contraception specifically. I have yet to find one statement of hers that says that contraception should never be used. (That doesn't mean they don't exist, I would just like a bit more evidence than a statement that doesn't say that about sex education in schools.)
That doesn't mean that she thinks the use of contraception is evil, just that she believes that handing it out in schools and teaching it as the only form of control are not within what she thinks should be done.

The group she belongs to, FFL (Feminists for Life), takes no stance on contraception specifically. I have yet to find one statement of hers that says that contraception should never be used. (That doesn't mean they don't exist, I would just like a bit more evidence than a statement that doesn't say that about sex education in schools.)

I didn't say she was anti contraception. What the hell are you talking about?
Tiana, I just look at it this way – Palin is probably the most disastrous vp pick in history. There already giving odds at that internet place that does this, of whether or not she’ll be on the ticket in two weeks. Obama is rising in the polls. Independents do not like this pick.

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
The last thing Obama needs to do is make this about him. Right now, the Republican convention coverage is about just how big of a disaster is Sarah Palin, and what does it say about McCain’s judgement. He’d be stupid to distract from that. Just my opinion.

Some of the stuff I've read is about how the GOP base which was lukewarm on McCain is all fired up now for Palin. I haven't seen any right-leaning sites or blogs touting her as a disaster. Of course how moderates view her will play a big role but who besides the left, which is to be expected, is callling her a disaster?
Some of the stuff I've read is about how the GOP base which was lukewarm on McCain is all fired up now for Palin. I haven't seen any right-leaning sites or blogs touting her as a disaster. Of course how moderates view her will play a big role but who besides the left, which is to be expected, is callling her a disaster?

Pollsters. LOL, have you seen McCain's nose dive?
Some of the stuff I've read is about how the GOP base which was lukewarm on McCain is all fired up now for Palin. I haven't seen any right-leaning sites or blogs touting her as a disaster. Of course how moderates view her will play a big role but who besides the left, which is to be expected, is callling her a disaster?

Darla is looking for the poll that had that info on the independents view on Palin.

The only one I have seen that narrowed it like that was CBS in which 69% of the Independents said they didn't know enough about her yet. As soon as Darla posts it on the other thread, I will pass it along.
He’s being very classy about it, just as he should be. Let her be hacked to pieces by others. He should stay above it. He’s playing this just right.

He scared McCain so shitless with his convention speech, that McCain made this pick.

Why dont' you give him some credit at least? I mean, give it a rest bac, you are way overboard with the obama bashing. He literally made the McCain camp shit their pants and forced them into a panic pick, which we are now enjoying the fruits of.

I'm not at all suggesting that Obama should be jumping on Palin's pregnant daughter .. I'm just pointing out that he's afraid of everything the right MIGHT say or do anyway .. so where's the news.

McCain has heard Obama's speeches before so I doubt if his speech made McCain pick Palin. McCain is possible the most flawed and inept candidate to ever run as a major party nominee .. including being even more inept than Bush .. so a flawed pick as a VP is right in line with all of his other flawed, politics-only based decisions. He should have picked a more qualified woman.

If and when Obama is elected .. I'll have a seat warmed up right next to me for you .. when you decide to go "Obama-bashing" .. and you will.

Just getting mine in before he becomes a weak-ass president. :)
I didn't say she was anti contraception. What the hell are you talking about?
Several times on here there have been posts about her being anti-contraception, or "abstinence only". While a person who may believe that the schools shouldn't promote contraception may take a view that it shouldn't be given out in schools or explicit education taught by the schools on the subject, it does not mean that they believe that the only possible solution is to maintain abstinence or that they would not "have her on contraception" or even inform her child about it.

There seems to be a ton of assumption in this thread.
No, I guess I haven't been paying attention. I saw Obama got a big bounce from his convention.


Kind of what I saw. The first polls that show three days after the convention. granted, they do include the fact that Palin had been announced. But from what I have seen thus far, most people still don't know much about her and thus she is not having much of an effect on the polls yet.
True dat.

BAC, you're going too far w/ this. What response from Obama would have been appropriate for you? What could he have said to not be "scared"...should he have piled on?

As Darla said, his response was pretty perfect; let everyone else get dirty on this.

Again .. pointing out that the man is scared of everything .. which is of course what happens when you don't stand on anything.

I think the response pointed out by Lady T would have been appropriate without piling on Palin's daughter.
I was watching cable news. I'm sure if you're not too lazy and inept as most conservatives are you could manage to google something.


