Obama's Margin of Error in the Polls

One more time for the slow.

They selected the buildings to hold it in because they knew that if it was privately owned they had the legal right to set a distance beyond capacity to hear the protesters and to set time limits for them to be allowed in. In a publicly owned facility only reasonable accommodation must be made, hence the much shorter distance at the RNC.

Attempting to put that onto the Secret Service is like pretending that the Senators do not have the capacity to gain intel not provided by the President.

Pretending that they just want to protect the DNC delegates from the hordes more than they want the RNC is total disingenuous rubbish of the highest order, you are coming back to form. You attempt to apologize for the Gestapo tactics applied here to control the message of "unity".

You didn't answer my prior questions. Here's another one:

Who are "they" if not the people in charge of security, in this case, the Secret Service?
You didn't answer my prior questions. Here's another one:

Who are "they" if not the people in charge of security, in this case, the Secret Service?
I did, the DNC selected the facilities and for the reasons I outlined. The privately owned facility allows them a measure of distance not allowed on publicly owned facilities as well as control of access by timelines. They had the capacity and were even urged by Unions to select publicly owned facilities, but they knew they could not control the "unity" message if they couldn't keep the protesters far, far away.

You are being deliberately obtuse. Because you want to pretend it isn't their "fault". Total garbage.

Again, putting this on the Secret Service is like pretending that the Senate has no other option than to rely on the President's intel.
Who is throwing out that conspiracy theory?

The issue of McCain's foreign policy expert being a paid shill for Georgia is relevant to whether the policy positions McCain is promoting in accord with guidance provided by his expert are in the best interests of the United States, as opposed to the best interest of Georgia.

And if you look at McCain's foreign policy positions dating back to the late 1990s and his adoption of the rogue state rollback policy, it is more sanguine that the Bush foreign policy. Whether that means McCain is generally more favorable to war than the current president is not even in question, and the current president really really likes the threat and execution of war.

What you are asking for is a statement by McCain that he wants a shooting war with Russia. You aren't going to get that. He's a war-monger, not an idiot. Even if we had it, I'm sure you'd discount it, just like his bomb Iran "joke."

1) RE read the thread... that conspiracy theory is being tossed out by both Darla and BAC

2) Show me how McCains position is not in the best interest of the US? To not show support for Georgia would violate the trust of every single former Soviet Block. It would violate the relationship we have with Georgia. It would also hurt our efforts to provide alternate shipping methods of the regions oil and nat gas. It is most certainly in our best interest to protect the borders of Georgia.

3) Your "rogue state rollback" argument needs a lot of work. Diplomacy was at the forefront of that policy, political and economic isolation was next... invasion/war was NOT the point... no matter how many times people on the left try to spin it as such.

4) NO, I specifically stated that I was not looking for a direct statement from McCain saying "I want war". I stated quite clearly that I wanted whatever it is Darla was using that indicated or led her to believe that McCain wanted a shooting war with Russia... which is what she claimed.

"I am going to put forth faux outrage about you suggesting that I back up my own assertations. I think YOU should have to go look through every thing anyone ever said about Georgia to find what I MIGHT be talking about".

LOL. Ok. SF I like you personally, but politically, you are like an Ox. It really doesn’t matter. You’re voting for McCain. My prediction is that four years from now you’ll complain that no one could have imagined just how bad he would be, while at the same time claiming “He didn’t do it on purpose” (the same way you are one of the few holdouts left claiming that bush didn’t lie, because there’s no tape). Then you’ll claim you just might for a democrat this time…until the democrats announce they’re nominating a democrat…at which time you’ll vote for McCain, again.

So really, what is the point of this nonsense with you? There is none. If God forbid McCain should win, this country will get everything it deserves for electing him. And fools like you will continue to claim there “was no proof”, all the while ignoring your very own candidates threats, bellicose and belligerent statements, and the past, present and future actions of his very own employees, most of whom are recently former lobbyists. It’s actually quite an amazing phenomenon.
I did, the DNC selected the facilities and for the reasons I outlined. The privately owned facility allows them a measure of distance not allowed on publicly owned facilities as well as control of access by timelines. They had the capacity and were even urged by Unions to select publicly owned facilities, but they knew they could not control the "unity" message if they couldn't keep the protesters far, far away.

You are being deliberately obtuse. Because you want to pretend it isn't their "fault". Total garbage.

OK, if you previously provided the evidence that the DNC was the decision-maker I missed it. Please provide it again.

And can we retire "obtuse" from being used on this board ever again? Along with inane?
OK, if you previously provided the evidence that the DNC was the decision-maker I missed it. Please provide it again.

And can we retire "obtuse" from being used on this board ever again? Along with inane?
Are you trying to say that the Secret Service selected the venue? Total rubbish beyond any measure of reality. It's like your forehead slopes further each time you try to excuse this activity.
LOL. Ok. SF I like you personally, but politically, you are like an Ox. It really doesn’t matter. You’re voting for McCain. My prediction is that four years from now you’ll complain that no one could have imagined just how bad he would be, (first indication you think he is going to win) while at the same time claiming “He didn’t do it on purpose” (the same way you are one of the few holdouts left claiming that bush didn’t lie, because there’s no tape). Then you’ll claim you just might for a democrat this time…until the democrats announce they’re nominating a democrat…at which time you’ll vote for McCain, again. (second indication you think McCain is going to win)

So what you are saying is that you now believe McCain will win this election?

