Obama's Stance on Concealed Carry?

I hope you are right but he has been very silent on this. Why not deny something so harmful?

He's been silent on this because it isn't an issue. No one anywhere is proposing a law to ban concealed carry nationally. In fact, the most recent legislation on concealed carry expanded concealed carry rights by allowing former law enforcement officials to carry concealed weapons nationally notwithstanding state laws that may prohibit it.

That bill passed the Senate in 2004 with 91 votes in favor.

It's not an issue.
People like you seem incapable of realizing the importance of multiple issues.

You can search this thread till you are blue in the face and you will not see me saying I'm voting McCain anywhere.

Pretending like this is not a real issue is NOT how the Dems should deal with this.

I'm not pretending its not a real issue.

I was highlighting that there are bigger issues that affect your way of life and over national security. Its ridiculous completely discount all of that because you want some gun nut to be able to CCW
He's been silent on this because it isn't an issue. No one anywhere is proposing a law to ban concealed carry nationally. In fact, the most recent legislation on concealed carry expanded concealed carry rights by allowing former law enforcement officials to carry concealed weapons nationally notwithstanding state laws that may prohibit it.

That bill passed the Senate in 2004 with 91 votes in favor.

It's not an issue.

His website does not have a position on the 2nd Amendment, which is usually not a good sign.
I'm not pretending its not a real issue.

I was highlighting that there are bigger issues that affect your way of life and over national security. Its ridiculous completely discount all of that because you want some gun nut to be able to CCW

My security is ensured by my concealed carry permit and I want to know unequivocally that Obama has no plans to leave me unarmed and defenseless walking the streets of a city full of lunatics.
They are legally Obliged...the LE motto is 'To Protect and Serve'...where the problem lies is response time...this is a problem all over the world...not just the USA!

No they're not. No obligation at all. Can't think of the case right now but one was decided in the last 18 months to 2 years or so in the States on this. Woman sued the local Sheriff's Dept for not responding to a serious DV and it was, too bad. Court said there is no obligation to the individual citizen.

BB the cops serve the state (the polity) not the people.
BB isn't as cool a cop as you are Diuretic.

In fact I have yet to meet a cool American cop who isn't shamelessly dirty or absurdly closeminded or both.
His website does not have a position on the 2nd Amendment, which is usually not a good sign.

I don't know why his website doesn't have a position on the second amendment but it may be a reflection of the fact that it isn't an issue of importance to him one way or another. To determine that he wants to prohibit concealed carry nationally because he doesn't have a position on the 2nd Amendment on his website is ludicrous.

The bottom line is that McCain is in favor of less restrictions on gun ownership than Obama, but neither are anywhere close to trying to prohibit concealed carry nationally.
No they're not. No obligation at all. Can't think of the case right now but one was decided in the last 18 months to 2 years or so in the States on this. Woman sued the local Sheriff's Dept for not responding to a serious DV and it was, too bad. Court said there is no obligation to the individual citizen.

BB the cops serve the state (the polity) not the people.

I disagree...one case does not change the obligation of LE...like I said response time and priorities are more likely what the court decision in this case was addressing!
My security is ensured by my concealed carry permit and I want to know unequivocally that Obama has no plans to leave me unarmed and defenseless walking the streets of a city full of lunatics.

Obama has no plans to takes your gun away, but if your state or local government wants to he isn't going to stop them.
I'm not pretending its not a real issue.

I was highlighting that there are bigger issues that affect your way of life and over national security. Its ridiculous completely discount all of that because you want some gun nut to be able to CCW

How would you feel if Obama's stance was that he didnt want abortion legal and didnt want gays to ever be able to get married? Would you still support him?

These issues are of similar level of significance.
Obama has no plans to takes your gun away, but if your state or local government wants to he isn't going to stop them.

Dung I am not saying that he absolutely supports it. The evidence is spotty at best.

But you cannot say that it is an open and shut question. He has not denied it and refuses to address it on his positions page.

I agree with you that I don't think the political climate would allow the passage of such a bill, but I don't want a President with that mindset regardless.
How would you feel if Obama's stance was that he didnt want abortion legal and didnt want gays to ever be able to get married? Would you still support him?

These issues are of similar level of significance.

I put concealed carry WELL WELL WELL ahead of abortion and gay marriage.

All the abortions and gay marriages in the world won't limit my ability to defend myself. Banning Concealed Carry would.
Dung I am not saying that he absolutely supports it. The evidence is spotty at best.

But you cannot say that it is an open and shut question. He has not denied it and refuses to address it on his positions page.

I agree with you that I don't think the political climate would allow the passage of such a bill, but I don't want a President with that mindset regardless.

