Obama will not win the general if...


Abreast of the situations
He doesn't clarify that he will leave taxes unchanged for up to 250k Guaranteed.

That means:
1) No increase to payroll tax
2) no increase to ssi tax
3) no increase to consumer taxes like fuel or food
4) no increase to small time investor cap gans taxes

This election is to close. tied at around 190 electorals in each corner that are sound.
That leaves a handful of key battleground states including Florida and Michigan where the dems are somewhat disenfranchised. He will lose the economy issue if hes talking about tax increases and it will tip the scale to mccain

Dems - if you want the white house in 2009 you will have to concede it.. or you face Bush lite for the next 4 years. Your choice.
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nope. i want obama to come clean on the tax issue. I want promises that he wont come after middle class. And then if he lies. he will be out of office as quick as George bush Sr.
He doesn't clarify that he will leave taxes unchanged for up to 250k Guaranteed.

That means:
1) No increase to payroll tax
2) no increase to ssi tax
3) no increase to consumer taxes like fuel or food
4) no increase to small time investor cap gans taxes

This election is to close. tied at around 190 electorals in each corner that are sound.
That leaves a handful of key battleground states including Florida and Michigan where the dems are somewhat disenfranchised. He will lose the economy issue if hes talking about tax increases and it will tip the scale to mccain

Dems - if you want the white house in 2009 you will have to concede it.. or you face Bush lite for the next 4 years. Your choice.

A. The election won't be close. Polls this early are useless.

B. McCain offers the exact same economic policy as Bush. Who do you think is going to buy that, irrespective of your tax fears? There is little question that Obama's tax policies will be better for the "middle class" than McCain's and there is far more to sound economic policy than taxes.

C. "Battleground states" is an over-hyped yesterday's term based on political lines that are not rooted in today's political reality. The entire country is in play. Obama got more votes in Georgia than McCain and Huckabee combined and even it is in play for Obama .. as is the entire south .. lik North Carolina and Virginia .. and the far west.

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His plans for capital gains and dividend taxes alone will affect many middle income people whose income is partially derived from investment income. This is especially true for retirees whose retirement portfolios are now their income portfolios. Millions of retirees who invested for their retirement are gonna get screwed big time if Obama succeeds in his "get the rich" tax schemes. He may honestly intend on aiming his tax increases at the rich, but he is ignoring that a big portion of middle income families and retirees use investments as a way to supplement their working (or retirement) income. When talking about retirees, even lower-middle income people have some investment income supplementing their SS and pension checks.
The only thing that could prevent obama from winning the general would be if he put Chap or Topper in charge of his campaign strategy.

I’m not too worried…
you guys are the ones that made the 200-250 (no tax increase) line in the sand. This is likely what got allot of independent voters over to vote for obama including myself.

Im just telling you that this race is by no means looking like a landslide and that the economy will be the number 1 issue.

So Obama needs to be careful with his economic gaffs going forward and has to make perfectly clear his intentions so as to tide any growing perception that hes full of shit and is going to raise our taxes.
His plans for capital gains and dividend taxes alone will affect many middle income people whose income is partially derived from investment income. This is especially true for retirees whose retirement portfolios are now their income portfolios. Millions of retirees who invested for their retirement are gonna get screwed big time if Obama succeeds in his "get the rich" tax schemes. He may honestly intend on aiming his tax increases at the rich, but he is ignoring that a big portion of middle income families and retirees use investments as a way to supplement their working (or retirement) income. When talking about retirees, even lower-middle income people have some investment income supplementing their SS and pension checks.

I agree. If he continues to ignore the effect that this has on the middle class then i do believe he will alienate a big portion of who has thus far been a supporter, or at least considering. In another thread I think it was Soc who said that the middle class tended to vote with their pocket books. It's all going to depend on what he considers middle class...
He doesn't clarify that he will leave taxes unchanged for up to 250k Guaranteed.

That means:
1) No increase to payroll tax
2) no increase to ssi tax
3) no increase to consumer taxes like fuel or food
4) no increase to small time investor cap gans taxes

This election is to close. tied at around 190 electorals in each corner that are sound.
That leaves a handful of key battleground states including Florida and Michigan where the dems are somewhat disenfranchised. He will lose the economy issue if hes talking about tax increases and it will tip the scale to mccain

Dems - if you want the white house in 2009 you will have to concede it.. or you face Bush lite for the next 4 years. Your choice.

Remember all of this is coming from Chapdog...

A Conservative "Obama" Supporter supposedly....

you guys are the ones that made the 200-250 (no tax increase) line in the sand. This is likely what got allot of independent voters over to vote for obama including myself.

Im just telling you that this race is by no means looking like a landslide and that the economy will be the number 1 issue.

So Obama needs to be careful with his economic gaffs going forward and has to make perfectly clear his intentions so as to tide any growing perception that hes full of shit and is going to raise our taxes.

This election won't be close in part BECAUSE the economy is the issue.

The choice is very clear .. Bushonomics or not? It's as simple as that.

You choose.

What the American people will choose is almost a forgone conclusion.
Who both sound more like republicans than democrats.

its not black and white. There are shades of grey. I have always been registered independent. I voted against the republican in my last state governor election as an example. I intend on voting for obama this year.

I will not however relinquish my right to vet obama. His free pass is over now that the hillary threat is over.
Yes, there is a reason for that bac: They are both two-time Bush voters and long-time republicans.

'gasp' .. I'm shocked.

I wonder where they think Obama is getting his mountains of cash from?

Answer: The middle class.

Obama Could Raise $100 Million In June, Dem Fundraisers Say

Now that the Obama campaign has turned its focus towards the general election against John McCain, leading Democratic fundraisers are predicting that Obama's fundraising could skyrocket even higher than it already has. Specifically, some predict that he could raise $100 million in June.

Specifically, they say Obama could raise $100 million in June and could attract 2.5 million to 3 million new donors to his campaign.

These fundraisers say Obama could increase his fundraising dramatically because of three factors: a boost of enthusiasm among Obama donors following his clinching of the nomination; the migration of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's (D-N.Y.) donors to his camp; and the mobilization of big Democratic donors who have given little so far this year.

Record-breaking projections give Obama strong incentive to pass up $85 million in public funds that his opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), has said he would accept.

