Of Hamas and Historical Ignorance

You can't simply allow this here as somehow being inevitable ....

... and somehow not accept guerilla warfare here as being inevitable here.

Whenever one side in a conflict is severely outclassed and overpowered, it has only two options: 1. cease and desist, or 2. begin engaging in guerilla warfare. If the impetus is sufficient, option #2 will be the inevitable result. The United States exists today because its execution of guerilla warfare (which was all it could muster in the American Revolution) was sufficient to stave off the British troops. The Viet Cong could not be defeated by the overpowering American military. Afghans may die, but they simply won't die.

The point is that when guerilla warfare is the only option, it becomes inevitable.

This is obviously a false predicate. The IDF could have cleared any buildings of civilians in which they had Hamas terrorists trapped, but that would have involved work that they don't like to expend on Arab Semites that they HATE, and in many cases, the IDF weren't exactly certain that there were any Hamas terrorists in the buildings and they wanted to seize the opportunity to kill some more sub-human Arab Semites and destroy property with impunity ... and have a good, hearty laugh over it. They know that the US will be funding replacements for any missiles the IDF fires so let the video game begin! They might not get another chance at this kind of fun.

Your post is very contradictory.

Point 1 - If you want to make the points that engaging Hitler and Japan in WW2 could have been done with zero civilian losses in Urban areas please give us some rationale for that position.

Point 2 - Yes, gorilla warfare (urban combat amongst civilians is inevitable when an outclassed opponent is not willing to surrender. We agree on that.

Point 3 - But how you say Point 2 and then say such gorilla warfare in urban settings can be accomplished with out mass civilian deaths is something you need to make the case for as again you have one party unable to shoot back against aggressors the minute a civilian is in the line of fire.
The other Arab countries may pay lip service to the Palestinian cause, but you don't see them actively engaging in any of the shit the Palestinians start.
Have the Palestinian civilian noncombatants ever perpetrated genocide of any subset of Semites?

If Gaza were wiped off the planet, my bet is the other Arab nations would cry how awful that is then go on about their business as if it never happened.
I'll take you up on your bet. How much are you wagering?

The ones next to Israel have pretty much had their fill of trying to use war on Israel as a strategy.
The ones next to Israel were leaving Israel in peace. If the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian Arab Semites in Gaza goes on much longer, many might very well join in. Iran is itching to jump into the fray; they just want to be welcomed.

The Palestinian [civilian Arab Semite noncombatants] simply aren't as smart.
... because they're not human, right? They're sub-human. They're dogs, right?

They also never attacked Israel. Nonetheless, the IDF has needlessly slaughtered thousands upon thousands.
Your post is very contradictory.
My post is completely consistent. You didn't do very well on the SAT. Ask me how I know.

Point 1 - If you want to make the points that engaging Hitler and Japan in WW2 could have been done with zero civilian losses in Urban areas please give us some rationale for that position.
It's not my position. You didn't do well on the SAT. Ask me how I know.

Point 2 - Yes, gorilla warfare (urban combat amongst civilians is inevitable when an outclassed opponent is not willing to surrender. We agree on that.

Point 3 - But how you say Point 2 and then say such gorilla warfare in urban settings can be accomplished with out mass civilian deaths is something you need to make the case for as again you have one party unable to shoot back against aggressors the minute a civilian is in the line of fire.
Your confusion comes from conflating the three parties involved as though they are one and the same. Party 1: The Arab Semites of Gaza who are not engaging in any warfare and who are being eradicated by the IDF because of Jewish antisemitic HATRED of Arab Semites. Party 2: Hamas, the desperate militant party engaging in attacks on Israel and in urban warfare in Gaza at the behest of Iran. Party 3: The IDF, who is not engaging in urban warfare, but who is perpetrating genocide on the Arab Semites of Gaza who never attacked Israel.

You can't refer to "the urban warfare" occurring in Gaza and then point to all three. The IDF could very well clear any building of civilians before engaging in tactical SWAT operations against any Hamas terrorists who may be inside ... but they don't. They just fire a missile into the structure, killing all/most of the civilians and possibly bagging a Hamas bad guy. This is the tactic that is an abomination and should be investigated and tried. The IDF has the moral, eithical and legal obligation to engage in legal warfare. They are not doing so, however. Your focus is on the number of civilian casualties; in Gaza, the IDF is solely responsible for that number being in the thousands instead of being in the single digits.
My post is completely consistent. You didn't do very well on the SAT. Ask me how I know.

