OK, guys...

People like me do not get violent on drugs or alcohol.
Some people have more anger and fear bottled up in there than others.

And that anger and fear is bottled up for a reason. The drugs that release them and make such people delusionally violent should be banned.

Heroin addicts wouldn't be on the street stealing for their habit if the drug wasn't so expensive. They should be required to visit rehab periodically but banning it isn't an effective way to stop its use.
Sorry USC. It's science. Don't blame me.

Normal ageing 'can addle brain'

The scans showed the brain gradually loses the material it needs for one major region to communicate effectively with another.

The study, published in Neuron, suggests this slowly undermines sophisticated "higher" cognitive functions such as memory and learning.

This may help to explain why advanced age is often accompanied by a loss of mental agility, even in an otherwise healthy individual.

Lead researcher Jessica Andrews-Hanna said: "This research helps us to understand how and why our minds change as we get older, and why some individuals remain sharp into their 90s, while others' mental abilities decline as they age.
Not that I recommend taking heroin - you'll probably get hooked for life, and it will destroy your productivity. But less people would die with clean needles and clean heroin than in the opium dens they live in now.
Amazing simply amazing.........

interesting to say the least...y'all Libertarians are arguing that you need drugs to be real people...how sad!
I somehow doubt that.

I think Watermark means where use isn't at dangerous levels. But yes, there could be cumulative damage such as with tobacco or alcohol. But then that comes down to education of the dangers of excessive us or of cumulative use.
Addiction and withdrawal.

You can't die "of addiction". Symptoms of your withdrawal could be so painful as to exhaust the body to a fatal level.

But WM's point was that if their habit was decriminalized the cost of their habit would drop and there would be no need for a painful, emotional devastating withdrawal which would likely kill more heroin users than it would save.
You can't die "of addiction". Symptoms of your withdrawal could be so painful as to exhaust the body to a fatal level.

But WM's point was that if their habit was decriminalized the cost of their habit would drop and there would be no need for a painful, emotional devastating withdrawal which would likely kill more heroin users than it would save.
Anybody could go through a time where they do not have access to the drug, the addiction is what makes the withdrawal so bad. Heroin is specifically one of the few that you can die from withdrawal. Alcohol is another.
Anybody could go through a time where they do not have access to the drug, the addiction is what makes the withdrawal so bad. Heroin is specifically one of the few that you can die from withdrawal. Alcohol is another.

Alcohol WILL kill during withdrawal if it isn't done right. This is because alcohol, over time, slowly comes to replace the GABA in the brain. Whenever alcohol is taken out of the system cold-turkey, there's nothing int he brain to slow it down anymore.

Heroin withdrawal is bad but it doesn't kill people.
In practical consideration, you could legalize methadone, and keep heroin distribution illegal. Methadone use is much more stable. THat's why it's used for maintanance. And it could be drunk, instead of injected.