Obama Wins, Dow Crashes!

My theory has officially been confirmed. The "wealthy" continue to cash it in, and the markets experience another enormous drop, the day after America elects its first Socialist president. The pinheads are all giddy today, they won the white house, they won bulletproof majorities in Congress, and they will have complete free reign to do whatever they want to do. I just wonder what they will do, now that they will be forced to find some other excuse than blaming Bush and Republicans for the problems. Oh, I am sure they will ride the wave of blame as long as they can... We were in such a mess from Bush policies it couldn't be fixed in two years... four years... eight years... But, will the American people buy it? After all, they were given this complete and unfettered power by the people, because they promised change. If nothing changes, or it changes for the worse, what are the liberals going to do?

Oh sure, go ahead and hit me with your overconfident optimism and wishful thinking that Obama is going to be able to solve all the problems and fix what is wrong. His promise to raise taxes on 'the wealthy' is sure to instill confidence in the markets and create new jobs! Spreading the wealth around, is going to bring us all prosperity! Retreating from the middle east and the war on terror, is going to result in peace worldwide! Emaciating our military is going to make our enemies and allies love us! Canceling our trade agreements is going to make our trade partners so happy they could bust! We'll all see this, because the Great Obama has promised it! He need only give an eloquent speech or two, and all things will be perfect and in harmony. America, indeed the World, is ready to follow him to the promised land!

...Yeah, right!
Yeah because the DOW has been on a stable upward movement until JUST yesterday. We should call you the Axe because you hack better than anyone here.
"“I think what is happening in the market is a continuation of really the last few weeks,” said Subodh Kumar, global investment strategist at Subodh Kumar & Associates in Toronto. “The markets are still incorporating the slowdown in the global economy.”

“I would put what we’re seeing today not so much as disappointment about policy from the incoming administration and more about continuing to incorporate assessments about how weak economies are,” he said.

Dixie - you bitter, pathetic slime. Crawl into your bunker for the next 4 years while the grown-ups lead.
I love how he rushes in, posts some bullshit and then ducks out like the loser he is. Him and his prognosticatin' the PUMA revolution.
I love how he rushes in, posts some bullshit and then ducks out like the loser he is. Him and his prognosticatin' the PUMA revolution.

This thread is really some sad BS. Wretched Dixie couldn't come near the board all day, until he found something -anything - he could use to spin what happened yesterday in the most negative way possible.

As though the market was cruising along swimmingly until Obama the socialist got elected...
I love how he rushes in, posts some bullshit and then ducks out like the loser he is. Him and his prognosticatin' the PUMA revolution.

Sorry Sochead... I gots a lot of things to do. Still moving my 'wealth' out of this country. Whew... it's a chore! But you know, I am confident you pinheads will find a way to fund socialism, maybe you can buy some more printing presses?
This thread is really some sad BS. Wretched Dixie couldn't come near the board all day, until he found something -anything - he could use to spin what happened yesterday in the most negative way possible.

As though the market was cruising along swimmingly until Obama the socialist got elected...

No, the market was crumbling a while back, as it became apparent Obama would win, the "wealthy" started cashing in. I told you about it then, but today's results confirm that. You would think the market would have gone up today, optimism over our new president, new leadership, the promise of the glorious future ahead... you would just think it would have sparked a little bit of an increase in the market, if just for a day... but nope... it plummeted like a rock in a pond. It tells me, investors are not as jazzed about our new president as you are.
The Morgtage arm of GMAC is going down is a likely contributor to the fall.

6th largest holder of mortgages in the USA or something like that.
And I think Saudi Arabia cut oil production.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008 - 2:37 PM EST

ADP: Economy lost 157,000 jobs in October

Payroll company Automatic Data Processing Inc. estimates U.S. employers cut 157,000 jobs in October, the largest decrease in private sector employment in six years.

The ADP report comes two days before the Labor Department releases its October jobs report, expected to show a similar decline.

this is barack obama's fault
No, the market was crumbling a while back, as it became apparent Obama would win, the "wealthy" started cashing in. I told you about it then, but today's results confirm that. You would think the market would have gone up today, optimism over our new president, new leadership, the promise of the glorious future ahead... you would just think it would have sparked a little bit of an increase in the market, if just for a day... but nope... it plummeted like a rock in a pond. It tells me, investors are not as jazzed about our new president as you are.

Well, that's not what actual investors are saying. Actual investors have actually been saying that market is going to be a rollercoaster for awhile, with the usual big days followed by profit-taking, until the Bush economy starts to stabilize & the bailouts start to have a real effect.

Doesn't matter. You're a real f'in loser, and I'm glad to think about how you must feel today after the political tsunami yesterday. After the '04 election, I posted on FP congrats to Bush supporters, and expressed genuine wishes that he would do well in his 2nd term. But here you are - bitter & a total sore loser, trying to make hay out of a 1 day drop in a market that has been as volatile as we've ever seen.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008 - 2:37 PM EST

ADP: Economy lost 157,000 jobs in October

Payroll company Automatic Data Processing Inc. estimates U.S. employers cut 157,000 jobs in October, the largest decrease in private sector employment in six years.

The ADP report comes two days before the Labor Department releases its October jobs report, expected to show a similar decline.

Yep... funny damn thing about the market and economy... when it starts to go south, people lose their jobs! But it will be okay, Obama will get those jobs back when he taxes the living dog shit out of the rich! ....Oh wait, the rich are the ones who hire people.... well, maybe we can all work for the socialist government? I'm sure he has the answer, he has all the answers!
Yep... funny damn thing about the market and economy... when it starts to go south, people lose their jobs! But it will be okay, Obama will get those jobs back when he taxes the living dog shit out of the rich! ....Oh wait, the rich are the ones who hire people.... well, maybe we can all work for the socialist government? I'm sure he has the answer, he has all the answers!
