Obama's Margin of Error in the Polls

My brother .. there are a couple of threads here regarding the Georgia conflict that you might want to read .. and as the good researcher and fact-checker I know you to be .. feel free to check the facts.

He’s just blind. He’s good at screaming “ROTFLMAO HAHAHAHAHA”, but that’s about it. It’s sad, but also really bad for the rest of us, because he, and those other who remain willfully ignorant like him, will get us into some real bad situations.
He won't be getting that. The freedom cages are far, far away and blocked from view by MSNBC's huge tent, no matter how loud you shout from there you cannot be heard from the doors of the convention halls. There is a GITMO-like "holding area" where the protesters who don't keep it in the cage will be put. It is about three blocks from where I work. Denver hid this place from everybody, but were caught with their hands in that cookie jar. 3833 Steele Street is the place if you want to check it out, there is a youtube video from the people who found out about it and got in and videotaped it.

Razor wire and fencing to hold the protesters who refuse to cage their freedoms. The DNC chose privately owned places for a reason, and it isn't benevolent.

No dissent allowed.

In contrast, protesters will be within 90 feet of the doors to the RNC.

The DNC and RNC have nothing to do with security at these events. Security is the province of the local authorities in conjunction with the Secret Service.

"The DNC" didn't choose anything, neither did the RNC.
The DNC and RNC have nothing to do with security at these events. Security is the province of the local authorities in conjunction with the Secret Service.

"The DNC" didn't choose anything, neither did the RNC.
Total uninformed rubbish. They specifically selected sites that were privately owned so that they could shunt dissent and feed a scene of "unity" to the masses. And if you don't think the D Governor and D Mayor and City council have nothing to do with it either, then you are just fooling yourself. Put the blinders on, enjoy your "unity" parade.

I remember Father Neimoller nowadays.
Total uninformed rubbish. They specifically selected sites that were privately owned so that they could shunt dissent and feed a scene of "unity" to the masses. And if you don't think the D Governor and D Mayor and City council have nothing to do with it either, then you are just fooling yourself.

Damo - Please, man. You're being an idiot. The two conventions are designated "National Special Security Events" which puts the Secret Service in charge of the entire security operation.

Blaming the DNC or even the local authorities for security that is controlled by the Secret Service is fucking stupid.
My brother .. there are a couple of threads here regarding the Georgia conflict that you might want to read .. and as the good researcher and fact-checker I know you to be .. feel free to check the facts.

I have seen the threads BAC... all I saw on them was a conspiracy theory regarding a secret plan to get Russia to invade Georgia to benefit McCain blah blah blah...

See Cawackos Journal article for McCains ACTUAL position and comments. Or perhaps you care to post something else from the ultra left wing rag.... the Nation... to justify your position???

please tell me you have something other than a grand conspiracy theory.
Damo - Please, man. You're being an idiot. The two conventions are designated "National Special Security Events" which puts the Secret Service in charge of the entire security operation.

Blaming the DNC or even the local authorities for security that is controlled by the Secret Service is fucking stupid.
Again, you refuse to recognize that they did have the ability to choose sites that were union run and publicly owned. Instead they chose privately owned sites for this reason. This is like pretending that Kerry really didn't know that a vote for war was a vote for war. It's rubbish, complete ranting without regard to the reality of the situation.

And Denver is solely responsible for their holding areas, they were not built on the order of the Secret Service. Nor was the distance of the freedom cages selected by the Secret Service. If such were the case, the RNC wouldn't allow them so close by.

Denver chose to make this Gitmo like facility to hold protesters. There are also inflatable tents if those get too full. They are well prepared to arrest thousands.
Whatever. You probably won’t believe this, but half of me feels really sorry for both of you. The other half is horrified about what your stupidity would visit upon us.

Actually, I do believe you feel that way. It is sad that you have become so deluded that rather than providing any evidence to back your assertations you instead continue on with the bullshit line of "Oh, I can't believe you cannot see it... it is right in front of you and you are just ignoring it".