This is the site I use. It shows the polls after the convention that Obama got a bounce. Most of them also show the public doesn't know enough about Palin yet to make a decision on her. Which would indicate that she is not affecting the polls much yet.

Which is why I asked you for whatever you were seeing/reading. So get your granny panties out of a bunch.
I was watching cable news. I'm sure if you're not too lazy and inept as most conservatives are you could manage to google something.

What part of Obama's lead are you attributing to his post convention bounce and what part are you attributing to Palin?

Kind of what I saw. The first polls that show three days after the convention. granted, they do include the fact that Palin had been announced. But from what I have seen thus far, most people still don't know much about her and thus she is not having much of an effect on the polls yet.

A month ago Rasmussen had McCain up 1, now Obama's up 6. Not a whole lot has changed with Obama's campaign. The only substantial difference for both has been their VP picks. But regardless, McCain is fairing worse in the polls this week now that he's made his VP pick. You can put whatever spin on it you'd like. The results the same.
It's probably too early to parse polls & try to attribute anything to anything. I think McCain did a good job of halting Obama's mo from last week w/ the timing of the Palin announcement. I'm interested to see what happens over the next few days & weeks.

She's a short-term buzz for the GOP base, and I have a hunch that's it. There probably shouldn't be so much attention on the pregnancy, but that doesn't change the fact that there is; there will be a 'circle the wagons' moment for the base, but for the rest of the country, it just looks bad, and like McCain made a rash, unvetted choice.

I seriously doubt that she will end up being better for the ticket. We won't know for a week or 2....
Evangelicals rally behind Palin after pregnancy news

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- Key evangelical leaders rallied to Sarah Palin's support Monday amid news that her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, was having a child.

"Before, they were excited about her, with the Down syndrome baby," conservative, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist said. "But now with this, they are over the moon. It reinforces the fact that this family lives its pro-life values."

Palin and John McCain oppose abortion and have supported promoting abstinence in schools, which would seem to make Bristol Palin's pregnancy an inconveniently timed development.

But she is keeping the child, a fact that could make the Alaska governor -- whose candidacy has been enthusiastically embraced by evangelicals who regard her as one of their own -- even more popular among that key GOP voting bloc.

Fortunately, Bristol is following her mother and father's example of choosing life in the midst of a difficult situation," Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said. "We are committed to praying for Bristol and her husband-to-be and the entire Palin family as they walk through a very private matter in the eyes of the public."

Evangelical leader Richard Land also backed Palin completely.

"This is the pro-life choice. The fact that people will criticize her for this shows the astounding extent to which the secular critics of the pro-life movement just don't get it," Land said in a statement.

"Those who criticize the Palin family don't understand that we don't see babies as a punishment but as a blessing. Barack Obama said that if one of his daughters made a mistake and got pregnant out of wedlock, he wouldn't want her to be punished with a child. Pro-lifers don't see a child as punishment."

The immediate support of these major figures, who offered universal praise for the Palins' actions after learning their daughter was pregnant, provides the filter through which conservative Christian voters will process the development. iReport.com: Were you married at a young age?

Most important for Palin, an elder statesman of the movement, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, released a statement lauding the Palins for acting in keeping with the group's policies and practices:

"We have always encouraged the parents to love and support their children and always advised the girls to see their pregnancies through, even though there will of course be challenges along the way. That is what the Palins are doing, and they should be commended once again for not just talking about their pro-life and pro-family values, but living them out even in the midst of trying circumstances.

"Being a Christian does not mean you're perfect. Nor does it mean your children are perfect. But it does mean there is forgiveness and restoration when we confess our imperfections to the Lord. I've been the beneficiary of that forgiveness and restoration in my own life countless times, as I'm sure the Palins have," Dobson said.

Some evangelicals gathered in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, for the Republican convention speculated that the news would pose more of a problem for Democrats than for the GOP ticket.

Speculation by some on blogs that Palin's son Trig was actually Bristol's child had led to outrage among conservatives.

Any comment by Democrats that is viewed as remotely critical could make both Sarah and Bristol Palin appear to be sympathetic victims of a political vendetta.

By Monday afternoon, evangelical leaders were circling the wagons.

"The media are already trying to spin this as evidence Gov. Palin is a 'hypocrite,' but all it really means is that she and her family are human," Dobson said. "They are in my prayers and those of millions of Americans."

Obamaites can laugh at Palin if they choose .. but she will help McCain solidify the evangelicals .. whom of which McCain cannot win without.

Obama and his nose in the air scaryman politics of arrogance may well lose this should-have-been-a-blowout election.