Obama's short List

dems don't need warhawk lights, it's time to stop the elective wars.
Richardson has a track record and accomplishments, we don't need a stuff shirt debator wet behind the ears as VP.
Another list had Bob Kerry of Nebraska.
No military guru's are anti war, they are just less likely to bomb the shit out of poeple.
No Jarheads in the white house for 2 decades following any elective war.
Gumby, reminss me I saw a Gumby hot wings and stuff place a few weeks ago.... I wonder how long that will last.
That and Edwards saying he doesn't want to be considered for VP.

I like Clark, Nunn, Edwards, McCaskill, Richardson, Biden.

I belive Clark would be great, and if Senator Clinton gives her blessing, he would do it. He is a terrable debater, but brings great military experience to the ticket.

Edwards says he is not interested, but he said that last time. Its hard to say no when your parties nominee says, "The nation needs you, John"!

Richardson has grown a beard/goatee in the last few months, it makes him look more hispanic, but not VicePresidental...
usged are you trying out for village idiot or were you appointed while I was out. Stop dreaming about Oprah.