Obama's Ready....

let Obama get eight years of seasoning as Veep and then he'll stroll into the white house on his own in 2016.

But what of the Hilldebeast? She's suposedly NOT running in 2008 - that's what she has been telling constituents- so, a seasoned, seating sitting Demo VP...
It proved to me how comfortable people have become in depending on government for their very safety.
And what a fricking shame that really is. I don't trust them to give me my "Social Security" that I payed for, why should I expect them to save my life? We are such fricking sheep!
If I moved there would that make me "from" Texas?

When people ask me where I am from, I say Tampa, where I grew up. Even though I have lived in Alabama, Wyoming, Virginia, Washington, D.C, Maryland, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and West Palm Beach since I lived in Tampa!
When people ask me where I am from, I say Tampa, where I grew up. Even though I have lived in Alabama, Wyoming, Virginia, Washington, D.C, Maryland, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and West Palm Beach since I lived in Tampa!
I would always say "Colorado", that's where I am from, not where I live. Those are two different things. (Of course I live in Colorado now too, but that wasn't always the case.)
This was an interesting thread to revisit. I thought Obama was ready and had the midas touch, in August 2006....to which posters responded with disbelief and derision. :)

AUGUST 28, 2006

CYPRESS: "Obama's Ready....This dude is ready to be president. He's got the midas touch - the rock star karma, if you will. And not just in Kenya. But, here too. This guy could beat any republican you can name, IMO."

-Grind He does not have rockstar status cypress. He hasn't even served a full term in the senate yet. Most people in america still probably don't know who he is. Just because you like him doesn't mean anything.

-Damocles: That would be like me saying that Tancredo stands a chance to win because he's charismatic...

-topspin: Obama has exactly zero chance of even being vice president. I agree with Desh, too many racist. I think the dems are too smart to even put him on the ticket.

-Hiplew: obama could indeed become president.....of kenya!

-Desh: Obama is a bit young and there are still alot of people reluctant to a Black on the top ticket, they would freak and attack like frothing dogs
Im so very glad I was wrong


Hell, I'm wrong about a lot of crap! But, I knew there was something different about Obama. Something inspiring, and unique. And that he was ready for the big game. So, I'll take credit for it.

Hell, I'm wrong about a lot of crap! But, I knew there was something different about Obama. Something inspiring, and unique. And that he was ready for the big game. So, I'll take credit for it.

Why don't you ever post the threads where you're wrong, followed by a frownie face?

Because that would be ingenuous? :D
Of course, as recently as four months ago, no one would have thought that Rudy would fall below Ron Paul's numbers (who will actually have a few delegates thanks to two silvers so far), so I am not going to be so lame as to knock a 1 /14 year old prediction. :clink:
Did Obama receive the nomination and I missed it?

no, what you missed is what I actually said: that Obama has the star power, charisma and stature, to become a president. Which is clearly not even debateable now. He has a good shot at being president.
This was an interesting thread to revisit. I thought Obama was ready and had the midas touch, in August 2006....to which posters responded with disbelief and derision. :)

I wasn't in disbelief. It was quite clear that this guy has been overhyped since the democratic convention in 2004, I was under no delusion that he was going to be playing a major role in this election.... but to say he is "Ready" was, and is... false.