Obama's Margin of Error in the Polls

You know Cawacko, you’d do better if you just posted pictures of yourself with no shirt on. You do have a very nice bod. And really SF is making enough of a fool out of himself for both of you…and from what I hear he doesn’t have the pecs you do.

I’d say that’s your talent on loan from God, and you should exploit it, but leave the thinking to the girls, ok?
Well, we strongly disagree on this, and the only thing I can say is that all of the board Republicans agree with you, along with half of Dixie (the poster dixie).

I know your feelings on this, but I have to disagree. When it comes to it, the left will not vote for McCain, and I think that polls which include Nadar and Barr are showing us that the protest votes would come from the right his year, not the left. We might whine and complain, but what we do not want is four years of this fucking crazier-than-bush (and we said it couldn’t happen), John McCain in the office. And many of us even have doubts that the United States as we know it can survive that.

I don't disagree with a single thing you said there sister.

The left shouldn't vote for McCain, nor should anyone else with an IQ above room temperature. I sure as hell wouldn't.

But I'm antiwar all the time .. regardless of whose face is behind it. I understand McCain would be worse .. but the great failing of the left is they've never understood politics. Don't even uinderstand its nature. Certainly I'm not talking about you personally, but it's why the left gets ignored .. we simply don't have enough warriors .. like you.

This should be the easiest election in history to win and millions and millions of white people put Obama in a position to win .. now white people are the problem?

STRONG leaders inspire .. appeasement never works.

Republicans don't appease .. they had so much power they got drunk with it and over-played their hand .. but they have warriors and they'll be back.
I don't disagree with a single thing you said there sister.

The left shouldn't vote for McCain, nor should anyone else with an IQ above room temperature. I sure as hell wouldn't.

But I'm antiwar all the time .. regardless of whose face is behind it. I understand McCain would be worse .. but the great failing of the left is they've never understood politics. Don't even uinderstand its nature. Certainly I'm not talking about you personally, but it's why the left gets ignored .. we simply don't have enough warriors .. like you.

This should be the easiest electionj in history to win and millions and millions of white people put Obama in a position to win .. now white people are the problem?

STRONG leaders inspire .. appeasement never works.

Republicans don't appease .. they had so much power they got drunk with it and over-played their hand .. but they have warriors and they'll be back.

Yeah, this is all true. Frankly I am starting to think that they R’s strongest card is the lunatics they nominate. They scare people like me into voting for the Dem no matter what. Seriously, McCain scares me that much. I get more scared by him everyday. He’s not even all there, and they are thinking of making him President. He’s a war-monger of all war-mongers, looking to get us into a shooting war with RUSSIA, for God sakes, and China won’t be far behind. He’s bug-fuck nuts and should be institutionalized, but instead, this country might make him President.
Yeah, this is all true. Frankly I am starting to think that they R’s strongest card is the lunatics they nominate. They scare people like me into voting for the Dem no matter what. Seriously, McCain scares me that much. I get more scared by him everyday. He’s not even all there, and they are thinking of making him President. He’s a war-monger of all war-mongers, looking to get us into a shooting war with RUSSIA, for God sakes, and China won’t be far behind. He’s bug-fuck nuts and should be institutionalized, but instead, this country might make him President.

LMAO... so now McCain wants a shooting war with China and Russia? You are seriously letting your imagination run wild today aren't you? Nice fearmongering effort. Who told you to start this line of BS? Moveon? Commondreams? CodePink? John Edwards?
LMAO... so now McCain wants a shooting war with China and Russia? You are seriously letting your imagination run wild today aren't you? Nice fearmongering effort. Who told you to start this line of BS? Moveon? Commondreams? CodePink? John Edwards?

John McCain.
please provide us with some details... tell us where you find such wonderful insight.... where does McCain state or indicate he wants a shooting war with Russia? or China?

SF I’m sorry you sleep through the news, but it’s not my problem and I’m tired of your trying to make it my problem. McCain was even causing problems for the bush administration, his lobbyist may be the one who lit this whole situation up, and he was blowing his big fat mouth off so badly that he was called out by his friend, the president of Georgia to back that shit up with some action.

Now either turn on your tv or shut the fuck up, but stop bloviating when you know jack shit.
Bac the frigging guy just almost started WWIII and he’s not even president yet. We may not like it, but we’re going to vote for Obama, let’s face it. Sometimes, often in fact, I stare at the tv and in terrible frustration, wondering, don’t they see he is unbalanced? Seriously and severely unbalanced? Obama must win. And I just don’t believe there are that many on the left who haven’t grasped this.

Again, I don't disagree with a single word.

My problem with Obama is that it's no longer clear what he is. He NEEDS his base to demand that he stay true to the course he layed out in the primaries, the course that inspired so many white people to support him. He NEEDS to recognize that he cannot be all things to all people. He NEEDS to re-establish himself as a man of principle. The politics of quiet will not achieve any of that.