There.... does the all caps help you to understand? Do you comprehend now that when you make claims as you have done on this thread that I am going to ask you to back them up with some evidence. Again, I am not asking for proof that he wants a shooting war. Just show me what McCain has done or said that makes you believe as you do.

I want to understand your position, but that is impossible if you continue to fail to provide any sort of rationale for it.
I have seen the threads BAC... all I saw on them was a conspiracy theory regarding a secret plan to get Russia to invade Georgia to benefit McCain blah blah blah...

See Cawackos Journal article for McCains ACTUAL position and comments. Or perhaps you care to post something else from the ultra left wing rag.... the Nation... to justify your position???

please tell me you have something other than a grand conspiracy theory.

I watched McCain’s speeches on the matter, and also Georgia’s president’s response to them. And the fact that his foreign policy advisor was a lobbyist for Georgia who was paid close to one million dollars by that country, is not a “conspiracy theory” SF.

We all draw our own conclusions from listening to the words of others. I would remind you that his editorial, which was not a very bright piece to begin with, was written AFTER the alleged cease-fire that Bush has been trumping. McCain has been acting during this crisis as if he is already president. I have no doubt that he has received a phone call from the white house, but I’m sure you do.

I think you need to do less laughing and start paying more attention to McCain’s actions, but what I do know is that no matter what you will vote for McCain, and that means no matter what you will desperately deny and laugh off accusations of his being unstable and prone to dangerous and bellicose outbursts towards other countries, because you cannot be seen as someone voting for war.
He’s just blind. He’s good at screaming “ROTFLMAO HAHAHAHAHA”, but that’s about it. It’s sad, but also really bad for the rest of us, because he, and those other who remain willfully ignorant like him, will get us into some real bad situations.

Willfully ignorant? Blind? Give me a fucking break. I keep asking you to "open my eyes" or "educate me" on your position... yet YOU continue to fail to provide any sort of rationale for your position other than "you see it".
Actually, I do believe you feel that way. It is sad that you have become so deluded that rather than providing any evidence to back your assertations you instead continue on with the bullshit line of "Oh, I can't believe you cannot see it... it is right in front of you and you are just ignoring it".


There.... does the all caps help you to understand? Do you comprehend now that when you make claims as you have done on this thread that I am going to ask you to back them up with some evidence. Again, I am not asking for proof that he wants a shooting war. Just show me what McCain has done or said that makes you believe as you do.

I want to understand your position, but that is impossible if you continue to fail to provide any sort of rationale for it.

Again, you really need to watch the news and McCain’s own speeches. You also should check out his foreign policy advisers. You know, past performance is an indication of future actions. . But most of all, you need to calm down. You appear to have the same problem that McCain has. And nobody here has to tiptoe around you for expressing a conclusion they have made based on someone’s own performance, actions, and words. Sorry.
I have seen the threads BAC... all I saw on them was a conspiracy theory regarding a secret plan to get Russia to invade Georgia to benefit McCain blah blah blah...

See Cawackos Journal article for McCains ACTUAL position and comments. Or perhaps you care to post something else from the ultra left wing rag.... the Nation... to justify your position???

please tell me you have something other than a grand conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theory??

You mean like there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

You mean like the Bush Administration used trumped up evidence to justify the invasion of a small nation thousands of miles away that posed no threat to America?

You talking about those kind of "conspiracy theories?"

I'm amazed that a fine researcher such as yourself would even use such a immature term .. particularly given all that is known about the macinations of the neocon horde.

I have a question for you and I'd like to hear your theory on it.

Why did the Georgian President start a conflict he knew he would lose and many of his own people would be killed?

Don't worry about posing your theory because I know that having a theory about a question, issue, or event is not only normal, it's intelligent. I know that those who allow others to form their theoiry for them are not intelligent people.
I watched McCain’s speeches on the matter, and also Georgia’s president’s response to them. And the fact that his foreign policy advisor was a lobbyist for Georgia who was paid close to one million dollars by that country, is not a “conspiracy theory” SF.

We all draw our own conclusions from listening to the words of others. I would remind you that his editorial, which was not a very bright piece to begin with, was written AFTER the alleged cease-fire that Bush has been trumping. McCain has been acting during this crisis as if he is already president. I have no doubt that he has received a phone call from the white house, but I’m sure you do.

