Ohio: the letdown state

DD you need to chilllll dude, lighten up and relax. You are acting angrier than me and that's saying something
I complete agree with DD. The dems are completely to blame for this. All this touchy feely, I feel your pain, it takes a village ideology has softened the Dems over all. They have forgotten how to play politics and now to be Rovelike when the other side already is there. Perhaps a bit of Mutually Assured Destruction politics would change stuff. If I ran a campaign against McCain I would find everything I could on how in the past his PTSD has affected him. Has he ever had a "chopper over the house" moment were he just lost it and nobody saw it? Are there mental health records out there that can be purchased and leaked? This is what Karl Rove would do. This is what his mentor, Lee Atwater did. Politics is about destroying your opponent however you can. The sooner the dems RELEARN this lesson the better off they will be.

damn dude.... while I agree Rove would likely do just that....that is just like... MEAN.

But you are right, if Obama wants to win, he is going to have to learn how to play to win. Hillary already understands it and the Reps are obviously taking notes.... which ones were effective, which backfired, how they played in different parts of the country etc...

New prediction... Hillary takes PA along with a majority of the remaining states and pulls to within 40 delegates. At which time the supers hand her the nomination.
Don't you find it a little ironic how much you are crying and how some are refusing to vote for Hillary if their butt buddy obama doesn't take it down?

You've forgotten to vote strategically. The Base has forgotten to be rove like.

If obama was NEVER in this race you guys would be swooooning over hillary clinton.

You want to win at any cost? You want to slaughter the otherside? QUIT BEING PUSSIES. Quit crying when your idiotic vapor candidate doesn't perform. Republicans step up and GET IN LINE, and march LOCKSTEP. (usually)

You don't

Obama isn't my butt buddy, he's my second to last choice. We should have had President Gore or President Edwards, and my choices ran in that order, instead we got stuck with two dlc'ers, one of whom is a liar and a war monger.

I can only hold my nose so far. I don't care what Republicans do Grind. I have no respect for Republicans, why would I model myself on their behavior?
Obama isn't my butt buddy, he's my second to last choice. We should have had President Gore or President Edwards, and my choices ran in that order, instead we got stuck with two dlc'ers, one of whom is a liar and a war monger.

I can only hold my nose so far. I don't care what Republicans do Grind. I have no respect for Republicans, why would I model myself on their behavior?

I think you should care though Darla, they are effecting your parties choices. I know you just have one vote and probably can't do much about it, but I think it should be a problem in your mind at least.
I think you should care though Darla, they are effecting your parties choices. I know you just have one vote and probably can't do much about it, but I think it should be a problem in your mind at least.

I thought Grind's point was that I should vote for Hillary if she's the nominee, because that's what Republicans would do?
I thought Grind's point was that I should vote for Hillary if she's the nominee, because that's what Republicans would do?

Just commenting on how you don't care what Republicans do. I think that is the major problem with the party leaders. They don't care what Republicans do, and really don't create any strategy to beat them. They aren't as organized when it comes to getting into power. Instead, they use the tactics they should use on the Republicans on each other, and create division within the party.
Just commenting on how you don't care what Republicans do. I think that is the major problem with the party leaders. They don't care what Republicans do, and really don't create any strategy to beat them. They aren't as organized when it comes to getting into power. Instead, they use the tactics they should use on the Republicans on each other, and create division within the party.

I agree with this, but I believe Grind was saying that republican voters fall in line and vote for the republican no matter what - and while that's true, it's also pathetic and shows zero character and makes them hacks, and I'm not doing that.

As far as hitting r's hard, low and as often as possible in the general, but not getting dirty against each other, you are preaching to the choir.
Had a good discussion about 'Fish Tacos' today with the Director of IT. He had no clue what was going on but everyone else had to leave the room because they didn't want to give it away. I sat there boldly telling him how 'No, Fish Taco's are cheaper when it's Spanish' when he tryed to tell me that they were overpriced at this one resteraunt. I was proud of myself because I was able to keep a straight face even when the other guys were looking in the room with tears in their eyes.
damn dude.... while I agree Rove would likely do just that....that is just like... MEAN.

But you are right, if Obama wants to win, he is going to have to learn how to play to win. Hillary already understands it and the Reps are obviously taking notes.... which ones were effective, which backfired, how they played in different parts of the country etc...

New prediction... Hillary takes PA along with a majority of the remaining states and pulls to within 40 delegates. At which time the supers hand her the nomination.
It may be "mean" but what do I care if I am running against the guy? Lee Atwater ran an ad that came just short of blaming Michael Dukakis for the rape and murder of a woman at the hands of Willie Horton. It was one of the defining moments of the campaign ( that and Dukakis' weak ass answer about what he would want done to his wife's hypothetical rapist/murderer). Lee Atwater succeeded in making Dukakis look soft on crime and the indirect cause of a woman's death. If was effective as hell and you never heard a peep outta the republicans about how low it was WHEN IT HAPPENED. After the fact, when he was dying of brain cancer Atwater apologized, but he had already won and the apology had no affect except to ease what was left of Lee's mind.
Had a good discussion about 'Fish Tacos' today with the Director of IT. He had no clue what was going on but everyone else had to leave the room because they didn't want to give it away. I sat there boldly telling him how 'No, Fish Taco's are cheaper when it's Spanish' when he tryed to tell me that they were overpriced at this one resteraunt. I was proud of myself because I was able to keep a straight face even when the other guys were looking in the room with tears in their eyes.

cool, I would have paid money to see that show.
I thought Grind's point was that I should vote for Hillary if she's the nominee, because that's what Republicans would do?

No, that is not my point. I 100% support people standing on principle and voting/refusing to vote based on their conscience.

My point was that I found it ironic that a few were criticizing the dems for not being able to play hardball and suck it up and go after X, while at the say time essentially claiming, "well if my guy doesn't win, screw it." It's hypocritical. Don't criticize your team for being a pussy if you are going to be a pussy yourself and not take down your main rival... the republicans. If you are looking for success (and are defining success as beating the republicans), then the democrats are going to have to get on the same page.

Me, I loathe john mccain, I think obama is overrated to the nth degree, and I think hillary clinton is a sociopath. I'm not voting for any of the 3.

That is my PERSONAL success, not voting for any of them. Everyone has different goals. Figure it out and act accordingly.
No, that is not my point. I 100% support people standing on principle and voting/refusing to vote based on their conscience.

My point was that I found it ironic that a few were criticizing the dems for not being able to play hardball and suck it up and go after X, while at the say time essentially claiming, "well if my guy doesn't win, screw it." It's hypocritical. Don't criticize your team for being a pussy if you are going to be a pussy yourself and not take down your main rival... the republicans. If you are looking for success (and are defining success as beating the republicans), then the democrats are going to have to get on the same page.

Me, I loathe john mccain, I think obama is overrated to the nth degree, and I think hillary clinton is a sociopath. I'm not voting for any of the 3.

That is my PERSONAL success, not voting for any of them. Everyone has different goals. Figure it out and act accordingly.

ahh so you are already doing pretty much the same thing I said I would do if McClown is elected in the fall ?