It's not my position. You didn't do well on the SAT. Ask me how I know.


Your confusion comes from conflating the three parties involved as though they are one and the same. Party 1: The Arab Semites of Gaza who are not engaging in any warfare and who are being eradicated by the IDF because of Jewish antisemitic HATRED of Arab Semites. Party 2: Hamas, the desperate militant party engaging in attacks on Israel and in urban warfare in Gaza at the behest of Iran. Party 3: The IDF, who is not engaging in urban warfare, but who is perpetrating genocide on the Arab Semites of Gaza who never attacked Israel.

You can't refer to "the urban warfare" occurring in Gaza and then point to all three. The IDF could very well clear any building of civilians before engaging in tactical SWAT operations against any Hamas terrorists who may be inside ... but they don't. They just fire a missile into the structure, killing all/most of the civilians and possibly bagging a Hamas bad guy. This is the tactic that is an abomination and should be investigated and tried. The IDF has the moral, eithical and legal obligation to engage in legal warfare. They are not doing so, however. Your focus is on the number of civilian casualties; in Gaza, the IDF is solely responsible for that number being in the thousands instead of being in the single digits.

LOL at how stupid you are.

You show above you agree with my first 2 points and then respond with the drivel that follows despite me saying this CLEARLY in my post...

"I want to speak to the tactic ONLY and get away from this being a Hamas/Palestine/Israel or any specific party issue so we can assess the TACTIC without bringing in emotion.


I could not have been clearer that i was NOT speaking to this conflict deliberately and ONLY speaking to the tactic and you reply by saying i missed specifics about THIS CONFLICT.

FLOL as you speaking to my SAT's when you cannot follow a simple sentence.
You unquestionably support Hamas and their unprovoked attack on Jewish civilians.

Your accusation is just plain weird. It seems to come from a place of failure.

No, they had no defense against the land march and killing innocent people in their homes. That's why America has our 2nd. Amendment.

A huge number of civilians are armed and trained in Israel. The problem was that the actual army was largely missing. Even with full military training, without an army command structure, it is tough to fight a war. What you saw in Israel was the beginning of forming an army command structure based on liberal, retired officers, but it is tough to put that together in hours.

Private guns are not a replacement for having a military, which is why the Founding Fathers wanted a trained militia.
LOL at how stupid you are.
Bring it on, baby, bring it on. I'm being challenged by a mental featherweight who thinks guerilla warfare is gorilla warfare.

You show above you agree with my first 2 points
You and I were in agreement on only point #2. In any event, it would appear that you totally missed my point, probably because you can't read.

and then respond with the drivel that follows despite me saying this CLEARLY in my post...
I read and understood what you wrote. It's too bad that you could not understand that I was commenting on that point. You wanted to separate the the tactic from the situtation, but I wrote in clear English that you can't do that because the situation is what caused the tactic, i.e. that when one side is outclassed and desperate, the guerilla (not gorilla) warfare becomes the only option and thus becomes guaranteed if that side does not cease and desist. How glorious it would have been if only you could have read and understood that. Were my references to the American Revolution, Vietnam and Afghanistan not sufficiently distant from modern day Gaza for you to glean that I was addressing the inevitable tactic of guerilla warfare? Of course, I had to reference Israel's genocide of the Arab Semites in Gaza to explain why Hamas was desperate and unwilling to cease and desist, why Israel is not engaged in guerilla warfare.

If you ever have any questions, all you need to do is ask.

I could not have been clearer
... only because you have very little proficiency in English. That could change, though, if you were to practice your writing skills, learn some phonics, work on your grammar and augment your vocabulary.

If you would ever like some pointers, let me know.
Guno צְבִי;5861380 said:
In the wake of Hamas’ brutal assault on Israel, campuses across the United States have been home to rallies and demonstrations that are nominally pro-Palestinian but effectively celebrations of the terrorist group. Students at George Washington projected slogans such as “Glory to the Martyrs” on a campus building, a Cornell student was arrested for threatening to rape and kill Jewish students, and numerous campuses have been home to antisemitic assaults and vandalism.

The reaction has highlighted the degree to which we’ve left a generation of youth vulnerable to ludicrous doctrines, social media manipulation, and genuinely bad actors. The shocking support among young adults for Hamas’ assault draws on historic ignorance and crude postmodern notions of justice and victimhood, in which torture and kidnapping were rebranded a justifiable response to “colonial privilege.”

