Ohio: the letdown state

Obama should do a PSA; publicly ask Hillary to stop the negative attacks, and agree to campaign in kind. Mention that this is exactly what talk radio & the GOP wants them to do, and pledge to do the opposite. Challenge her to start campaigning against McCain as of today, and he will do the same, and let voters in the future primary states judge each campaign based on how well they position themselves against the GOP nominee.

Won't happen, but I think it would be a great move.

I like that idea. You're right. It won't happen.
God... that has to suck for you.... a puss ten AND a little ten fan?

You have officially crossed the line now! Your Big Least is going to be lucky to get 6 teams in the tournament, same as the Pac 10 which has six less teams.

We are about to hold a close circuit ass whooping for all the board to see.
I complete agree with DD. The dems are completely to blame for this. All this touchy feely, I feel your pain, it takes a village ideology has softened the Dems over all. They have forgotten how to play politics and now to be Rovelike when the other side already is there. Perhaps a bit of Mutually Assured Destruction politics would change stuff. If I ran a campaign against McCain I would find everything I could on how in the past his PTSD has affected him. Has he ever had a "chopper over the house" moment were he just lost it and nobody saw it? Are there mental health records out there that can be purchased and leaked? This is what Karl Rove would do. This is what his mentor, Lee Atwater did. Politics is about destroying your opponent however you can. The sooner the dems RELEARN this lesson the better off they will be.
I think the winner should go after McCain's pilled up wife.

The winner should ask McCain during one of the debates to join in on singing 'YMCA'. Cause every time he tries to lift his arm, Republicans cry. Then they all look like retards and everyone not crying votes Dem.
I think the winner should go after McCain's pilled up wife.
That TOO! How the fuck does a woman steal meds from a charity she works for and NOT get a criminal record? Go here and read about the McCain machine keeping Cindy from getting in trouble. Attack the shit outta this. This is how the game is won. Republicans in public will poo poo it but in private they sneer in glee and rub their hands together waiting for the next dirty trick. This is why no one likes me working on a campaign for very long.
I guess that's all true, but facts don't really matter. This morning, she is the Comeback Girl.

She's been running this race, the past month, knowing full well she can't be the nominee without a big, dangerous, superdelagate fight. She's been running a two-pronged race. The first to "win" the nomination by getting the superdelegates to overturn the popular will, thus pissing off an important part of the party's base, probably enough to keep many home for this race and maybe future ones. The second prong has been in the possible maybe probable scenerio that obama is the nominee...she is trying to throw the general to McCain. That gives her 2012 as her last shot at being the first woman president. She's looking to take it.

She'll give up the Supreme court for the rest of our lives, more wars, and a bankrupted country.

Honestly, at this point, I should start rooting for a McCain presidency. you know what I get out of that? Less taxes. The Supreme court isn't going to affect me much. I'm one of the lucky ones . And , I don't even have kids. Why shouldn't I take my tax cuts and let Superfreaks and Damo's kids pay for it with their taxes and a severely reduced standard of living? I mean in a way, isn't that justice? Isn't that exactly how it should turn out? Fuck them. Very little of this directly affects me. I might take off to Acapulco and spend the rest of my life laughing my ass off watching the kids of all of these republican morons pay for the sins of the father.

us conservative kids are loaded though so HA! :p
Unfortunatly, these weren't just 'Democratic Voters' that won it for Hillary. It was also Republican voters, knowing clearly who their candidate is, voting for the easiest person to beat. Blame Ohio all you want asscrack, but it isn't Ohio's fault that the Republicans are dickheads and the Democrats are too stupid to realize how to fight them off.

oh boooo hoooo plenty of democrats voted for suckccain when they had no business being at the republican primaries.
"They have forgotten how to play politics and now to be Rovelike when the other side already is there. "

HILLARY HAS been playing politics and certainly isn't being touchy feely. She is in this thing to WIN at ANY cost. She's a political MACHINE and as much as I hate her guts I think it's very admirable that she'll do whatever it takes.
oh boooo hoooo plenty of democrats voted for suckccain when they had no business being at the republican primaries.

Because they are stupid as fuck, hoping McCain wins because they actually are going to vote for him. I ain't boohooing cockbag. This is stupidity from the Dems, and the Republicans have always been dirtbags.
I knew she was going to win Ohio. I heard a news report that there was trouble with the electronic machines, and it would be a hand count in some areas. I saw it coming when I heard that Monday.
"They have forgotten how to play politics and now to be Rovelike when the other side already is there. "

HILLARY HAS been playing politics and certainly isn't being touchy feely. She is in this thing to WIN at ANY cost. She's a political MACHINE and as much as I hate her guts I think it's very admirable that she'll do whatever it takes.

She's destroying the Dems for her own personal ambitions. She's giving Republicans hope by trashing someone who had the best chance of winning against a Republican nominee. McCain will be our next president if Hillary wins.
Don't you find it a little ironic how much you are crying and how some are refusing to vote for Hillary if their butt buddy obama doesn't take it down?

You've forgotten to vote strategically. The Base has forgotten to be rove like.

If obama was NEVER in this race you guys would be swooooning over hillary clinton.

You want to win at any cost? You want to slaughter the otherside? QUIT BEING PUSSIES. Quit crying when your idiotic vapor candidate doesn't perform. Republicans step up and GET IN LINE, and march LOCKSTEP. (usually)

You don't
She's destroying the Dems for her own personal ambitions. She's giving Republicans hope by trashing someone who had the best chance of winning against a Republican nominee. McCain will be our next president if Hillary wins.
So then the question becomes "Senator Obama, what are you willing to do to make sure that doesn't happen?" How bad does he want it. If he is not willing to poke some eyes then he deserves to lose.
Don't you find it a little ironic how much you are crying and how some are refusing to vote for Hillary if their butt buddy obama doesn't take it down?

You've forgotten to vote strategically. The Base has forgotten to be rove like.

If obama was NEVER in this race you guys would be swooooning over hillary clinton.

You want to win at any cost? You want to slaughter the otherside? QUIT BEING PUSSIES. Quit crying when your idiotic vapor candidate doesn't perform. Republicans step up and GET IN LINE, and march LOCKSTEP. (usually)

You don't
QFT! and the time has come to either step up to the plate or sit on the sidelines and watch the other team win. Those are the ONLY choices. There is NO OTHER.
Because they are stupid as fuck, hoping McCain wins because they actually are going to vote for him. I ain't boohooing cockbag. This is stupidity from the Dems, and the Republicans have always been dirtbags.

If you look at the tracking polls obama is pretty much gaining in every category. Many of the dem/indie leaners that voted for mccain will probably end up getting pulled to obama.