Obama Understands that there can be Backlash...

A month ago Rasmussen had McCain up 1, now Obama's up 6. Not a whole lot has changed with Obama's campaign. The only substantial difference for both has been their VP picks. But regardless, McCain is fairing worse in the polls this week now that he's made his VP pick. You can put whatever spin on it you'd like. The results the same.

LMAO.... so you are going to ignore the four day convention that the Dems just had and pretend the change was due mainly to the VP choices????

One of us is indeed spinning, but tis not I.
I'm not at all suggesting that Obama should be jumping on Palin's pregnant daughter .. I'm just pointing out that he's afraid of everything the right MIGHT say or do anyway .. so where's the news.

McCain has heard Obama's speeches before so I doubt if his speech made McCain pick Palin. McCain is possible the most flawed and inept candidate to ever run as a major party nominee .. including being even more inept than Bush .. so a flawed pick as a VP is right in line with all of his other flawed, politics-only based decisions. He should have picked a more qualified woman.

If and when Obama is elected .. I'll have a seat warmed up right next to me for you .. when you decide to go "Obama-bashing" .. and you will.

Just getting mine in before he becomes a weak-ass president. :)

LOL. Ok! But for now, I just want to revel in the McCain panic.

Obamaites can laugh at Palin if they choose .. but she will help McCain solidify the evangelicals .. whom of which McCain cannot win without.

Obama and his nose in the air scaryman politics of arrogance may well lose this should-have-been-a-blowout election.

I agree completely with the above.
LOL. Ok! But for now, I just want to revel in the McCain panic.

LMAO... WHAT panic?

You pretend that his selection of Palin was some panic decision based on the Dem convention..... yet fail to see the positives of Palin over the others that could have been chosen.

Romney might have been accepted by the RR base, but he would not have generated a push to get them out to vote.

Pawlenty was unknown just like Palin, yet did not have as much to offer.

Lieberman, as much as I would have enjoyed that pick, would have sent the RR base into the one finger salute mode.

This is a good pick for McCain. She will appeal to the RR base and potentially to the blue collar Dems (mainly the men).
Palin's daughter will become the walking breathing poster-child for Roe v Wade.

If only they could birth the baby before the election .. it would be a grand slam.

Not sure what you mean by the first sentence... How would her daughter be a poster child for Roe???
LMAO... WHAT panic?

You pretend that his selection of Palin was some panic decision based on the Dem convention..... yet fail to see the positives of Palin over the others that could have been chosen.

Romney might have been accepted by the RR base, but he would not have generated a push to get them out to vote.

Pawlenty was unknown just like Palin, yet did not have as much to offer.

Lieberman, as much as I would have enjoyed that pick, would have sent the RR base into the one finger salute mode.

This is a good pick for McCain. She will appeal to the RR base and potentially to the blue collar Dems (mainly the men).

That's pretty spinnish. She was basically vetted for a day. McCain wanted Lieberman, but his base would have revolted. I have even heard people on the right describe this as a hail mary, and it's certainly a cynical, transparent ploy as far as Hillary voters are concerned.

She takes the inexperience issue completely off the table, and raises all kinds of questions about McCain's judgment, at BEST. The RR are rallying around her, and she might have an effect there on election day...but were they really going to stay home and let that gay-loving, baby-murdering liberal Obama get elected? Not likely.

We're only on the 4th day, and already, the excited picture that conservatives were trying to spin from Friday is unraveling to a degree. Things don't sound too good on that troopergate investigation, either; that could be a real slow drip-drip throughout this campaign.
LMAO.... so you are going to ignore the four day convention that the Dems just had and pretend the change was due mainly to the VP choices????

One of us is indeed spinning, but tis not I.

I didn't mean to imply convention had nothing to do with it. But in that particular poll there was a 7 point spread difference and I don't think all of it came from the convention.
LMAO... WHAT panic?