It's pretty open and shut. He hasn't denied it because he hasn't been asked about it. He hasn't been asked about it because no one anywhere has proposed it. The closest to it is below, where Obama recognizes that the Constitution provides for the individual right to bear arms but that state and local authorities can regulate guns.

MR. GIBSON: Senator Obama, the District of Columbia has a law, it's had a law since 1976, it's now before the United States Supreme Court, that prohibits ownership of handguns, a sawed-off shotgun, a machine gun or a short-barreled rifle. Is that law consistent with an individual's right to bear arms?

SENATOR OBAMA: Well, Charlie, I confess I obviously haven't listened to the briefs and looked at all the evidence.

As a general principle, I believe that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms. But just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right, and, you know, in the same way that we have a right to private property but local governments can establish zoning ordinances that determine how you can use it.

And I think that it is going to be important for us to reconcile what are two realities in this country.

There's the reality of gun ownership and the tradition of gun ownership that's passed on from generation to generation. You know, when you listen to people who have hunted, and they talk about the fact that they went hunting with their fathers or their mothers, then that is something that is deeply important to them and, culturally, they care about deeply.

But you also have the reality of what's happening here in Philadelphia and what's happening in Chicago.


Mr. GIBSON: But do you still favor the registration of guns? Do you still favor the licensing of guns?

And in 1996, your campaign issued a questionnaire, and your writing was on the questionnaire that said you favored a ban on handguns.

SENATOR OBAMA: No, my writing wasn't on that particular questionnaire, Charlie. As I said, I have never favored an all-out ban on handguns.

What I think we can provide is common-sense approaches to the issue of illegal guns that are ending up on the streets. We can make sure that criminals don't have guns in their hands. We can make certain that those who are mentally deranged are not getting a hold of handguns. We can trace guns that have been used in crimes to unscrupulous gun dealers that may be selling to straw purchasers and dumping them on the streets.

The point is, is that what we have to do is get beyond the politics of this issue and figure out what, in fact, is working.

Look, in my hometown of Chicago, on the south side of Chicago, we've had 34 gun deaths last year of Chicago public school children.

And I think that most law-abiding gun owners all across America would recognize that it is perfectly appropriate for local communities and states and the federal government to try to figure out, how do we stop that kind of killing?

Good enough?

No because I have heard about that zoning thing before.. basically no handguns in certain areas Concealed or not. its a very slippery slope.
No because I have heard about that zoning thing before.. basically no handguns in certain areas Concealed or not. its a very slippery slope.

Chap - You're way off base and reacting emotionally. All Obama is saying is that state and local authorities have the ability to regulate guns. He's not saying that he supports zoning ordinances that prohibit the carrying of handguns. In fact, the zoning ordinances typically deal with the sale of guns and prohibit the sale of guns within a certain proximity to schools, for example.
Dung you have helped placate me, but I'm not going to be entirely satisfied until Obama himself addresses this. His records and rhetoric on the issue are too contradictory to be accepted as fact.
Dung you have helped placate me, but I'm not going to be entirely satisfied until Obama himself addresses this. His records and rhetoric on the issue are too contradictory to be accepted as fact.

Well, I'm glad to help. I though he addressed it quite substantially in the debate transcript excerpted above. I'm sure that we will hear more about the gun issue once there is a McCain-Obama debate since there is more daylight between McCain and Obama (albiet not terribly so) than between Obama and Clinton.

I'm curious though, as to why you think his records and rhetoric on the issue are contradictory. He has held state office representing an urban district where he supported efforts to regulate guns at the state level. Since he has been in Congress I don't think he has done anything that contradicts his position that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms that can be regulated by local authorities. I may be wrong though.
im not moving out of the O column but this is a serious secondary issue to me.

I want the republicans to hammer him on this so that hes forced to say he wont do anything to threaten our rights.
Well, I'm glad to help. I though he addressed it quite substantially in the debate transcript excerpted above. I'm sure that we will hear more about the gun issue once there is a McCain-Obama debate since there is more daylight between McCain and Obama (albiet not terribly so) than between Obama and Clinton.

I'm curious though, as to why you think his records and rhetoric on the issue are contradictory. He has held state office representing an urban district where he supported efforts to regulate guns at the state level. Since he has been in Congress I don't think he has done anything that contradicts his position that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms that can be regulated by local authorities. I may be wrong though.

I can't find a reliable source for this quote but it appears on several pro-2nd websites. It is highly disturbing and seems to indicate a desire to supercede state laws. But like you said I'm sure this will be fleshed out more in the McCain-Obama debates.

Obama says, "National legislation will prevent other states' flawed concealed-weapons laws from threatening the safety of Illinois residents." David Mendell, "Democratic hopefuls vary a bit on death penalty," Chicago Tribune, February 20, 2004