The problem starts well before students arrive at college. The average high school student knows little about American history, and even less about the world. A 2018 survey found that 41 percent of adult Americans couldn’t identify Auschwitz as a Nazi concentration camp.

Among millennials specifically, two-thirds couldn’t identify Auschwitz and 22 percent had never heard of the Holocaust. So much for “Never forget.”


It's not your place to tell both sides of the story, Guno, because you have a dog in the fight.

I respect people with the balls to take sides.
Private guns are not a replacement for having a military, which is why the Founding Fathers wanted a trained militia.
No and no.

Private firearms are not a replacement for a military in the same way that a bicycle's rear wheel is not a replacement for its front wheel. You need both. Only Marxists want We the People to be completely defenseless against a tyrannical government.
Bring it on, baby, bring it on. ..

I read and understood what you wrote. It's too bad that you could not understand that I was commenting on that point. You wanted to separate the the tactic from the situtation, but I wrote in clear English that you can't do that because the situation is what caused the tactic,...

In your pea brain you cannot do that.

I can start another thread, pre this attack on Israel and OTHERS who are not as stupid as you can simply discuss the tactic.

You admit you cannot. You admit if i had posted the tactic before this attack you would read that thread and be blanked and unable to participate.

If you took a logic class or had any brains you would realize the value of removing the SPECIFICS of any situation to assess a tactic as effective or not, in a way that is not solely being influenced by one current example.
A huge part of the people that you think are antisemitic, just object to Israel slaughtering civilians in Gaza. The dead are in the 10,000 plus with over 2000 being children. That is not how you get peace. That is how you create a new generation of haters. Killing people's children creates deep enemies who will never forgive. Israel used the kids killed at a concert to retaliate and to destroy Gaza. Jews were horrified and incensed by the Hamas attack. Sadly, Gazans are horrified and incensed by Israel's attacks, one after another. This cannot end well for anyone.

In your pea brain you cannot do that.
So you are effectively claiming that I somehow did not write those three posts that you could not fully grasp. Why are you even pretending to "participate" in this forum? Did a therapist tell you that it would be good for you to at least go through the motions of appearing to interact with others?

I can start another thread, pre this attack on Israel and OTHERS who are not as stupid as you can simply discuss the tactic.
I discussed the tactic. It was you who was confused about what gorillas had to do with warfare. I can only compensate so much for your stupid.

You admit you cannot.
I did? This is more of your guesswork stemming from your inability to read my posts.

I didn't make any admissions. I discussed the tactic of guerilla warfare and how civilian casualties in combatting guerillas do not have to reach genocide proportions. You were obviously unable to read my posts for comprehension.

You admit if i had posted the tactic before this attack you would read that thread and be blanked and unable to participate.
I did? Just for laughs, could you point to where I said anything closely resembling that semantic?

If you took a logic class or had any brains you would realize the value of removing the SPECIFICS of any situation to assess a tactic as effective or not, in a way that is not solely being influenced by one current example.
So, you're saying that, on the subject of guerilla warfare, I should have given some examples supporting whether the tactic is effective or not, such as mentioning that the United States exists today because of guerilla warfare, and that the Viet Cong could not be defeated by the overpowering American military? Would that have helped?
So you are effectively claiming...

I am effectively proving you an idiot.

If i say 'lets talk about the motion/structure/mechanics of a wheel but separate from a car or any other object it might be on', and your reply is to say 'ya but on the car it does X', that just shows you are incapable of having a logical discussion.

I could not have been clearer that i was speaking of the tactic outside the specifics of any individual conflict and you keep replying 'but what about the conflict'.

In war analysis you CAN examine battle tactics as used in a specific conflict but also outside all conflicts. It is a thing smarter people than you can do easily.
Denial on your part of your contradictory and wildly absurd stances. Are you taking lessons from Dutch Dickhead?

I just checked. Your post is exactly as you posted it. I don't think anyone has permission to alter your post in any way. You must be new at this.

My stance is that Israel had every right to retaliate after 1100+ people were killed, many attending a music festival. I take no lessons from Dutch Dickhead.

Yeah, I take this with a grain of salt.
Your accusation is just plain weird. It seems to come from a place of failure.