You pretend that his selection of Palin was some panic decision based on the Dem convention..... yet fail to see the positives of Palin over the others that could have been chosen.

Romney might have been accepted by the RR base, but he would not have generated a push to get them out to vote.

Pawlenty was unknown just like Palin, yet did not have as much to offer.

Lieberman, as much as I would have enjoyed that pick, would have sent the RR base into the one finger salute mode.

This is a good pick for McCain. She will appeal to the RR base and potentially to the blue collar Dems (mainly the men).

LOL! I totally bookmarked this post.

Latest news – McCain camp vehemently denied that Sarah Palin was ever a member of the Alaskan Separatist party. Today, we discover her husband was a registered member from 1995 to 2002. Sarah Palin spoke at one of their conventions. This is the group that advocates Alaska not be part of the United States of America.


You continue to say that.... what makes you believe he is so laughable... especially compared to your self-described scaryman candidate?

McCain is dumb as a rock. He's virtually been handed what he has acheived.

He's locked into all the failures of the Bush Administration .. "I don't know about the economy" .. "Bomb, bomb Iran" .. he is out of touch with everything and without question the republican nominee by default.

Obama may yet flip-flop his way into the White House, but even with McCain's ineptitude, flawed record, and a litany of incredible gaffes .. it still doesn't make Mr. Scaryman look like a strong leader.
I didn't mean to imply convention had nothing to do with it. But in that particular poll there was a 7 point spread difference and I don't think all of it came from the convention.

I see. Well it is kind of hard to tell how much the convention played vs. Palin. But given that most people don't know enough about her yet to make a decision, I would GUESS that the majority of the move was due to the convention (especially the last two days).
"McCain is dumb as a rock. He's virtually been handed what he has acheived."

I disagree with both of the above. While he certainly got his start in the Navy due to his family, not much else was handed to him. He still had to run for Senate and convince AZ voters that he was the right person to represent them.

"He's locked into all the failures of the Bush Administration .. "I don't know about the economy" .. "Bomb, bomb Iran" .. he is out of touch with everything and without question the republican nominee by default."

LMAO.... locked into WHAT failures? He knows as much about the economy as Barack... so they are even on that topic. Again you quote a bad friggin joke and act like that means shit. Tell me that isn't all you have???

Obama may yet flip-flop his way into the White House, but even with McCain's ineptitude, flawed record, and a litany of incredible gaffes .. it still doesn't make Mr. Scaryman look like a strong leader.

So essentially you have nothing.... McCain appoints a good Sec Treas and grabs good economic advisors to surround himself with and that issue is resolved. Which is exactly the same thing I expect Obama to do should he win the election.
Thanks for pointing out my lack of clarity.

Palin's daughter will become the subject of a thousand sermons .. in her favor.

She is a sign from God.

Judging by the RR response and "show of support" for her, I think you are correct.

.... and trust me, it is my distinct pleasure to point out your lack of clarity

Thanks for pointing out my lack of clarity.

Palin's daughter will become the subject of a thousand sermons .. in her favor.

She is a sign from God.

No, there’s no doubt that the people in this country who believe that birthing five children belongs on a VP’s resume, are over the moon about this woman.

The fact is though, she’s unvetted, has serious problems still surfacing, and is wayyyy out of the mainstream for MOST American women. Now I know that on this board we have to pander to a certain kind of woman, but the fact is, it’s not “elitist” to understand that most women not only don’t want to be forced to bear their rapist’s child, they won’t tolerate it. Not only do most women not want their daughters to not go to college because they became teen mothers due to lack of birth control information, they won’t tolerate it.

That’s if, this entire pick isn’t derailed by her still unfolding scandals. I mean, do you think after 8 years of bush/cheney Americans who aren’t religious whacks awaiting the end times, want a woman who just claimed “executive privilege” to avoid turning over emails in a corruption case?

LOL. Man, I haven’t stopped laughing since palin was picked, and trust me, I was ALWAYS aware the whacks love her.