Obama's approval rate drops below 50%

I have ansered the question. You see, Obama supporters put Obama up on an alter during the campaign and told the world how dam great he was

Once he won, they started to lower expectations

Now as his policies fail - and record amounts of debt are being piled up - the new talking points are either its Bush's fault or it takes time

Either way, Obama and his supporters will admit tax and spend liberalim is a failure. No, they will blame Bush, whine how not enough time was given to Obama, or how not enough moeny was spent

You haven't answered the question.

The answer is: it takes longer than 6 months. It just does; it would have with McCain, and it will with Obama.

You can say "the policies failed" as much as you want - until you're blue in the face. Fact is, if the economy is humming next summer, they didn't fail; they succeeded.

I know you're dreading that possibility, but it's out there. To me, the jury is still out. If by next summer, we're still losing jobs, you can come back here and say "see, I was right," and the Dems will pay for it in the elections, as well.

Until then, a conclusion that anything "failed" is nothing more than hackish bluster.
You haven't answered the question.

The answer is: it takes longer than 6 months. It just does; it would have with McCain, and it will with Obama.

You can say "the policies failed" as much as you want - until you're blue in the face. Fact is, if the economy is humming next summer, they didn't fail; they succeeded.

I know you're dreading that possibility, but it's out there. To me, the jury is still out. If by next summer, we're still losing jobs, you can come back here and say "see, I was right," and the Dems will pay for it in the elections, as well.

Until then, a conclusion that anything "failed" is nothing more than hackish bluster.

So the Hope and Change Express is not all that you guys siad it was. Why am I not surprised?

Meanwhile I do hope Dems pass their tax increases and continue to show their arrogrance toward those in "fly over country" and those who dare to question "the chosen one"

I want the Dems and Obama to provide a hard lesson to the voters as to why liberals and their tax and spend policies are - and always will be - a total failure
"So the Hope and Change Express is not all that you guys siad it was. Why am I not surprised?"

Who said that? From where did you draw that conclusion?

I never said the economy would be in full recovery either by July, or even this year. Neither did Obama. The only thing you have is that they had the unemployment rate going just over 8%, but that's a botched prediction; nothing else. Obama repeatedly said during the campaign & early this year that there was no magic pill - that it took a long time to get into this mess, and it will take awhile to get out. He used a 2-year timeframe quite a bit.

You're just looking for any excuse to say "some CHANGE" and "Obama failed," because you're a hack who hates him.

Like I said, if the economy is humming next summer, his policies succeeded, and the GOP can look forward to a long, long stay in the minority.
"So the Hope and Change Express is not all that you guys siad it was. Why am I not surprised?"

Who said that? From where did you draw that conclusion?

I never said the economy would be in full recovery either by July, or even this year. Neither did Obama. The only thing you have is that they had the unemployment rate going just over 8%, but that's a botched prediction; nothing else. Obama repeatedly said during the campaign & early this year that there was no magic pill - that it took a long time to get into this mess, and it will take awhile to get out. He used a 2-year timeframe quite a bit.

You're just looking for any excuse to say "some CHANGE" and "Obama failed," because you're a hack who hates him.

Like I said, if the economy is humming next summer, his policies succeeded, and the GOP can look forward to a long, long stay in the minority.

Never said you did - it was the message given by the liberal media, and Obama supporters

We were told how Obama was "different" and would bring "change"

Unlike those on the left I dod not hate liberals - I only want them politicaly defeated and out of power. Those on the left wish persoanl harm and even death on those who disagree with them

If the economy is humming along - with higher taxes, more expensive energy costs, and a deficit over $2 ttrillion? Obama is the second coming of Jimmy Carter and we will see the results of his work
You'd be hard-pressed that we haven't seen "change" in America since January, just in general.

The market just went over 9,000. 7 out of 10 economic indicators were up in June.

It's hard to say policies are 'failing' when you look at the trends.
You'd be hard-pressed that we haven't seen "change" in America since January, just in general.

The market just went over 9,000. 7 out of 10 economic indicators were up in June.

It's hard to say policies are 'failing' when you look at the trends.

We have seen change

2 million jobs lost, the annual deficit up by a factor of 4, the government paid home loan modifcations are running about 50% default rate (IOW the borrower goes back into default) record spending is allowing inflation to creep back, Obama's budget could hit close to $4 trillion (another record) Obama has raised taxes on the middle class - something he ran on NOT doing

And here is a perfect example of what many Obama voters actually thought when they voted for him

It's silly to try to attribute responsiblity for 2 million job losses to Obama. Many of those were already planned by the time he took office. Really - it's just silly.

