Oil company profits tax

Most people you would identify as sufforing from the MIC support drilling for oil in ANWR.

What's sufforing from the MIC? I'm not sure I would identify anyone that way.

Oh Military Industrial Complex. Yes. The people suffering from it are for drilling in anwr. But the MIC itself is firmly against drilling in anwr, as evidenced by that fact that it's not happening. And we're going to war instead. War is big business, and it helps the Human Problem too.
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I think that is pretty much what this is all about, since around 70% ? of our oil is imported.
But I thought it was about doing away with oil co specific tax breaks, not adding a new tax. Or am I cornfused ?

You are correct. The proposal is to do away with tax breaks for oil companies and to provide those tax breaks to renewable energy sources.

I think that the percentage of imported oil is 60%, which means that the 40% produced domestically would also be taxed. That's a tax targeted against oil, not against imported oil.

Also the tax breaks would supposedly go to "alternate" energy sources, which are incapable of replacing imported oil, or putting more than 5-10% dent in overall US production.

No, my proposal could actually solve a problem, while the Democrat policy could not, and may in fact create one.

My proposal could also be justified to fiscal hawks, since the imported oil tax could offset the cost of military and diplomatic efforts to stabilize the Middle East, a region that has become more unstable as they receive profits from oil sales.
Ohh I think we need about $1/gal tax on gas to pay for the war. After all it was all about oil.

Pay as you go you know, no unfunded mandates, etc....
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The oil we would get from ANWAR will take years to get to market and will be just a drop in the bucket. ANWAR is just mostly a political rhetoric thing.
The oil we would get from ANWAR will take years to get to market and will be just a drop in the bucket. ANWAR is just mostly a political rhetoric thing.
Just a step in a thousand mile journey. However, the journey cannot start without a first step in the direction of the destination.
The oil we would get from ANWAR will take years to get to market and will be just a drop in the bucket. ANWAR is just mostly a political rhetoric thing.

Every little bit helps usc. Isn't that what we're told about our lightbulbs and repeatedly pissing in our own urine? "If it's yellow let it mellow".
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The oil we would get from ANWAR will take years to get to market and will be just a drop in the bucket. ANWAR is just mostly a political rhetoric thing.

Bare minimum 5 years, more likely 10. Just imagine if we had started back when it was first proposed.

That said, ANWAR should not be tapped yet. Lets keep using everyone elses oil. If we do not have alternate energy in place when it runs out, then we will laugh and start using our own oil.

Bare minimum 5 years, more likely 10. Just imagine if we had started back when it was first proposed.

That said, ANWAR should not be tapped yet. Lets keep using everyone elses oil. If we do not have alternate energy in place when it runs out, then we will laugh and start using our own oil.


that has been my stand all along. as long as it is feasable lets buy everyone elses oil. isn't most of our alaska oil sold to Japan or somesuch anyway ?
another interesting article.

The 11-month rise of 50,000 barrels a day in U.S. gasoline demand (more than half the size of a 98,000 barrels a day rise a year ago) appears to be made up entirely of higher ethanol - rather than petroleum - content in the fuel.

Ron Planting, manager of information and analysis at the American Petroleum Institute, the Washington, D.C.-based trade group, said the volume of ethanol blended into gasoline supplied to the market was up, while the volume of petroleum in the fuel was down in 2007.

"Weak growth in gasoline demand, combined with the substantial increase in ethanol blending in 2007 resulted in the year's increase in gasoline supply coming entirely from ethanol," Planting said.

"Looking at either January-November or the full year, the increase in blended ethanol was larger than the rise in overall gasoline deliveries," he said. "My estimate is that ethanol blending increased about 90,000 barrels per day in 2007 over 2006.

Total domestic gasoline deliveries for the full year rose only about 35,000 barrels per day." Planting said API estimates that ethanol accounted for about 5% of the 9.287 million barrels a day of gasoline delivered in 2007, up from a 4% share of the 9.253 million barrels a day in 2006.

that has been my stand all along. as long as it is feasable lets buy everyone elses oil. isn't most of our alaska oil sold to Japan or somesuch anyway ?

Honestly I have not seen the breakdown recently. So not sure. I do know we are typically the third or fourth largest producer in any given year. Obviously we are far in front in terms of consumption. I think we use about 24 million barrels a day and produce like 9 million. Obviously the remainder is our imports.
And here is a link to a topspin type of page.
Oil's Price is Soaring and These Companies Are Poised to Profit

These Four Companies Are Poised Post Windfall Earnings

Oil prices are expected to continue their upward march. It recently crossed the $100/barrel threshold that energy analysts have predicted. Their next prediction: “Black gold” could reach price points up near $200 within 12 months.

But if that happens, it won't be a straight line. Oil's price moves reactionary to geopolitical events, especially those in the tumultuous Middle East. That, along with slowing major economies and a falling dollar, causes oil's price to fluctuate wildly.

usc is really carrying the torch for the warmongers on the anwr issue. Why usc? Why do you regurgitate this ridiculous propaganda like a performing dolphin barfing raw fish after a hard night at the underwater saloon.
HUH ? I said we needed a $1/gal tax on gas to pay for the war. How long do you think the war would last if we did that ?
I said that we need to save our oil until later instead of drilling it and selling it to the japanese or Chinese like the other Alaskan oil being produced.
I said that we need to save our oil until later instead of drilling it and selling it to the japanese or Chinese like the other Alaskan oil being produced.

We need to drill it now and not sell it to others right now.

after we've destroyed the planet based on this false crisis is too late.