October 7, - cause and effect

If Israel withdraws from Gaza prior to completely [eradicating the Arabs] et al., they'll just be [postponing the 2nd Nakba for] a few years.
All you want, as a dedicated fan of Team Israel, is to get your money's worth and see a genuine cleansing of your HATED group of Semites, because that's just the RACIST, antisemitic kind of shit you are.

And, it'll be the same Palestinian fucksticks that started this war starting the next.
Palestinians are not Iranians. Once all the Arab Semites have been extinguished, Iran will still be attacking Israel. Iran has been responsible for all attacks on Israel for more than 40 years (except for Saddam Hussein's SCUD missile attacks), and Iran is not going to stop just because there are no more Arabs.
All you want, as a dedicated fan of Team Israel, is to get your money's worth and see a genuine cleansing of your HATED group of Semites, because that's just the RACIST, antisemitic kind of shit you are.

I'm not a "fan" of either side. I want a winner. I want this war to be the last one Israel and Gaza fight. Whatever that requires to reach that outcome is fine by me. That's far better than sitting though another 50 years of endless low-grade warfare and hatred with current and future generations having to endure the suffering that goes with it. Better it ends here and now, and another war isn't fought than this one ends unresolved and the fighting goes on, potentially forever.

Palestinians are not Iranians. Once all the Arab Semites have been extinguished, Iran will still be attacking Israel. Iran has been responsible for all attacks on Israel for more than 40 years (except for Saddam Hussein's SCUD missile attacks), and Iran is not going to stop just because there are no more Arabs.

While Iranians aren't really Arabs, I think this still applies: Give one Arab a gun, you get a massacre. Give two Arabs guns, you get a war...
1. That's clearly not in their interests, and
2. They're busy enforcing the 2nd Nakba.

That's convenient. You're another ZenMode. I can answer your question in twenty different ways and you'll still pretend that I didn't answer.

You have been totally dishonest throughout this entire thread while I have provided you thorough and specific answers to all of your questions. Your agenda is obvious, and your arguments are thus far rejected. If you want to discuss the merits of your agenda then be forthright, otherwise if you want to use the word "conflict" then stick to the current genocide that is occurring at present.

Finally, you answered the question why Israel does not withdraw troops from the occupied Palestinian territory: "That's clearly not in their interests." Yes, it is not in the interests of Jews with right-wing views, and such are the majority in Israel and you, as it now turns out, are among them, to create a Palestinian state, as was envisaged in 1947 by the UN.
The most important thing for today is that America did not veto the UN Security Council resolutions on an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, contrary to Israel's position. I feel like this is a consequence of Biden’s statements about the creation of a Palestinian state. Yes, it is the implementation of the UN decision of 1947 that will put an end to the almost century-long conflict.
I disagree. The Israelis screwed with the perfect group of people, i.e. the ones they HATE and on whom they can count on Team Israel to HATE upon command.

I was sarcastically referring to Hamas screwing with Israel.
I'm not a "fan" of either side.
Boooolsch't. You are a willing tool for Israel. You applaud even genocide if Israel is the perpetrator. You go out of your way to impute blame onto Arabs for things they haven't done. You excuse Israel of actual atrocities while imparting death sentences on Arabs based merely on your sole accusation of having "thoughts" that you pretend to impose on them. You force yourself into denying that Iran attacked Israel on October 7th just to cling to your racist HATRED and your racist narrative. You are not only a fan, you could pass as an Israeli.

I want a winner. I
This is key. You can't have a winner in a sports match without a sports match. You can't have a winner in an attempted genocide without the genocide, and you want a winner. The Gazans never attacked Israel. Israel, sure as shit, is exterminating Gazans who never attacked them. You are having a tough time concealing your racism and your support for Israel's genocide in the face of Iran having been the attacker and not the Gazans ... so much so that your only option is to attempt to revise history. I suppose that as long as you fall for your own disinformation, it works for you, right?

want this war to be the last one Israel and Gaza fight.

Exactly. You want the Arabs exterminated.

Whatever that requires to reach that outcome is fine by me.
That is what makes you an immoral shit.

That's far better than sitting though another 50 years of endless low-grade warfare and hatred with current and future generations having to endure the suffering that goes with it.
Let's test that logic:

[Logic Test] The Holocaust was a far better solution than sitting though another 50 years of endless Jewish repression and predatory banking and hatred with current and future generations having to endure the suffering that goes with it. [/Logic Test]

Nope. Your logic sucks.

Better it ends here and now, and another war isn't fought than this one ends unresolved and the fighting goes on, potentially forever.
I get it. Let's just exterminate the Arabs now. When the IDF starts bombing Lebanon and/or other Arabs so that it just "ends here and now", will you justify those attacks and those resulting deaths by saying "they shouldn't have started a war with MY TEAM"?

While Iranians aren't really Arabs, I think this still applies: Give one Arab a gun, you get a massacre. Give two Arabs guns, you get a war...
What about "Give Israel an IDF and you get a genocide"?
So, as I see, you have not found evidence of attacks, as you claim, by Palestinians on Arab countries. Alas, you fail to present the Palestinians as barbarians and robbers who are deservedly killed by Israel.