That is good to hear.
Are you trying to say that the Secret Service selected the venue? Total rubbish beyond any measure of reality. It's like your forehead slopes further each time you try to excuse this activity.

I'm just trying to get you to answer some simple fucking questions, which seems impossible for you and I'm not excusing the activity, I'm just trying to place the blame where it belongs, not on a scapegoat that is politically convenient.
So what you are saying is that you now believe McCain will win this election?

That is good to hear.

I really have no idea who is going to win at this point. I suspect it’s going to be Obama…but that could be because it’s beyond my imaginings that there could be that many stupid people in this country…of course, this country has proved me wrong many times.
Are you trying to say that the Secret Service selected the venue? Total rubbish beyond any measure of reality. It's like your forehead slopes further each time you try to excuse this activity.

Hey Damo, remember when you made all those outraged posts when hundreds of people were arrested for peacefully protesting the Republican convention in NY, and then held FOR DAYS without being charged?

Me either.
I'm just trying to get you to answer some simple fucking questions, which seems impossible for you and I'm not excusing the activity, I'm just trying to place the blame where it belongs, not on a scapegoat that is politically convenient.
No, you are attempting to redirect. The Secret Service did not choose the venue and the conversation is about WHY the venue was selected.

Misdirection is a tool used by the disingenuous.

So, either the SS has all this uber-power to make those decisions, such as venue and time, and chose not to at the RNC, or you are just pretending to be dumb purposefully because it allows you to imagine the perfection of the DNC.
Hey Damo, remember when you made all those outraged posts when hundreds of people were arrested for peacefully protesting the Republican convention in NY, and then held FOR DAYS without being charged?

Me either.
I am just pointing out the hypocrisy inherent in ignoring it here. Thanks for bearing up to that opportunity. When some of the code pink ladies wind up in mini-gitmo on the Platte and bring back stories you can ignore it then too because it was the DNC and not the RNC.
I am just pointing out the hypocrisy inherent in ignoring it here. Thanks for bearing up to that opportunity. When some of the code pink ladies wind up in mini-gitmo on the Platte and bring back stories you can ignore it then too because it was the DNC and not the RNC.

You were pointing out your own hypocrisy of ignoring it in NY when it was the R convention and putting up threads and posts about it now that it’s the Dem convention? That was very sporting of you, but not necessary. We already know.
You were pointing out your own hypocrisy of ignoring it in NY when it was the R convention and putting up threads and posts about it now that it’s the Dem convention? That was very sporting of you, but not necessary. We already know.
I did not ignore it in NY. And I have no "outrage" here. I simply pointed out that Obama isn't going to have any setbacks to the "unity", for the reasons outlined here. "Outrage" over this can come from somewhere else.

I never told you to become "outraged", although I will poke at the silliness of trying to make this about me. I didn't make these rules.
Well, we strongly disagree on this, and the only thing I can say is that all of the board Republicans agree with you, along with half of Dixie (the poster dixie).

I know your feelings on this, but I have to disagree. When it comes to it, the left will not vote for McCain, and I think that polls which include Nadar and Barr are showing us that the protest votes would come from the right his year, not the left. We might whine and complain, but what we do not want is four years of this fucking crazier-than-bush (and we said it couldn’t happen), John McCain in the office. And many of us even have doubts that the United States as we know it can survive that.

:lmao: Darla, you do realize all the black posters have pretty much disagreed with you about race being the only factor, right? Why don't you admit your position is nothing more than race baiting?

For the record, I didn't contradict myself previously. I do believe there are a lot of elite libs who are saying they support Obama, but won't actually pull the lever for him because he is black. By and large, I think most of America will vote based on something other than skin color.

The hard core right is not going to vote for Obama, and the hard core left is not going to vote for McCain, and it has nothing to do with skin color. IF Obama loses, it is because the 'closet racist' elite liberal support he has now, evaporates in the voting booth. Yet, you are already setting up the canard that right-wingers don't support Obama because he is black. The truth is, right-wingers don't support Obama because he is Liberal!

I can't speak for all right-wingers, but I think the majority of hard core conservatives would have rather had Condi Rice than John McCain. I would have campaigned for her, I think she would make an outstanding president.

And I hope the United States "as you know it" doesn't survive, I hope the United States "you know" dies a slow miserable death as you watch in bitter disappointment, and the United States I know, makes a comeback.
"All of the black posters have disagreed with you". LMAO. Oh ok Dix.

I'll tell you what, no matter what happens I won't live in "bitter disappointment" a state which seems to be perpetual for you, because I'll still be hot, and I'll still spend the majority of my time having fun. Whereas you'll still be a miserable fool. So I think I'm going to make out OK. :)
"All of the black posters have disagreed with you". LMAO. Oh ok Dix.

I'll tell you what, no matter what happens I won't live in "bitter disappointment" a state which seems to be perpetual for you, because I'll still be hot, and I'll still spend the majority of my time having fun. Whereas you'll still be a miserable fool. So I think I'm going to make out OK. :)

Just make sure you use protection when making out. :cof1: