Obama's Ready....

Most of the racists are going to vote republican anyway. That doesn't hurt Obama. To be sure, there's a some good old boy Democrats who might shy away from Obama.

But, that would be more than offset, by a massive turnout in the minority communities.

You might be right. I hope so, I'd love to be alive to see the first black president and the first female one. At least one of those milestones please! It would be so great.
Most of the racists are going to vote republican anyway. That doesn't hurt Obama. To be sure, there's a some good old boy Democrats who might shy away from Obama.

But, that would be more than offset, by a massive turnout in the minority communities.

What a ridiculous statement Cypress. Not all racists are white in case you did not know it. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are two very prominent non-white racists.

You might be right. I hope so, I'd love to be alive to see the first black president and the first female one. At least one of those milestones please! It would be so great.

I would love to be alive when we don't look at a person's color or genitals to determine whether or not they are qualified to be President or any other position. Unfortunately, thanks to our political parties, I don't see that happening. They both use this as another dividing issue.

Warner-Obama has to be the republican's worst nightmare.

A moderate southern governor like the last two democratic presidents along with the first black on the national ticket which will bring formerly apathetic black voters out in droves....

i think obama would lose actually due to his hard left stance on abortion, he wouldn't win even one southern state, count florida out as well...
What a ridiculous statement Cypress. Not all racists are white in case you did not know it. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are two very prominent non-white racists.


I never said otherwise.

I think Louis Farakhan is a horrid anti-semite.

There is no real example.. its just the Democrats way of spinning rhetoric.. just like the "Machines" .. or all racists are "white" by implying they only reside in the republican party ... or Obama is "ready" to be President .., or enough with the suthern white honky's, or posting about southern white fat asses, its the "aint I a now big tent guy" kind of mentality.. that is transparent as the gas I pass from eating too damn much caribbean rice and beans.

Obama has exactly zero chance of even being vice president.
I agree with Desh, too many racist.
I think the dems are too smart to even put him on the ticket. His balloon will get floated and that's it. The dems have enough racist on their side to kill it. Evidence how many blacks in leadership positions in their organizations.
Before you all get off on me, this is what I think.
I would support a Hillary/Ford ticket like a volunteer.
What a ridiculous statement Cypress. Not all racists are white in case you did not know it. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are two very prominent non-white racists.


they're are TONS of black racists and nearly all of them are in the democratic party.
Right. They "liked" bush better. I'm not talking about hard-core repubs, who would vote for a shaved chimp before they voted for a dem. I'm talking aobut the liberal republicans and independents who voted for bush over gore.

And how on earth, did Bush win the 2000 GOP primary? That can't be dismissed as some fluke because his opponents "ideology" was not consistent with the primary voters.

Like I said, it was something about bush besides integrity, expericence, and intellect (which he sorely lacks). Its was about charisma and personality. Which roles me back to the importance of charisma.

Cypress, I'd say that bush won the primary by planting rumors designed to appeal to the many racists in the republican's southern base (sorry, they're there!), and by spreading other rumors that his captivity during Vietnam had left him insane. That's how you win Republican primaries. Let's at least own up to the shit that these people cater to in their own bases. The disgusting asses of the very dregs of humanity that they have to kiss in order to get through their primaries.

Now as to the general, Damo's wrong, (but what's new), who you'd rather have a beer with, did play a part. Like anything in life, there was more than one factor. There was also the factor, and fact by the way, that Desh brought up, and then there was the Clinton fatigue factor, or the percieved clinton fatigue factor, which since he left office with such high approval ratings (whose grandmother wouldn't bush murder to have those numbers today?) I belive the republicans made up and the media liked the way it smelled and they played it, and since perception is reality, this perception of this nearly non-existent clinton-fatigue, became reality, and possibly cost Gore some votes. Then there was Gore's own incredibly stupid error of putting Clinton on a leash and distancing himself from him. You do not put the most charasmatic and smartest natural-born polititican your era has produced, in the holding pen.

So there were a lot of reasons. That's just my opinion. I can't see Obama winning if he's on top of the ticket, and frankly, with four years in the Senate, I don't think he should.

However, I would be very excited about him as VP, and future President. I believe he will be, I'll tell you why. For all the reasons you mention, and because history shows us that sexism is a stronger social force than racism, there will be a black male President before there is a female President, and I believe Obama is well-positioned to eventually be that man. Hillary is going to flop, and we will not see a female President for another 20 years yet. That's my prediction. :)
Only southern presidenst allowed you yankees are too stupid and Shallow.
Can you turds even remember a non southerner?