Obama's Margin of Error in the Polls

The only reason McCain will lose this election is because of his age.

Playing the age card again I see.

There is one big difference between the two: there are legitimate reasons for not wanting an old ass president because he is old, whereas there are no legitimate reasons for not wanting a black president because he is black.
Playing the age card again I see.

There is one big difference between the two: there are legitimate reasons for not wanting an old ass president because he is old, whereas there are no legitimate reasons for not wanting a black president because he is black.

He's making a very good parody of Darla and Onceler's argument.
"1) Pro-abortion
2) Wealth redistribution - aka tax the "rich" even more
3) Raise taxes on cap gains
4) Inexperience
5) NO significant accomplishments in the Senate or Illinois State legislature
6) Reluctant to look at all sources of replacing foreign energy demands"

Most of those are reasons anyone would vote against any basic Democrat.

The election will likely be within a few % points. Based on the exit poll figures I posted above for the primaries, I think it's not a stretch to say that a significant % above that have already admitted they will not vote for a black guy.

I'm not talking about the votes Obama wouldn't get normally. I'm talking about the votes that won't go to him simply because he's a black man, and there are clearly enough of those to tip the election.

NOT in this environment where people are pissed at the Republicans. Where there is little enthusiasm by the far right to get out and vote. Where the Dems stand to add seats in both the House and Senate.

You want to act like the environment is close because of race. While ignoring that it could also be because Obama has shifted from left to center which has annoyed some of his supporters. While Hillary voters are still pissed and may not be on board with Obama as of yet.

I also will make note that you are not mentioning the REVERSE.... how many people are going to come out and vote FOR Obama BECAUSE he is black?????

I would bet there are just as many that will vote FOR as AGAINST Obama based on the sole issue of his pigmentation.
I really can’t get over the level of denial here. I feel sorry for you guys. I’ve never been unable to deal with reality. It must be weird.
I really can’t get over the level of denial here.

Since you were apparently unable to respond intelligently to my argument, I can only assume your post is addressed to yourself.

You are advancing an unreasonable hypothesis: That the SOLE reason Barack Obama could lose to a decorated veteran in a time of war is his race.

I've said for months that whoever the D nominee was would have a tougher fight on their hands than they anticipated.
I really can’t get over the level of denial here. I feel sorry for you guys. I’ve never been unable to deal with reality. It must be weird.

LMAO... so if we don't share your OPINION... we must be in denial of reality?

Seriously, you cracked me up with that bullshit.
Since you were apparently unable to respond intelligently to my argument, I can only assume your post is addressed to yourself.

You are advancing an unreasonable hypothesis: That the SOLE reason Barack Obama could lose to a decorated veteran in a time of war is his race.

I've said for months that whoever the D nominee was would have a tougher fight on their hands than they anticipated.

It will be the deciding reason, as sadly, the exit polling from the Democratic primaries showed, yes.

I'm sure what you've 'said for months now" is important to you, but epic, I really couldn't care less. lol. Wow, you aren't hanging around Damo are you?
As for you...I think you know the truth SF.

The one who squeals, is the one you hit.

The simple truth is that it is your OPINION. Tell me this Darla...

Did people suddenly turn racist? Why is it that his poll numbers have declined? Did people that were going to vote for him suddenly realize 'well holy shit, Obama is black... can't vote for him now'????
The simple truth is that it is your OPINION. Tell me this Darla...

Did people suddenly turn racist? Why is it that his poll numbers have declined? Did people that were going to vote for him suddenly realize 'well holy shit, Obama is black... can't vote for him now'????
It was the New Yorker, they suddenly realized he wanted to burn the flag in the WH fireplace.
The simple truth is that it is your OPINION. Tell me this Darla...

Did people suddenly turn racist? Why is it that his poll numbers have declined? Did people that were going to vote for him suddenly realize 'well holy shit, Obama is black... can't vote for him now'????

No, they didn’t suddenly turn racist. As I have said before, or, “for months now” race was going to play a huge role in how easy it would be for the R attack machine to demonize Obama. And that has shown itself.

As for the actual polls, they’re too up and down at this point to pin too much onto…and we don’t know yet what the so-called Bradley effect will do.
No, they didn’t suddenly turn racist. As I have said before, or, “for months now” race was going to play a huge role in how easy it would be for the R attack machine to demonize Obama. And that has shown itself.

As for the actual polls, they’re too up and down at this point to pin too much onto…and we don’t know yet what the so-called Bradley effect will do.

Race has only been an issue when OBAMA has brought it up. They are not demonizing Obama on race issues. But I know, I must be wrong, because you and gumby can see subliminal racism in everything and then pretend the rest of the world is crazy for not seeing it. While at the same time ignoring the fact that Obama has brought race into the election in a vain attempt to paint McCain as a racist.
It will be the deciding reason, as sadly, the exit polling from the Democratic primaries showed, yes.

I'm sure what you've 'said for months now" is important to you, but epic, I really couldn't care less. lol. Wow, you aren't hanging around Damo are you?

My point is that many people including myself and respected political scientists have made a point to temper Democratic optimism to realistic levels. This sort of starry-eyed thinking is the same reason that a moron like Bush beat Kerry.

If you say that polling has proved your point, then show me. As it stands, polls I've seen indicate that only a small minority of voters in both parties would vote against Obama based on his race.

I don't care if you consider what I say "important", but you could at least acknowledge when it is correct.

Summary of Our Conversations for the Last 6 Months:

Darla: Wohooo! Democrats will win for sure!
Epic: Be careful. There is still a war going on and it will be closer than you think.

Darla: Hillary and Obama supporters rift isn't going to matter come November!
Epic: Even if it doesn't, decreased awareness of American casualties in Iraq will.

Darla: HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? OBAMA IS GOING TO LOSE? The only conceivable reason is because of race!!!
Epic: Yeah could be that, or it could be the other 10 million factors we've discussed over the last few months.
Darla: LOLZ! I don't care what you said!
My point is that many people including myself and respected political scientists have made a point to temper Democratic optimism to realistic levels. This sort of starry-eyed thinking is the same reason that a moron like Bush beat Kerry.

If you say that polling has proved your point, then show me. As it stands, polls I've seen indicate that only a small minority of voters in both parties would vote against Obama based on his race.

I don't care if you consider what I say "important", but you could at least acknowledge when it is correct.

Summary of Our Conversations for the Last 6 Months:

Darla: Wohooo! Democrats will win for sure!
Epic: Be careful. There is still a war going on and it will be closer than you think.

Darla: Hillary and Obama supporters rift isn't going to matter come November!
Epic: Even if it doesn't, decreased awareness of American casualties in Iraq will.

Darla: HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? OBAMA IS GOING TO LOSE? The only conceivable reason is because of race!!!
Epic: Yeah could be that, or it could be the other 10 million factors we've discussed over the last few months.
Darla: LOLZ! I don't care what you said!

HaHa, that was pretty good.
The simple truth is that it is your OPINION. Tell me this Darla...

Did people suddenly turn racist? Why is it that his poll numbers have declined? Did people that were going to vote for him suddenly realize 'well holy shit, Obama is black... can't vote for him now'????

That's one of the myths that going; his poll #'s have "declined." The race is closer, but his #'s have never shifted from the mid to high 40's, and much has been made since the beginning about his inability to crack 50.

People didn't suddenly turn racist; they've been that way, in droves in America. We're a little over 1 generation removed from Rosa Parks & Friday night lynchings. These are prevasive, longstanding attitudes, hatreds & prejudices, and they won't go away overnight.

If you don't think they're a huge part of this election, you don't know what's going on out there.