Obama's Ready....


Well-known member
This dude is ready to be president. He's got the midas touch - the rock star karma, if you will. And not just in Kenya. But, here too. This guy could beat any republican you can name, IMO.

I know this is a little fluff piece, but remember when we had presidents like this?

Cheering Throngs greet Senator Obama in Kenya

Obama goes back to his father's native Kenya

By C. Bryson Hull
Sat Aug 26, 11:52 AM ET

KOGELO, Kenya (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Barack Obama returned to his ancestral village in west Kenya on Saturday as thousands of cheering well-wishers thronged to greet the rising political star in America's Democratic Party as a native son.

After flying into Kisumu on the shores of Lake Victoria, Obama drove 100 km (60 miles) northwest to the village where his father was born and buried for the highly anticipated climax of his two-week African tour.

Unlike his last visit in the early 1990s when he traveled by public minibus with chickens in his lap, this time Obama reached the verdant village in a motorcade with police escorts.

"People of Kogelo, thank you!" he said in the local Luo language to rapturous applause as he stood on a table to greet thousands gathered on the football pitch of the Senator Obama Primary School, renamed in his honor.

A carnival atmosphere prevailed as residents banged drums, sang songs and waved flags reading "Obama we love you."

I think Warner ,Obama in 08 would be killer

Obama is ready to be the headline act.

You've seen him on cspan. He's got the intellect, the personality, and the charisma that blows away Warner or anyone else in either party.

He'd be perfectly positioned to regain our allies, and our standing in the world. IMO
he's does not have rockstar status cypress. He hasn't even served a full term in the senate yet. Most people in america still probably don't know who he is. Just because you like him doesn't mean anything.
That would be like me saying that Tancredo stands a chance to win because he's charismatic...

How do you think Bush won in 2000? Ability, experience and intellect?

No. Because he seemed like he'd be cool to have a beer with. The Governor of Texas is constitutionally, largely a figurehead position with relatively little executive authority.

Obama is head and shoulders above bush, in every way imaginable.
Warner-Obama has to be the republican's worst nightmare.

A moderate southern governor like the last two democratic presidents along with the first black on the national ticket which will bring formerly apathetic black voters out in droves....
Except the "Beer Me!" magnetism...

I think he won because Gore couldn't captivate so they really only went on what they said....
let Obama get eight years of seasoning as Veep and then he'll stroll into the white house on his own in 2016.
Except the "Beer Me!" magnetism...

I think he won because Gore couldn't captivate so they really only went on what they said....

You could train a shaved chimpanzee to "say" the right things on the issues:

"I hate abortions! I like small government, and low taxes!"

I would hope republicans vote on more than just sound bites. But, also on competence, experience, and ability.
Warner record and his bipartisan outlook would be a huge asset and pair that with a Obama at his right hand would seal it.

Obama is a bit young and there are still alot of people reluctant to a Black on the top ticket, they would freak and attack like frothing dogs
You could train a shaved chimpanzee to "say" the right things on the issues:

"I hate abortions! I like small government, and low taxes!"

I would hope republicans vote on more than just sound bites. But, also on competence, experience, and ability.
The problem was they really didn't have much to work with. Gore/Lieberman or Bush/Cheney. They voted for the guys they liked better...

It will work the same with the next groups. Obama can captivate a group but his 4 years of experience won't get him past the ignorant... He needs a bit more than that and a far more national platform for a longer period.

It's not like people who pay attention are going to vote for him because he is articulate if his views are against what they believe...
The problem was they really didn't have much to work with. Gore/Lieberman or Bush/Cheney. They voted for the guys they liked better...

It will work the same with the next groups. Obama can captivate a group but his 4 years of experience won't get him past the ignorant... He needs a bit more than that and a far more national platform for a longer period.

It's not like people who pay attention are going to vote for him because he is articulate if his views are against what they believe...

Right. They "liked" bush better. I'm not talking about hard-core repubs, who would vote for a shaved chimp before they voted for a dem. I'm talking aobut the liberal republicans and independents who voted for bush over gore.

And how on earth, did Bush win the 2000 GOP primary? That can't be dismissed as some fluke because his opponents "ideology" was not consistent with the primary voters.

Like I said, it was something about bush besides integrity, expericence, and intellect (which he sorely lacks). Its was about charisma and personality. Which roles me back to the importance of charisma.
If Gore would have been smart enough to pay attention to his own state it never would have been "stolen"...

I get so tired of this crap. If Gore got more votes this wouldn't have happened. When even the people of his own state say NO, there is something more you should look at than "It was stolen"... Regardless of whatever might have been done in Florida, had Gore won his own home state he would have been President in 2001.
Warner record and his bipartisan outlook would be a huge asset and pair that with a Obama at his right hand would seal it.

Obama is a bit young and there are still alot of people reluctant to a Black on the top ticket, they would freak and attack like frothing dogs

I'm not too worried about what people say can't, or shouldn't be done.

I was with Howard Dean, when he had maybe 300 supporters nationwide. Before anybody knew him. And he went from nowhere, to the frontrunner in a matter of months. And I still believe he would have won if the DLC, Gephardt, Kerry, and Lieberman hadn't conspired against him.

So, I don't always believe in conventional wisdom.
Katrina proved to me the depth of racism still left in America.

Yes, I think this is underestimated too Desh. I personally believe that the number of Americans who feel good about telling a pollster "sure I'd vote for a black President, in fact, I can't wait for the chance to!", but who, once in the voting booth, won't pull that lever, cannot be reliably calculated.

Same thing btw, for a female President.
Most of the racists are going to vote republican anyway. That doesn't hurt Obama. To be sure, there's a some good old boy Democrats who might shy away from Obama.

But, that would be more than offset, by a massive turnout in the minority communities.