Obama's Margin of Error in the Polls

Sorry I snapped on you Darla, but there is only so much of that I can take. I was trying to keep this civil. You have a bad tendancy to start hurling personal insults when you are confronted with a difficult argument. I have an equally bad tendancy to let you goad me into sinking to that level of debate.
Jesus Christ woman that's enough.

Are you on your fucking period? Go cry in the closet and come back when you can debate like an adult.

No, and it's "do you have your period". Women are not "on their period".

You are always trying to rile me up, and when you get what you want, you wanna complain about it now? You wanted it, you got it. Sorry if it was more than you can handle. Maybe next time you should try riling up Top instead.
Sorry I snapped on you Darla, but there is only so much of that I can take. I was trying to keep this civil. You have a bad tendancy to start hurling personal insults when you are confronted with a difficult argument. I have an equally bad tendancy to let you goad me into sinking to that level of debate.

You didn't confront me with a difficult argument, you confronted me with cocky bullshit, which you have a bad habit of doing.

And what personal insults did I hurl? Is this all about dick size? Who said it was an insult, everyone here knows I like them small.
You didn't confront me with a difficult argument, you confronted me with cocky bullshit, which you have a bad habit of doing.

And what personal insults did I hurl? Is this all about dick size? Who said it was an insult, everyone here knows I like them small.

If there is primary exit polling that supports your assertion then go find it.

For a bonus challenge, try to get through your next post without trying to insult me.
If there is primary exit polling that supports your assertion then go find it.

For a bonus challenge, try to get through your next post without trying to insult me.

Oh for Christ sakes you know there were exit polls, state by state, where voters openly admitted race was a factor, begging the question; how many wouldn't admit it?

Here's one of them, maybe you should do some research on the subject, I'm not your assistant you know.
Oh for Christ sakes you know there were exit polls, state by state, where voters openly admitted race was a factor, begging the question; how many wouldn't admit it?

Places like Alabama, West Virginia, and Mississippi which any Democrat wouldn't have a dream of winning anyway for a variety of reasons. If there is a crucial swing state where race was a significant factor then show me.

Here's one of them, maybe you should do some research on the subject, I'm not your assistant you know.

And I'm not the one making balls crazy claims without documentation. If you want your opinion to be taken seriously present some evidence to support it.
Seriously, you need to do your own research, and back up your own claims that race ISN'T a significant factor ok? And you also need to come live in the real world, where we are talking about only those who would actually admit to a pollster that they are racist...then you might begin to understand where you and SF went so wrong.


There's PA, now go fetch your own shit, ok epic?
I would venture to say Obama probably has as many, if not more, voting FOR him because he's black, than voting against him for that reason. Not to say we don't have racist people in America who wouldn't vote for any black person, I just feel like there is an abundance of voters supporting Obama for no other reason than he IS black.

If he doesn't win, it will be because the American people didn't feel he was qualified for the job, nothing more. Democrats like Darla want to turn it into a "race" thing, because that is the way to 'guilt' people into doing what they otherwise wouldn't. Ooo... I better vote for the black man or people will think I am a racist!

Let me tell you something, when you go into that booth and close the curtain, it's between you and the Lord, no one knows who you vote for. I suspect a lot of the lily-white Hillary Democrats will tell the pollsters and the DNC they plan to vote for Obama, and then when they close that curtain, they can't do it... can't vote for the black man. Right-wing racists you can pretty much tell, they come right out and tell you how racist they are... Elite Liberals? No way! They hide behind that insincere little smile and assure everyone they 'have black friends' and always fight for the minorities.... pull that curtain closed, and they are the biggest racists who ever lived.
If he doesn't win, it will be because the American people didn't feel he was qualified for the job, nothing more. Democrats like Darla want to turn it into a "race" thing, because that is the way to 'guilt' people into doing what they otherwise wouldn't.

Dixiecounterswith said:
I suspect a lot of the lily-white Hillary Democrats will tell the pollsters and the DNC they plan to vote for Obama, and then when they close that curtain, they can't do it... can't vote for the black man.

Let us know when you're done debating yourself, moron.