Obama's birth debate: It's about loyalty


are you that obtuse? Do you have any clue what the racial makeup is in the urban parts of the south? Dallas? Atlanta? New Orleans?

thank you for posting your low IQ though.
whoo hoo, the Hugo Obama is going to create a all loving, no conservatives need apply, Utopia United State and World...
everyone will be forced to pay for their neighbors lives, come hell or high water.. and we will all live HAPPILY EVER AFTER..

the end

Something has always puzzled me. Conservatives are big on family and how it operates/functions but when it comes to the general function of society they take the opposite approach. Why is that?
Something has always puzzled me. Conservatives are big on family and how it operates/functions but when it comes to the general function of society they take the opposite approach. Why is that?

Because we believe in Freedom, and that doesn't include having a Government nanny..if you all can't see that this Government (and that includes both parties), is getting ready to crush us, you never will.
Because we believe in Freedom, and that doesn't include having a Government nanny..if you all can't see that this Government (and that includes both parties), is getting ready to crush us, you never will.

Crush in what way? It seems the only concern is money. Look at the mileage the Cons tried to get out of Joe the plumber with his absurd tax remarks.
Because we believe in Freedom, and that doesn't include having a Government nanny..if you all can't see that this Government (and that includes both parties), is getting ready to crush us, you never will.

I guess that includes the freedom to spout arrant nonsense on a message board. I can never decide whether you are young and naive or much older and set in your ways.
first, you'll not find a single post in here by me that makes the claim that President Obama got his position in the Illinois Senate/US Senate/President because of affirmative action, so your statement is out of sheer assumption and ignorance.

second, he has gotten his elite status because he was chosen by the powers in the corrupt Illinois political machine.

I didn't say it you in particular made the AA claim, just that a number of people here did.

I guess we have different understandings of the word "elite".
What were you doing at 20 years of age?

I was Bible-thumping as far as "be fruitful and multiply" was concerned. :D
I was in college, or working a full time job to pay for it. I wasn't fathering several children from as many women. Obama's father was a POS and so was his mother.
Crush in what way? It seems the only concern is money. Look at the mileage the Cons tried to get out of Joe the plumber with his absurd tax remarks.

so I take you are independently wealthy where money is no concern to you..
I guess that includes the freedom to spout arrant nonsense on a message board. I can never decide whether you are young and naive or much older and set in your ways.

what difference does it make to you..what do you do here? why are you here?
I at least bring some articles and topics over here for debate...you?

and don't forget the pretty pictures of the swan I brought to you..

now, on you way, little one.
Uh................ the family is more important than the general society?

The wellness of society affects the well-being of families. My point is many basic principals we associate with family can be applied to society.

Our helping foreign societies/countries helps us although, in some cases, it backfires because we do it for mainly selfish reasons but the benefit is there for all to see when done with the receiver's permission.
I just think "crush" is a bit overdoing it.

well dear, maybe you should question just what is this administration is doing?

passing bill after bill before anyone has a chance to see what's in them, stepping on any opposition that dares to get in it's way ( like calling the American people protesting, extremist mobs.)...has the mainstream media working on it's payroll...so do you think we're getting any of the TRUTH out of them?

yeah I'd say CRUSH is the right word..
The wellness of society affects the well-being of families. My point is many basic principals we associate with family can be applied to society.

Our helping foreign societies/countries helps us although, in some cases, it backfires because we do it for mainly selfish reasons but the benefit is there for all to see when done with the receiver's permission.

If you want to associate them, be my guest. And I think we should back the hell out of foreign countries' affairs...
well dear, maybe you should question just what is this administration is doing?

passing bill after bill before anyone has a chance to see what's in them, stepping on any opposition that dares to get in it's way ( like calling the American people protesting, extremist mobs.)...has the mainstream media working on it's payroll...so do you think we're getting any of the TRUTH out of them?

yeah I'd say CRUSH is the right word..

What would you say is your greatest concern or concerns?

For example, with Bush I think people's greatest concerns were the loss of rights and more wars. What major concerns do have with the current administration?
If you want to associate them, be my guest. And I think we should back the hell out of foreign countries' affairs...

I agree with backing out of foreign countries' affairs because we have twisted "helping" with "interfering".

What I was getting at is we help families, say, with tax breaks even though some families send their children to public school, others to private school and still others are home schooled. Some families are religious, some not. The point being we place a value on families regardless of how different they are.

When it comes to social programs if we feel, as a society, ones health is important then everyone's health is important. Thus, everyone should have access to basic medical (doctors, medication, etc). The same applies to food, shelter and clothing.

What puzzles me is often the folks who believe so strongly in family are against applying those same values/principals to others. Sort of a "do everything for your family but nothing for your neighbor."

Do you think, as a society, we can change that way of thinking so as to include everyone? Wouldn't it be beneficial for everyone if society changed?
I agree with backing out of foreign countries' affairs because we have twisted "helping" with "interfering".

What I was getting at is we help families, say, with tax breaks even though some families send their children to public school, others to private school and still others are home schooled. Some families are religious, some not. The point being we place a value on families regardless of how different they are.

When it comes to social programs if we feel, as a society, ones health is important then everyone's health is important. Thus, everyone should have access to basic medical (doctors, medication, etc). The same applies to food, shelter and clothing.

What puzzles me is often the folks who believe so strongly in family are against applying those same values/principals to others. Sort of a "do everything for your family but nothing for your neighbor."

Do you think, as a society, we can change that way of thinking so as to include everyone? Wouldn't it be beneficial for everyone if society changed?

Yeah, and if we decide as a society, to throw the Jews into concentration camps, then we throw the Jews into concentration camps. Then, I guess, the argument could be made that society is evil.