What taxes has he raised on the middle class? Are you talking about the cigarette tax?
It's silly to try to attribute responsiblity for 2 million job losses to Obama. Many of those were already planned by the time he took office. Really - it's just silly.

What taxes has he raised on the middle class? Are you talking about the cigarette tax?

As I said, Obama supporerts will usually give him a pass despite the actual results of his policies

Yes, Obama did raise the tax (a record tax increase BTW0 on cigaretts and beer) It does break his promise when he said if you make less then $250,000/yr you would not pay a penny more in taxes - period

Of course his supporters give him a pass on that as well
Hope and change are progressing nicely. Thanks for asking.

President Obama is committed to working with Congress to pass comprehensive health reform this year in order to control rising health care costs, guarantee your choice of doctor, and assure high-quality, affordable health care for all American residents.

Hope and change are progressing nicely. Thanks for asking.

President Obama is committed to working with Congress to pass comprehensive health reform this year in order to control rising health care costs, guarantee your choice of doctor, and assure high-quality, affordable health care for all American residents.


You really are a one trick pony

Nothing about the CONTENTS of the bill - only that you are for it. Nothing about how the freedoms of the patient will be taken away - only how you support it. Nothing about rationed care and how seniors will be told they can't get their treatments - only you are for the bill

Do you ever answer any questions - or are you set to pre programmed talking points?

Glad you like the Hope and Change - you are now in the minority :)
I'm in favor of the public option in the health care reform legislation.

America needs lower medical and drug bills.

Republicans apparently think that the public option is unacceptable because it will be too cheap and too efficient, so private companies cannot compete with it.

Here are four compelling reasons why the public option willlead to lower costs:

1. The government doesn't have to pay to advertise or market their plan. No advertising budget means less cost to pass down to the consumer.

2. The government will not take a profit. Private insurance companies by add a hefty percentage to the product for their own profit. A public option that doesn't take a profit also doesn’t take as much money to run.

3. The government has enormous negotiating leverage with drug companies and health care providers, so they can drive down the costs to the consumer.

4. It is an option! If it turns out that the public heath care option does not work as well or costs more, no problem, just keep the private insurance plan you already have.
I'm in favor of the public option in the health care reform legislation.

America needs lower medical and drug bills.

Republicans apparently think that the public option is unacceptable because it will be too cheap and too efficient, so private companies cannot compete with it.

Here are four compelling reasons why the public option willlead to lower costs:

1. The government doesn't have to pay to advertise or market their plan. No advertising budget means less cost to pass down to the consumer.

2. The government will not take a profit. Private insurance companies by add a hefty percentage to the product for their own profit. A public option that doesn't take a profit also doesn’t take as much money to run.

3. The government has enormous negotiating leverage with drug companies and health care providers, so they can drive down the costs to the consumer.

4. It is an option! If it turns out that the public heath care option does not work as well or costs more, no problem, just keep the private insurance plan you already have.

For once try answering some questons

1) The CBO shows costs will NOT be lower. How can you add 45 million people to the ins rolls and lower costs?

2) Care will be rationed. The meidical advisors Obama is listeing to say as much, and the SG of the US will head a government board wihich wil decide which medical procedures wil be approved and which will nto

3) Dems are out to cover illegals. Why should US taxpayers be expected to pay for people who are not US citizens

I have more, but I wil wait to see if yu bother to answer these questions
You'd be hard-pressed that we haven't seen "change" in America since January, just in general.

The market just went over 9,000. 7 out of 10 economic indicators were up in June.

It's hard to say policies are 'failing' when you look at the trends.

so obama gets credit if its good and its bush's fault if its bad...:rolleyes:
so obama gets credit if its good and its bush's fault if its bad...:rolleyes:

Obama is playing the role of Presidnt - and the job is way over his head

President Obama’s fall from grace, and his crash to the bottom is going to be hard. However, as a result, President Obama’s facade will shatter & will reveal the bitter, angry man who has been kept in the shadows.
July 26 (Bloomberg) -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she will pass legislation to overhaul the U.S. health-care system through her chamber even as members of her own Democratic Party expressed skepticism after days of discord and delays.

“When I take this bill to the floor, it will win,” Pelosi said in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” program that aired today. “This will happen."
Obama is playing the role of Presidnt - and the job is way over his head

President Obama’s fall from grace, and his crash to the bottom is going to be hard. However, as a result, President Obama’s facade will shatter & will reveal the bitter, angry man who has been kept in the shadows.

The same can be said about Michelle Obama and her comments.