Apparently Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 template of NYC, Washington,D.C. & Temple Mount Israel Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom of those crooks on Capital Hill where George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam diatribe wasn't American enough to stop the "serve the Pope or die" mass murder of close to 3,0000 instead of Eisenhower's "Never Again"....as Turkey's Erdogan HA MAS ! Netanyahu should meet Allah too.....
Yes, it is not in the interests of Jews with right-wing views,
I did not specify "Jews." I specified "Israel/Israelis".

... and such are the majority in Israel and you, as it now turns out, are among them,
So, Team Israel's arguments depend on me being a pro-Arab Jew-hater while your arguments depend on me being a conservative Jew who HATES Arabs.

I'm the only poster on this board that isn't taking sides. I want the conflict ended, now, peacefully ... and accountability held, fairly, for war crimes. It would be the same regardless of the countries or ethnicities involved.

The most important thing for today is that America did not veto the UN Security Council resolutions on an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, contrary to Israel's position.
Nope. That is not the most important thing. The most important things at the moment are the bullets that are flying, the airstrikes that are being launched, and the deaths that are resulting.

I feel like this is a consequence of Biden’s statements about the creation of a Palestinian state.
You mean to say that this is related to the will of Biden's handlers.

Yes, it is the implementation of the UN decision of 1947 that will put an end to the almost century-long conflict.
Your agenda is dismissed. Your attempt to hijack the term "crisis" is noted.
I was sarcastically referring to Hamas screwing with Israel.
Al Qassam does not equate to Hamas. Hamas does not equate to "Gazan civilians" or "Gazan lawful non-combatants."

Iran attacked Israel on 7 October, as Iran always does. Nobody else ever attacks Israel except as a proxy for Iran. The IDF did not invade Iran; they invaded Gaza, specifically to slaughter Arabs that never attacked them, in clear violation of the Geneva Conventions.
Apparently you don't. For Israel to "finish this conflict once and for all", Israel would need to invade Iran. Israel has no plans to invade Iran because Israel has no plans to ever end this relationship that works out so well for the country that survives on its "permanent victim" status alone. If anything were to happen to Iran, Israel's permanent victim status would be put in serious jeopardy.
Apparently you don't. For Israel to "finish this conflict once and for all", Israel would need to invade Iran. Israel has no plans to invade Iran because Israel has no plans to ever end this relationship that works out so well for the country that survives on its "permanent victim" status alone. If anything were to happen to Iran, Israel's permanent victim status would be put in serious jeopardy.

No need for an invasion. Just nuke Tehran. Problem solved. The Saudis would probably disclaim in public and applaud in private.
Al Qassam does not equate to Hamas. Hamas does not equate to "Gazan civilians" or "Gazan lawful non-combatants."

Iran attacked Israel on 7 October, as Iran always does. Nobody else ever attacks Israel except as a proxy for Iran. The IDF did not invade Iran; they invaded Gaza, specifically to slaughter Arabs that never attacked them, in clear violation of the Geneva Conventions.

Nice try at slight of hand. The Palestinians voted in Hamas. They are all complicit and the attack came from Gaza.
Apparently you don't. For Israel to "finish this conflict once and for all", Israel would need to invade Iran. Israel has no plans to invade Iran because Israel has no plans to ever end this relationship that works out so well for the country that survives on its "permanent victim" status alone. If anything were to happen to Iran, Israel's permanent victim status would be put in serious jeopardy.

Iran needs Israel to have status in the countries of Islam as a defender of the Faith.
Iran needs Israel to have status in the countries of Islam as a defender of the Faith.
This doesn't make any sense. Iran doesn't need Israel to have any status; Iran needs Israel destroyed. Why do you think Iran has been attacking Israel all of these decades? ... to afford them status?
This doesn't make any sense. Iran doesn't need Israel to have any status; Iran needs Israel destroyed. Why do you think Iran has been attacking Israel all of these decades? ... to afford them status?


very similar to our perpetual war machine military industrial complex.
Nice try at slight of hand. The Palestinians voted in Hamas. They are all complicit and the attack came from Gaza.
Nice attempt at disguising your RACIST dehumanization. 100 or so specific individuals effected an attack on Israel. That set of people comprise the guilty party. Nobody else is guilty, not even the Arabs you HATE and who you wish to blame for all the problems in the world. Nobody merits a death sentence by having voted a certain way. Al Qassam, the proxy organization responsible for carrying out the attack, is not "Hamas."

Your antisemitic RACIST HATRED for Arab Semites is no justification for your attempts to blame Arab Semites for crimes they did not commit.

Iran attacked Israel on 7 October, and the IDF did not invade Iran. Let's not forget this. The IDF has slaughtered roughly 18,000 Arab Semite children in its total abandonment of the Geneva Conventions and of any human compassion. Let's not forget this either.