Obama Wins, Dow Crashes!

Well, that's not what actual investors are saying. Actual investors have actually been saying that market is going to be a rollercoaster for awhile, with the usual big days followed by profit-taking, until the Bush economy starts to stabilize & the bailouts start to have a real effect.

Doesn't matter. You're a real f'in loser, and I'm glad to think about how you must feel today after the political tsunami yesterday. After the '04 election, I posted on FP congrats to Bush supporters, and expressed genuine wishes that he would do well in his 2nd term. But here you are - bitter & a total sore loser, trying to make hay out of a 1 day drop in a market that has been as volatile as we've ever seen.


Well, actually it is what actual investors are saying, and actually what the actual investors are doing, because they actually invest the actual money in the actual market which actually drives the actual economy. Now, the pretend make believe investors, those are the ones it doesn't matter what they say or do.

I feel great today, thanks for asking! In fact, I think Obama is probably the best thing to ever happen to conservatism. I feel sorry for people like MSNBC, who have made a career off of bashing Bush... I mean, what are they going to do now, spend all day bashing Sean Hannity? It's you guys who have the real quandary now, you've all made an art out of blame and class warfare, so where do you go with that now? You've won it all, the whole shebang, now you have to lead! Good fucking luck! :)
You know who earned a little respect today? Elizabeth Hassleback. She came out & said she's supporting Obama 100%, because he's our new President.

That's what non-losers do. They understand that America has spoken, in a big way, and they accept it. They give the new guy a chance. If the new guy proposes something they hate in the 1st month or whenever, they oppose that with vigor, as we do in American democracy, but they give him the benefit of the doubt before he takes office & hope for the best.

But here's Dixie, with this very sad post, which I'm sure will be the first of many. I'm sure we'll get one an hour after inauguration, screaming "why aren't our problems solved yet, pinheads? Your Messiah said he'd solve all of our problems! He promised it!!! WELL?"

Sad, sad LOSER.
Are you people really trying to appeal to some rational side of Dixie? Because if you are, STOP! He has no rational side. Bush is a genius, the market crashing today is ALL Obama's fault and the end of the world is today. Leave him alone, he is a fucking hack. Hacky Hackerson.
Are you people really trying to appeal to some rational side of Dixie? Because if you are, STOP! He has no rational side. Bush is a genius, the market crashing today is ALL Obama's fault and the end of the world is today. Leave him alone, he is a fucking hack. Hacky Hackerson.

Thanks for the reminder. I think I was trying to make him think; not sure what came over me...
Are you people really trying to appeal to some rational side of Dixie? Because if you are, STOP! He has no rational side. Bush is a genius, the market crashing today is ALL Obama's fault and the end of the world is today. Leave him alone, he is a fucking hack. Hacky Hackerson.

I am very rational, nothing you've posted has refuted my theory. I never claimed Bush was a genius, this thread has nothing to do with Bush. It's also not Obama's fault he is a socialist, he was raised that way. The markets crashing is because pinhead Americans elected him president... that's not HIS fault!

As for the label of "hack" ...yeah, I guess I am a conservative hack. Gotta hand it to ya, when it comes to 'hacks' you are the expert!
What was it doing yesterday then when every sane person KNEW Obama had it?

As I recall, there was still some question as to who would win. Investors have millions and billions of dollars at stake, they don't generally take chances. Now that we know for certain, you see what happened. The good news is, it can't get a whole lot worse...or can it? I guess we will have to wait and see. I personally don't see rich people lining up to have their wealth confiscated by the Great Obama, but maybe some of them will... George Soros and Warren Buffet have a lot of wealth.... so maybe they can fund socialism? We'll see!
Remember Dixies ode to Bush ?

You know, I think it might be a good idea to put Bush behind you now. Your little run of political momentum from bashing Bush is over, and you will really start to piss people off fast, if you keep beating the dead horse. Bush is no longer responsible for our problems, Obama is in charge now, along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Just a little advice, the tactic of constantly blaming Bush and republicans is not going to work with the American people anymore. You have to find something else to blame, some other reason to get people riled up, because if you don't, this whole thing is going to backfire on you. Now, I know being 'accountable' isn't exactly your strong point, but you will have to get used to it now, buddy!
Soon racists like Dixie can be arrested for Hate Crimes for posting their BS
You know, I think it might be a good idea to put Bush behind you now. Your little run of political momentum from bashing Bush is over, and you will really start to piss people off fast, if you keep beating the dead horse. Bush is no longer responsible for our problems, Obama is in charge now, along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Just a little advice, the tactic of constantly blaming Bush and republicans is not going to work with the American people anymore. You have to find something else to blame, some other reason to get people riled up, because if you don't, this whole thing is going to backfire on you. Now, I know being 'accountable' isn't exactly your strong point, but you will have to get used to it now, buddy!

I recall Clinton getting blamed well into Bush's first term.

No need to stop verbally slapping Bush yet. The debacle that was his administration did damage that is still effecting us.
Sorry Sochead... I gots a lot of things to do. Still moving my 'wealth' out of this country. Whew... it's a chore! But you know, I am confident you pinheads will find a way to fund socialism, maybe you can buy some more printing presses?

Do Mobile homes float?
As I recall, there was still some question as to who would win. Investors have millions and billions of dollars at stake, they don't generally take chances. Now that we know for certain, you see what happened. The good news is, it can't get a whole lot worse...or can it? I guess we will have to wait and see. I personally don't see rich people lining up to have their wealth confiscated by the Great Obama, but maybe some of them will... George Soros and Warren Buffet have a lot of wealth.... so maybe they can fund socialism? We'll see!

Let's test your theory; it should be about as valid as your idea about the PUMA effect.

The markets knew full well Obama was gonna win yesterday, and they went up. Today, we had the usual profit-taking, and some other bad economic news (well, that's my take; yours is that investors are shaking because Obama is a socialist, and they're bailing for good).

So, if they're bailing for good, we should see no further upticks or big days in the market, correct?

Cool; can't wait to see that play out over the next few weeks.

Oh....Sarah Barracuda!

"Just a little advice, the tactic of constantly blaming Bush and republicans is not going to work with the American people anymore"

Oh....loser? You don't speak for the American people. You never did, and it's never been so clear as it is today. Alabama had one of the highest vote % for McCain - very out of step w/ the rest of the country. Even TX was close to single digits (that one's going purple in the next 5-10 years, btw).

You're in a very small minority, Dix, because you're a LOSER. Ha ha.
I recall Clinton getting blamed well into Bush's first term.

No need to stop verbally slapping Bush yet. The debacle that was his administration did damage that is still effecting us.

Yeah, well I figure this will be the M.O. of the Democrat party for the next 4 years, maybe 8... but I doubt it will continue to work. Bush didn't have a majority Republican Congress, he never had a supermajority "Conservative" congress. Even when Republicans held a majority for a short period, they were hamstrung by liberals and RINO's who drug their feet and wouldn't allow his agenda to pass. But, you guys do what you wish, it's your ballgame now.

I just think you're going to find, blaming Bush and Republicans when the people have given you ALL the power they can, is not going to cut it anymore. I mean, what the fuck else do you want? A dictatorship?