Obama's Stance on Concealed Carry?


This is troubling. He seems to support a nation-wide ban, superceding state laws, on concealed carry permits.

Can anyone show good evidence to support or refute this?
"I am not in favor of concealed weapons," Obama said. "I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations."
I voted for Obama today, and expect to again in the fall.
hey btw there were about 6 on the primary republican side.
LOL Obama supported the Secure Fence Act.

how many liberals and democrats here lambasted repubs for the dumb fence idea?
I just find it funny. I'm still gonna vote for Obama.
In 2004, Obama said he supports a national ban on concealed carry because the states that allow it are "threatening the safety of Illinois residents."6 Never mind the fact that concealed carry laws have improved the safety of citizens in the states that have enacted such laws.


so now you are gonna vote for Obama ?

You obviously don't read a word I write in the damn forum. I've said for months after Ron Paul fizzled that I was gonna vote for Obama. I hate McCain. He's just like Hillary. they're both attention whores who are self serving. Obama is the lesser of two evils since McCain is a liberal in con clothing. At least I know what to expect from Obama.
This is troubling. He seems to support a nation-wide ban, superceding state laws, on concealed carry permits.

Can anyone show good evidence to support or refute this?

It was when he was a state legislator in 2004.


The concealed carry of firearms is another important issue for gun owners, and yet Obama is not only opposed to citizens carrying guns, he supports using federal laws to override those states which currently allow the practice.

In 2004, Obama said he supports a national ban on concealed carry because the states that allow it are "threatening the safety of Illinois residents."6 Never mind the fact that concealed carry laws have improved the safety of citizens in the states that have enacted such laws.7

If it gives you any consolation, even if he still believes in such a ban he probably knows as well as you and I that he could never get one passed or recognized by the courts.
I would like to think that congress would never pass a law like this, but I know that is not true with more dems winning office this fall. The only hope is that ALL the blue dogs would vote against this. I am going to have to inquire of the candidates running for office here in NM before I decide who i will vote for in the HR race in my district and the senate in NM. I will NOT vote for anyone that does not without thought say they will vote against it.
I'm curious to know how a man who taught Constitutional Law is able to justify this to himself.

I don't know if it's so much about legal knowledge as being in touch with common sense.

Sorry to weigh in on a purely domestic issue for Americans but (Indi's head might blow up here) but if I lived in the States I would get a ccw permit and if I could rake up the money, get a nice Kimber.

And I'd do so based on my perception of need.
You obviously don't read a word I write in the damn forum. I've said for months after Ron Paul fizzled that I was gonna vote for Obama. I hate McCain. He's just like Hillary. they're both attention whores who are self serving. Obama is the lesser of two evils since McCain is a liberal in con clothing. At least I know what to expect from Obama.

sorry should have quoted, that was at Epi.
timing is everything sometimes.
I don't know if it's so much about legal knowledge as being in touch with common sense.

Sorry to weigh in on a purely domestic issue for Americans but (Indi's head might blow up here) but if I lived in the States I would get a ccw permit and if I could rake up the money, get a nice Kimber.

And I'd do so based on my perception of need.

You would not need it, Americans just love people with aussie or Britt accents.
Not sure why though.