A huge number of civilians are armed and trained in Israel. The problem was that the actual army was largely missing. Even with full military training, without an army command structure, it is tough to fight a war. What you saw in Israel was the beginning of forming an army command structure based on liberal, retired officers, but it is tough to put that together in hours.

Private guns are not a replacement for having a military, which is why the Founding Fathers wanted a trained militia.

You fault Israel for hunting down and killing savages who take and kill hostages, sent rockets into a crowd at a music festival, store munitions near and under hospitals and killed families in their homes.

An armed citizen stands less of a chance of dying than an unarmed one in an armed confrontation. That, you cannot (logically) refute.
Are you that stupid? Gaza city IS the battlefield because Hamas had their shot at taking the war they started into Israeli territory and failed. So, Hamas now has to fight--and lose--the war they started on their home turf to the detriment of the people they supposedly governed.

:palm: I'm assuming you're drunk, because I really don't want to think you're this dumb sober.

THINK, STUPID, THINK! You are confirming EXACTLY what I stated.

Remember, Israel has been systematically encroaching on Palestinian areas that were initially agreed upon ... they've done this with the illegal "settlements" , bulldozing homes and water wells along with the occasional murders of Palestinians by the "settlers" ... all done with little or no international hand wringing over the years. And since Israel encouraged the development of Hamas to offset the PLO, it's no small wonder they got the majority vote for the Palestinian gov't.

Now this latest slaughter by Hamas was a stupid move, because it gives the zionist backed Yahoo and the IDF the excuse for their "get out or get killed" campaign in the area. And the Israeli people have some hard questions for the Yahoo gov't as to how this was allowed to happen!

But again, the time honored mantra by the Israeli gov't and their international sympathizers just doesn't cut it, because AS YOU CONFIRMED, there is no open battlefield outside of civilian populations on either side of that wall. Capice?
:palm: I'm assuming you're drunk, because I really don't want to think you're this dumb sober.

THINK, STUPID, THINK! You are confirming EXACTLY what I stated.

Remember, Israel has been systematically encroaching on Palestinian areas that were initially agreed upon ... they've done this with the illegal "settlements" , bulldozing homes and water wells along with the occasional murders of Palestinians by the "settlers" ... all done with little or no international hand wringing over the years. And since Israel encouraged the development of Hamas to offset the PLO, it's no small wonder they got the majority vote for the Palestinian gov't.

Now this latest slaughter by Hamas was a stupid move, because it gives the zionist backed Yahoo and the IDF the excuse for their "get out or get killed" campaign in the area. And the Israeli people have some hard questions for the Yahoo gov't as to how this was allowed to happen!

But again, the time honored mantra by the Israeli gov't and their international sympathizers just doesn't cut it, because AS YOU CONFIRMED, there is no open battlefield outside of civilian populations on either side of that wall. Capice?

That's the West Bank, under a completely different Palestinian government. Gaza is run by Hamas. The West Bank is run by the Palestinian Authority. The two are separate entities. It's as if they were two separate countries.

Hamas declared war on Israel and is now paying the price for starting that war.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
:palm: I'm assuming you're drunk, because I really don't want to think you're this dumb sober.

THINK, STUPID, THINK! You are confirming EXACTLY what I stated.

Remember, Israel has been systematically encroaching on Palestinian areas that were initially agreed upon ... they've done this with the illegal "settlements" , bulldozing homes and water wells along with the occasional murders of Palestinians by the "settlers" ... all done with little or no international hand wringing over the years. And since Israel encouraged the development of Hamas to offset the PLO, it's no small wonder they got the majority vote for the Palestinian gov't.

Now this latest slaughter by Hamas was a stupid move, because it gives the zionist backed Yahoo and the IDF the excuse for their "get out or get killed" campaign in the area. And the Israeli people have some hard questions for the Yahoo gov't as to how this was allowed to happen!

But again, the time honored mantra by the Israeli gov't and their international sympathizers just doesn't cut it, because AS YOU CONFIRMED, there is no open battlefield outside of civilian populations on either side of that wall. Capice?

That's the West Bank, under a completely different Palestinian government. Gaza is run by Hamas. The West Bank is run by the Palestinian Authority. The two are separate entities. It's as if they were two separate countries.

Hamas declared war on Israel and is now paying the price for starting that war.

You don't declare war on somebody who has their boot on your neck for decades. And try as they might, the settlement issues affect both Palestinian gov'ts. Observe:

