Obama's approval rate drops below 50%

red states rule

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Is America finally waking up and seeing Obama for what he really is - a typical tax and spend liberal?

Obama's approval rate drops below 50%

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 30% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8 (see trends).

Just 25% believe that the economic stimulus package has helped the economy.

The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Updates also available on Twitter.

Overall, 49% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Today marks the first time his overall approval rating has ever fallen below 50% among Likely Voters nationwide. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.

Eighty-three percent (83%) of Democrats continue to approve of the President’s performance while 80% of Republicans disapprove. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 37% offer a positive assessment. The President earns approval from 51% of women and 47% of men.

These updates are based upon nightly telephone interviews and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. Most of the interviews for today’s update were completed before the President’s nationally televised press conference on Wednesday night. The first update based entirely upon interviews conducted after the press conference will be released on Sunday.

It is important to remember that the Rasmussen Reports job approval ratings are based upon a sample of likely voters. Some other firms base their approval ratings on samples of all adults. President Obama’s numbers are always several points higher in a poll of adults rather than likely voters. That’s because some of the President’s most enthusiastic supporters, such as young adults, are less likely to turn out to vote.

California Senator Barbara Boxer is clinging to a four-point lead in her bid for re-election.

interesting that you never post the RCP results anymore.

and I remember when that was your FAVORITE site.

I remember when you used to scoff at Rasmussen and Gallup and claim that RCP was the only site that took the variability out of polling. Man.... times have changed! :cof1:
interesting that you never post the RCP results anymore.

and I remember when that was your FAVORITE site.

I remember when you used to scoff at Rasmussen and Gallup and claim that RCP was the only site that took the variability out of polling. Man.... times have changed! :cof1:
It's not that interesting. Most of the polls you post are of "adults" or "registered voters" rather than one of likely voters.
interesting that you never post the RCP results anymore.

and I remember when that was your FAVORITE site.

I remember when you used to scoff at Rasmussen and Gallup and claim that RCP was the only site that took the variability out of polling. Man.... times have changed! :cof1:

Sorry conmanfrommaine, it is clear the "trend" you were so giddy about as far as the right track/wrong track has finally caught up to your messiah
Sorry conmanfrommaine, it is clear the "trend" you were so giddy about as far as the right track/wrong track has finally caught up to your messiah

you avoid the question, RSR.... why did you used to be such a big proponent of RCP and dismiss Rasmussen, but now, seem to have flip flopped?
did you not read this:

you avoid the question, RSR.... why did you used to be such a big proponent of RCP and dismiss Rasmussen, but now, seem to have flip flopped? :pke:
did you not read this:

you avoid the question, RSR.... why did you used to be such a big proponent of RCP and dismiss Rasmussen, but now, seem to have flip flopped? :pke:

I am pointing out the trend - the same trend you were once proud of with the right track/wrong track

You fled that thread in shame

And keep trying to change the subjet Conmanfrommaine - the last thing you want to talk about is Obama and his many failures
I am pointing out the trend - the same trend you were once proud of with the right track/wrong track

You fled that thread in shame

And keep trying to change the subjet Conmanfrommaine - the last thing you want to talk about is Obama and his many failures

you pointed out the trend on rasmussen. you still avoid the question:

why did you used to be such a big proponent of RCP and dismiss Rasmussen, but now, seem to have flip flopped?

grow a set and answer it.:pke:
you pointed out the trend on rasmussen. you still avoid the question:

why did you used to be such a big proponent of RCP and dismiss Rasmussen, but now, seem to have flip flopped?

grow a set and answer it.:pke:

RCP is an average of all the polls - I am going with the latest data CFM. Something you want to avoid at all costs I see
RCP is an average of all the polls - I am going with the latest data CFM. Something you want to avoid at all costs I see

you still didn't answer my question... you USED to be a HUGE proponent of RCP and you used to DISS Rasmussen. Now... you've flip flopped... and you can't offer any explanation for it.
you still didn't answer my question... you USED to be a HUGE proponent of RCP and you used to DISS Rasmussen. Now... you've flip flopped... and you can't offer any explanation for it.

Like a good little liberal hack - keep ignoring the facts

I believe at this point in time is where the american poeple realise Obama isthe man in the empty suite. an empty suite.. his spending spree.. hes off teleprompter remarks that shows his true feelings.. and I think he knows that we know that hes over his head..
BELIEVE all you want.... THINK all you want.

answer the question. Why do you no longer tout RCP like you used to?

why do you now tout Rasmussen when you used to denigrate them?

we both know you don't have the stones to answer... maybe your medication shrunk your nuts.:)
BELIEVE all you want.... THINK all you want.

answer the question. Why do you no longer tout RCP like you used to?

why do you now tout Rasmussen when you used to denigrate them?

we both know you don't have the stones to answer... maybe your medication shrunk your nuts.:)

How dare those peasants lose faith in "The One".
It's funny how Obama supporters cannot face reality and deal with the facts as they are.

They just cannot admit that ANYTHING their candidate has done is wrong.

The CBO has stated that Obama's numbers on Obamacare, the deficits, and spending are make believe and will bankrupt the country.

Obama "says" he will balance the budget and people are to believe that? He has no realistic plan on how to pay off what HE charged. Sure, if you increase the spending by 4 times, then cut it by 2 it looks like a cut.

That is still overspending

Obama went from a claim of "saving" jobs. There is no measure for saving jobs. The number they make up is based off of spend x dollars = save y jobs. It's made up crap. We have lost a record number of jobs on Obama's watch, because of his bad policies.

Obama promised that if we hurried up and passed this urgent spend package, that he then waited four days to sign, unemployment would get no worse than 8%. He said without passing this bill that he did not want us to, nor allowed us to read first, unemployment would tip out at 9%. Well now we are 9.5% and rising.

Here is a fact. If Bush did exactly as Obama is doing, the libs would be tearing him to shreds - and rightly so

But because it is Obama, the libs look the other way and fall back on Bush to dismiss the facts about Obama. Or they try and change the subject and attack

Libs are so phony and they actually think they are fooling us.
interesting that you never post the RCP results anymore.

it's simple, maine.....he posts any poll that makes Obama look bad.....your response is predictable, though mysterious, since RCP also shows his support is steadily declining.....in the meantime, six repetitions of you asking "why", when we all know "why", makes for boring reading.....
it's simple, maine.....he posts any poll that makes Obama look bad.....your response is predictable, though mysterious, since RCP also shows his support is steadily declining.....in the meantime, six repetitions of you asking "why", when we all know "why", makes for boring reading.....

But Conmanfrommaine only wants to talk about the AVERAGE of all polls - and not look at the current polls and the trend downward

It is so strange how he also no longer wants to talk about the right track - wrong track trend

He was so excited about that poll when it was a few points of each other - now that is a 19 point spread to the wrong side - and Rasmussen has their poll at 32 point spread to the wrong trrack - he never mentions that either
But Conmanfrommaine only wants to talk about the AVERAGE of all polls - and not look at the current polls and the trend downward

It is so strange how he also no longer wants to talk about the right track - wrong track trend

He was so excited about that poll when it was a few points of each other - now that is a 19 point spread to the wrong side - and Rasmussen has their poll at 32 point spread to the wrong trrack - he never mentions that either

now....about those repetitions making boring reading.....