One lesson life has taught me very well .. rights are determined by what you can demand, not by what is just, fair, honest, or humane. If you can't demand them, they are not your rights. Whether it's civil rights, womens rights, or the end of the Vietnam War, they didn't happen until they were demanded to happen.

Such is the very nature of politics. What you cannot demand, you don't get.

The backdrop to all of this is the failed record of democrats in presidential elections. They keep doing the same things expecting different results.

Yes, I agree that Obama SHOULD be the next president BECAUSE McCain should not .. but if we are honest with ourselves and true to issues and causes, not political party .. shouldn't we have the same critique of politicians irrespective of what party they belong to?

I demand that politicians I support don't want to mass-murder women and children so they can look good. Is that too much to ask?
For those who are interested here's what McCain wrote in today's WSJ.


The very title of that piece is brain-dead fucking stupid and is the type of rhetoric that got us (and worse the people of Georgia) where we are today. We're not all Georgians. And it's a fucking shame that the people of Georgia read this type of shit and think it means something, because, as they have learned, when the shooting starts those paltitudes mean less than nothing.

It's irresponsible and reckless and McCain should know better. That he doesn't is telling.
LMAO... so now McCain wants a shooting war with China and Russia? You are seriously letting your imagination run wild today aren't you? Nice fearmongering effort. Who told you to start this line of BS? Moveon? Commondreams? CodePink? John Edwards?

My brother .. there are a couple of threads here regarding the Georgia conflict that you might want to read .. and as the good researcher and fact-checker I know you to be .. feel free to check the facts.
Again, I don't disagree with a single word.

My problem with Obama is that it's no longer clear what he is. He NEEDS his base to demand that he stay true to the course he layed out in the primaries, the course that inspired so many white people to support him. He NEEDS to recognize that he cannot be all things to all people. He NEEDS to re-establish himself as a man of principle. The politics of quiet will not achieve any of that.

One lesson life has taught me very well .. rights are determined by what you can demand, not by what is just, fair, honest, or humane. If you can't demand them, they are not your rights. Whether it's civil rights, womens rights, or the end of the Vietnam War, they didn't happen until they were demanded to happen.

Such is the very nature of politics. What you cannot demand, you don't get.

The backdrop to all of this is the failed record of democrats in presidential elections. They keep doing the same things expecting different results.

Yes, I agree that Obama SHOULD be the next president BECAUSE McCain should not .. but if we are honest with ourselves and true to issues and causes, not political party .. shouldn't we have the same critique of politicians irrespective of what party they belong to?

I demand that politicians I support don't want to mass-murder women and children so they can look good. Is that too much to ask?
He won't be getting that. The freedom cages are far, far away and blocked from view by MSNBC's huge tent, no matter how loud you shout from there you cannot be heard from the doors of the convention halls. There is a GITMO-like "holding area" where the protesters who don't keep it in the cage will be put. It is about three blocks from where I work. Denver hid this place from everybody, but were caught with their hands in that cookie jar. 3833 Steele Street is the place if you want to check it out, there is a youtube video from the people who found out about it and got in and videotaped it.

Razor wire and fencing to hold the protesters who refuse to cage their freedoms. The DNC chose privately owned places for a reason, and it isn't benevolent. The Courts have already ruled that the Privately owned facilities do not have to allow the protesters near enough to be seen or heard.

There is a schedule of when they'll be allowed to come and go to the freedom cage, it begins after the Delegates enter, and ends before they return. Carefully fed "unity" will be the message of the day.

No dissent allowed.

In contrast, protesters will be within 90 feet of the doors to the RNC. (84 feet away to be exact).
SF I’m sorry you sleep through the news, but it’s not my problem and I’m tired of your trying to make it my problem. McCain was even causing problems for the bush administration, his lobbyist may be the one who lit this whole situation up, and he was blowing his big fat mouth off so badly that he was called out by his friend, the president of Georgia to back that shit up with some action.

Now either turn on your tv or shut the fuck up, but stop bloviating when you know jack shit.

ROFLMAO... so you are going to refuse to put forth any sort of evidence or even indications from McCain that will back your assertations? Instead you toss out yet another line of BS... that somehow the Georgian lobbyist is responsible for instigating this?

Side note: If I know so little as you claim... then WHY is it you refuse to provide any sort of evidence to back up your assertations????

Why not try to "educate" me? It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that you are simply pulling shit out of your ass.... could it???
Why do you have to post things like that? are you TRYING to pop Darlas fantasy of a "Wild-eyed-crazy-violence seeking McCain"?

Whatever. You probably won’t believe this, but half of me feels really sorry for both of you. The other half is horrified about what your stupidity would visit upon us.
The very title of that piece is brain-dead fucking stupid and is the type of rhetoric that got us (and worse the people of Georgia) where we are today. We're not all Georgians. And it's a fucking shame that the people of Georgia read this type of shit and think it means something, because, as they have learned, when the shooting starts those paltitudes mean less than nothing.

It's irresponsible and reckless and McCain should know better. That he doesn't is telling.

Absolutely true .. and when is it failed to ask the question of why would the Georgian President start a conflict he was sure to lose in about 5 minutes.