I think you need to do less laughing and start paying more attention to McCain’s actions, but what I do know is that no matter what you will vote for McCain, and that means no matter what you will desperately deny and laugh off accusations of his being unstable and prone to dangerous and bellicose outbursts towards other countries, because you cannot be seen as someone voting for war.

1) That the lobbyist was paid by Georgia is indeed a fact. The conspiracy theory falls in making some wild leap to suggest that the lobbyist was paid by Georgia to lobby McCain to somehow get Russia to invade Georgia that in turn would benefit McCain.

2) So again you pretend that you are the only one watching McCain or listening to what he says and use the "you just refuse to see" line of BS as an excuse to proclaim how enlightened you are. Yet again you refuse to point to ANYTHING that he said specifically that leads you to believe in your wonderful new conspiracy theory.
Willfully ignorant? Blind? Give me a fucking break. I keep asking you to "open my eyes" or "educate me" on your position... yet YOU continue to fail to provide any sort of rationale for your position other than "you see it".

Let me tell you something darlin, I’m not your dog. I’m not going to fetch you your own candidates own speeches on this, and his own warnings, and his own threats. First of all you would just dismiss them anyway, secondly, you should have already heard him give them, and lastly, I am fully aware that your role here is to deny everything. Go fetch your own current events. Everyone else on this board probably watched it first hand. If you didn’t, you’re not informed enough to be posting on a political board, in my opinion. But either way..I’m not your dog.
Actually, I do believe you feel that way. It is sad that you have become so deluded that rather than providing any evidence to back your assertations you instead continue on with the bullshit line of "Oh, I can't believe you cannot see it... it is right in front of you and you are just ignoring it".


There.... does the all caps help you to understand? Do you comprehend now that when you make claims as you have done on this thread that I am going to ask you to back them up with some evidence. Again, I am not asking for proof that he wants a shooting war. Just show me what McCain has done or said that makes you believe as you do.

I want to understand your position, but that is impossible if you continue to fail to provide any sort of rationale for it.

Be honest .. you said that about Iraq didn't you?


You probably said that to Darla before Iraq blew up in your face and SOMEHOW millions of people were able to figure out what so escaped you.

C'mon .. be honest .. you were stupid then, weren't you? :)

I'm just sayin' ...

Answer my question .. Why did the Georgian President start a conflict he knew he would lose and many of his own people would be killed?
Again, you refuse to recognize that they did have the ability to choose sites that were union run and publicly owned. Instead they chose privately owned sites for this reason. This is like pretending that Kerry really didn't know that a vote for war was a vote for war. It's rubbish, complete ranting without regard to the reality of the situation.

And Denver is solely responsible for their holding areas, they were not built on the order of the Secret Service. Nor was the distance of the freedom cages selected by the Secret Service. If such were the case, the RNC wouldn't allow them so close by.

Denver chose to make this Gitmo like facility to hold protesters. There are also inflatable tents if those get too full. They are well prepared to arrest thousands.

Damocles - Do you agree that the security operation at the DNC is the responsibility of the Secret Service by virtue of the even being designated a National Special Security Event? If so, why do you keep insisting that the "they" you keep referring to is anyone other than the Secret Service? Do you have evidence that the City of Denver or the DNC was the decision-maker notwithstanding the fact that the Secret Service is the entity that is solely responsible for security as opposed to the City of Denver simply implementing the Secret Service security plan? If so, please provide it. Otherwise, quit the bullshit.
Conspiracy theory??

You mean like there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

You mean like the Bush Administration used trumped up evidence to justify the invasion of a small nation thousands of miles away that posed no threat to America?

You talking about those kind of "conspiracy theories?"

I'm amazed that a fine researcher such as yourself would even use such a immature term .. particularly given all that is known about the macinations of the neocon horde.

I have a question for you and I'd like to hear your theory on it.

Why did the Georgian President start a conflict he knew he would lose and many of his own people would be killed?

Don't worry about posing your theory because I know that having a theory about a question, issue, or event is not only normal, it's intelligent. I know that those who allow others to form their theoiry for them are not intelligent people.

