Obama's Honeymoon is Over

I don't think he is the savior of anything but I KNOW for a fact that Bush was a fuck up. He took us to Iraq when the war was in Afghanistan. He caused the death and even worse the dismemberment of thousands of men and women that stood in the exact same boots I did once upon a time to get rid of a secularist running a moslem country. He and his cronies lied about WMD's and took their eye off the real ball for something they thought would be an easy victory so it looked like they were doing something in this "war" on the people that planned the murder of 3000+ people on 9/11. The anti-right as you have called them marched almost lock step with Bush to Iraq and said nothing so they are equally to blame. If so many people were going to die and be maimed it should have been in the right war in the right place and not someplace that was unnecessary. I know very few military men that think that Iraq was a good idea. Lots thought that if we were going to be there we should do it right, but damn few saw it as the right place for this war.

Thank you for proving my point, about the projection of hate.
Presidents can't make the economy better, only make it worse. If they would just get government out of the way the engine would purr along just fine.

The government was out of the way for years and the resultant economic purr was, in reality, the wheezing sounds of a 60 year old, 45 year cigarette smoker. The bail out is the metaphorical oxygen tank.
You do realize Gawd is going to strike you dead for blasphemy! I thought Ronnie Reagan saved the world, the economy, and life on earth! Egads! Now I'm really lost, does that mean Carter was the man! And Bush.....


I suggest that you continue to read and re-read the crap that you do as it's far too late to wring any semblance of reason from what's left of your tiny brain anyway. :readit:
The important thing to me is that even though a President may be out of office decisions they made while in office can still have present day effects and they should be held accountable. So Obama owns all the new decisions he makes but things done by Bush, Clinton etc. still are having effects today.

True and I don't think one can uderscore how much damage the incompetence of the Bush administration has done to this country or how long it will take to fix all his fuck ups, assuming they can be fixed.
Presidents can't make the economy better, only make it worse. If they would just get government out of the way the engine would purr along just fine.
Again, your giving evidence as to why conservatives are incompetent at governance and do not deserve the public trust as moderates, centrist and liberals do.

In point of faact, you just don't know what your talking about. TR's trust busting had one hell of a positive impact on the economy and that's only one example.
That's true, Presidents should stay the hell out of it. It's not their damn job. Sheeeesh.
Yes, it is their job and you dont' know what you're talking about. Presidents have had positive impacts on the Government going all the way back to Washington. Others like Cooledge, Grant and W implemented economic policies that were disastrous but President's and the Federal government play a critical role in our economic prosperity and if you don't recognize this reality then you have no place in managing government policy as you would be incompetent.
BS, you are just repeating the myth that Presidents are responsible for the economy's performance. The truth is Presidents are at the mercy of the business cycle. There are tools to influence the business cycle, but the President has almost no control over them. In economic terms, the most powerful person in the US is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board who is responsible for the monetary policy, not the President.

Presidents probably have the least control over the economy of any major government player. The belief that presidents deserve blame for recessions or credit for recoveries is an economic myth. It's a very popular myth, but one that no reputable economist takes seriously.

SIGH!! You really are a pompous dude who needs to get educated on the facts.

Yes, it is their job and you dont' know what you're talking about. Presidents have had positive impacts on the Government going all the way back to Washington. Others like Cooledge, Grant and W implemented economic policies that were disastrous but President's and the Federal government play a critical role in our economic prosperity and if you don't recognize this reality then you have no place in managing government policy as you would be incompetent.
Again, your giving evidence as to why conservatives are incompetent at governance and do not deserve the public trust as moderates, centrist and liberals do.

In point of faact, you just don't know what your talking about. TR's trust busting had one hell of a positive impact on the economy and that's only one example.
Congratulations on finding the sole reason why government should have any regulatory authority over the free market system: to ensure that it is an actual free market.
Congratulations on finding the sole reason why government should have any regulatory authority over the free market system: to ensure that it is an actual free market.
The Free Market is a myth. There is the market and there is lunch. Neither one of them is free or ever has been.
and you on the right would try to turn it into some sort of divine intervention. You guys hate him because you lost big to him and his coattails gave his party the congress. You had 6 years to keep it humming along nicely and you couldn't, if it went in the shitter then by your logic, Bush made it worse.

um... the Dems had Congress after the 2006 elections....

you've been lawyered