Oil Hypocrites on Capitol Hill

dung are you seriously saying you don't think we refine more gas now than we did in 1980?
Stop getting your info from moveon. Actually they are prob even smarter than that.

I'm saying we had more capacity to refine gas in 1980 than we do today and that today we cannot produce any more gas than we are currently producing.

Here's a picture, you miserable fuck:

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I'm saying we had more capacity to refine gas in 1980 than we do today and that today we cannot produce any more gas than we are currently producing.

Here's a picture, you miserable fuck:


I think you can put up as many facts as you want about refining capacity, and it won’t make a dent. This is about what they believe, not what you know. It reminds me a lot of the fad among right wing message board posters, a few years back, to try and blame the owners of the individual gas stations for rising gas prices. I posted article after article about the very tight profit margins of those individuals, and then compared them to the astronomical profits of outfits such as Exxon-Mobil. This had no effect, they simply kept posting the same false information.

I predict the same will happen here.

Don't get too frustrated. The changing of the political winds shows us that few in America are looking to blame "the environmentalists" for this.
dung are you seriously saying you don't think we refine more gas now than we did in 1980?
Stop getting your info from moveon. Actually they are prob even smarter than that.

It is down about 10% since the peak in (I believe) 1976. Despite increases in efficiencies, overall capacity is down. We need new refineries.

This... http://www.ncpa.org/pub/ba/ba603/

points out some of the roadblocks to building new refinery capacity.

That said, we do need to bring new domestic oil production on line. By the time it is on-line, we will need to have additional capacity to refine it. In that regard Dung is correct.
Oil companies are in the business of SELLING oil not giving it away, and IF they GAVE it away or made it 2 bucks cheaper it would sell faster than it is now and we would have less, driving the price back up. I used to be against drilling ANWAR till I saw articles on modern slant drilling technology. Our physical footprint in ANWAR would be minimal. We also need to tell the Republicans in Florida to get used to seeing oil derecks in neighborhood. At this point we MUST have a short term ability to increase production and at the same time build new refineries on old military posts and construction of those need to be expedited. I know that we need to get away from oil use but that is a long term goal and arguing it at this point, while constructive for the long term, does nothing to assist us NOW.

I think the real reason Americans are pissed at the price of gas is they don't want to change their lifestyles, they want to drive their SUV's on their vacations for hundreds and hundreds of miles but not have it affect their pockets. That is unrealistic. Until someone shows me absolute proof that peak oil is a myth I live ina world where Oil is an limited resource. That being the case the less we have the more valuable it becomes. The price of gold has ALSO gone up, I hear NO ONE bitching about the profits that gold speculators are making in this market. Profit is the major reasons businesses exist. NO ONE goes into business to break even.
Oil companies are in the business of SELLING oil not giving it away, and IF they GAVE it away or made it 2 bucks cheaper it would sell faster than it is now and we would have less, driving the price back up. I used to be against drilling ANWAR till I saw articles on modern slant drilling technology. Our physical footprint in ANWAR would be minimal. We also need to tell the Republicans in Florida to get used to seeing oil derecks in neighborhood. At this point we MUST have a short term ability to increase production and at the same time build new refineries on old military posts and construction of those need to be expedited. I know that we need to get away from oil use but that is a long term goal and arguing it at this point, while constructive for the long term, does nothing to assist us NOW.

I think the real reason Americans are pissed at the price of gas is they don't want to change their lifestyles, they want to drive their SUV's on their vacations for hundreds and hundreds of miles but not have it affect their pockets. That is unrealistic. Until someone shows me absolute proof that peak oil is a myth I live ina world where Oil is an limited resource. That being the case the less we have the more valuable it becomes. The price of gold has ALSO gone up, I hear NO ONE bitching about the profits that gold speculators are making in this market. Profit is the major reasons businesses exist. NO ONE goes into business to break even.

Agreed. With the slant drilling technology, the current estimate is that they would need about the same acreage as LAX to tap into the ANWR reserves.
"I think the real reason Americans are pissed at the price of gas is they don't want to change their lifestyles, they want to drive their SUV's on their vacations for hundreds and hundreds of miles but not have it affect their pockets."

There is that, but there are also many people who have to commute, who are on fixed incomes & who are now paying more than double what they used to for gas. These, obviously, are the people who are hurt the worst & who have the most angst about prices. They're getting killed right now, and there is little chance of hope for alleviating their pain at the pump in the future.
"I think the real reason Americans are pissed at the price of gas is they don't want to change their lifestyles, they want to drive their SUV's on their vacations for hundreds and hundreds of miles but not have it affect their pockets."

There is that, but there are also many people who have to commute, who are on fixed incomes & who are now paying more than double what they used to for gas. These, obviously, are the people who are hurt the worst & who have the most angst about prices. They're getting killed right now, and there is little chance of hope for alleviating their pain at the pump in the future.
You are right and I shouldn't, as one of the other posts sort of hints at, ignore the fact that there are lots of people who were getting by who now are having a harder time making ends meet because it costs more to get to work. Anyone here remember the 70's? Time to car-pool to work, four people at the same job use one car per week to drive to work and everyone shares the cost of gas. Economies are cyclic, they go up and they go down, I know you all know this, but I am afraid that too many people in this country have forgotten that fact. Tighten your belts, do without wants and stick to needs until this turns around.
I stand corrected I would have thought we were refining a lot more gas than 20 yrs ago, I know we don't import much.
You are right and I shouldn't, as one of the other posts sort of hints at, ignore the fact that there are lots of people who were getting by who now are having a harder time making ends meet because it costs more to get to work. Anyone here remember the 70's? Time to car-pool to work, four people at the same job use one car per week to drive to work and everyone shares the cost of gas. Economies are cyclic, they go up and they go down, I know you all know this, but I am afraid that too many people in this country have forgotten that fact. Tighten your belts, do without wants and stick to needs until this turns around.

I bike back and forth most days (when expected to be sunny... which is damn near every day here). Good exercise and saves on the gas. But then, I chose to live within 10 miles of where I work, so that is a bit easier for me than most.
I stand corrected I would have thought we were refining a lot more gas than 20 yrs ago, I know we don't import much.

Understandable. In that time we have cut the number of refineries in half, yet we are only down 10% or so in capacity. With that kind of improvement in efficiency, it is an easy mistake to make... especially if you are only looking at existing facilities.
It also occurrs to me that the same people who have some animosity towards the oil companies forget that they employ US Workers, because refining oil on foreign shores and then bringing it here doesn't make sense. So we should ALL support the creation of new jobs and increasing domestice production capacity.
Also I work in the Upstream(which is the oil supply side), I do know that we often add a lot of capacity to existing refineries, but don't keep up at all on ones we abandon.

I'm going with SF if we're talking about fittest poster, biking 10miles each way. Freak you are the man!!!
I wonder how much refined gas we are importing ?

As I pointed out in the original piece, the last week of April we imported almost 1.5 million barrels per day (bpd). Traditionally refined gas imports peak in the April to Memorial Day period as refiners do maintenance and gear up for their Summer runs. It'll fall back to about 900 to 1 million bpd in June or July.