You are making the assertation that this was started by the Georgian President. I disagree with that point right out of the gate. Obviously both sides are claiming that it was the other that began the actual fighting. But Russia has been baiting their former slaves in Georgia and the Ukraine hoping for an excuse to roll the tanks in (which oddly were placed right near the Roki tunnel for just such an occasion.... were the Russians that concerned about a possible invasion from the miniscule Georgian forces... or were they there for this sole purpose?)

Russia is pissed that Georgia and the Ukraine want into NATO. They are pissed that the US could get a foothold so close to their territory. They are pissed at the perceived "disrespect" the world has shown towards them since the USSR fell apart.

and yes, it is indeed a conspiracy theory to suggest that this war was started to benefit McCain and/or the Reps. But NO, it is not the same as the "there are or are not WMDs in Iraq" argument or the "Bush misled us or not" argument. BOTH of those had evidence that was provided that backed up those claims.

This does not.
1) That the lobbyist was paid by Georgia is indeed a fact. The conspiracy theory falls in making some wild leap to suggest that the lobbyist was paid by Georgia to lobby McCain to somehow get Russia to invade Georgia that in turn would benefit McCain.

2) So again you pretend that you are the only one watching McCain or listening to what he says and use the "you just refuse to see" line of BS as an excuse to proclaim how enlightened you are. Yet again you refuse to point to ANYTHING that he said specifically that leads you to believe in your wonderful new conspiracy theory.

Who is throwing out that conspiracy theory?

The issue of McCain's foreign policy expert being a paid shill for Georgia is relevant to whether the policy positions McCain is promoting in accord with guidance provided by his expert are in the best interests of the United States, as opposed to the best interest of Georgia.

And if you look at McCain's foreign policy positions dating back to the late 1990s and his adoption of the rogue state rollback policy, it is more sanguine that the Bush foreign policy. Whether that means McCain is generally more favorable to war than the current president is not even in question, and the current president really really likes the threat and execution of war.

What you are asking for is a statement by McCain that he wants a shooting war with Russia. You aren't going to get that. He's a war-monger, not an idiot. Even if we had it, I'm sure you'd discount it, just like his bomb Iran "joke."
Let me tell you something darlin, I’m not your dog. I’m not going to fetch you your own candidates own speeches on this, and his own warnings, and his own threats. First of all you would just dismiss them anyway, secondly, you should have already heard him give them, and lastly, I am fully aware that your role here is to deny everything. Go fetch your own current events. Everyone else on this board probably watched it first hand. If you didn’t, you’re not informed enough to be posting on a political board, in my opinion. But either way..I’m not your dog.


"I am going to put forth faux outrage about you suggesting that I back up my own assertations. I think YOU should have to go look through every thing anyone ever said about Georgia to find what I MIGHT be talking about".
Damocles - Do you agree that the security operation at the DNC is the responsibility of the Secret Service by virtue of the even being designated a National Special Security Event? If so, why do you keep insisting that the "they" you keep referring to is anyone other than the Secret Service? Do you have evidence that the City of Denver or the DNC was the decision-maker notwithstanding the fact that the Secret Service is the entity that is solely responsible for security as opposed to the City of Denver simply implementing the Secret Service security plan? If so, please provide it. Otherwise, quit the bullshit.
One more time for the slow.

They selected the buildings to hold it in because they knew that if it was privately owned they had the legal right to set a distance beyond capacity to hear the protesters and to set time limits for them to be allowed in. In a publicly owned facility only reasonable accommodation must be made, hence the much shorter distance at the RNC. And they would be unable to set the draconian time limits to only be allowed in after the entry and before the exit of the delegates.

Attempting to put that onto the Secret Service is like pretending that the Senators do not have the capacity to gain intel not provided by the President. The Secret Service did not choose the venue, the DNC did.

Pretending that they just want to protect the DNC delegates from the hordes more than they want the RNC is total disingenuous rubbish of the highest order, you are coming back to form. You attempt to apologize for the Gestapo tactics applied here to control the message of "unity".