OK, guys...

First and foremost...During the Civil War Heroin was used as a pain killer for medical use...it caused severe addiction...Morphine was developed to act as a treatment...for addicts..it did not work addictive also...but became a Rx for pain...controlled substance...Now we have Methadone to treat Heroin addiction it is also addictive and must be supervised by MD's...all of the above are addictive...and yes all cause other medical issues besides addiction and withdrawal...they all cause severe digestion problems (blockage)...which can be fatal...

The bottom line keep all dangerous drugs illeagal..educate users and wannabee users that there are natural highs in life without dangerous consequences...end of story!

Do you mean opium? That is what was used during Civil war and definately addictive.
I have never been hardline on MJ use...I do not use it...but agree it is not all that dangerous...for the other ' Hard Recreational Drugs' on the market I say hell no!

Harm minimisation's the way to go. Some stuff is just so bloody dangerous that it should be totally prohibited and producers should be sent to prison. Some stuff. And I mean other than cannabis. Some "party drugs" aren't harmful if they're used properly and if they're not full of other crap. Just saying no doesn't work, so taking a harm minimisation course may achieve better results.


I don't like hard drugs either, BB. Not one bit. I don't even try to justify them as victimless. I'm just concerned that the way modern society is going, really, it's not the most pragmatic way to deal with the problem. If Heroin were legal I know I wouldn't use it. But imprisoning addicts isn't the way to deal with the problem... imrisoning suppliers isn't either. I believe in harm minimisation. Weed should be fully legal, if anyone admits to using heroin, they should be tracked far more closely, and constantly asked to go to rehab. Forcing them into rehab is doomed to failure... it has to be a personal choice.
Party Drugs.............

Harm minimisation's the way to go. Some stuff is just so bloody dangerous that it should be totally prohibited and producers should be sent to prison. Some stuff. And I mean other than cannabis. Some "party drugs" aren't harmful if they're used properly and if they're not full of other crap. Just saying no doesn't work, so taking a harm minimisation course may achieve better results.



Like Meth,pcp,cocaine,LSD or the infamous date rape drug?or are you refering to Mescaline,alcohol etc!
Yes.............quite a few

Yes I did. Do you know how many opium eaters there were throughout the 20's? Sort of like the Coke of the times.

also Coca Cola had Cocaine in the soda...into the late twenties early thirtees...both of these drugs were legal back then!
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Like Meth,pcp,cocaine,LSD or the infamous date rape drug?or are you refering to Mescaline,alcohol etc!

I don't know enough about pharmacology to make any judgement. But I would think cannabis is at the mild end and I think the hallucinogenics like mescaline, peyote, LSD would be regulated but not criminally prohibited. Cocaine, I don't know why it's illegal. Rohypnol should be regulated. I would think stuff like crystal meth would be totally prohibited and obviously criminalised.
My recommendation from experience would be the:

Full Legalization of: Marijuana

Regulation of: Cocaine, LSD, Ecstasy, Oxycodone, DMT, and comparable intoxicants

Continued criminalization of: Crack cocaine, heroin, crystal meth, thorzine, PCP.
I think that methadone should be regulated and distributed as an alternative to heroin... it's withdrawal symptoms are harsher, but it doesn't have the "downward spiral" of increasing resistance that heroin does (which is why they use it in maintenance clinics instead of heroin or morphine). It also doesn't have to be injected. If we simply criminalize all opiates we'll still have the same situation that we do right now.
Well heroin doesn't HAVE to be injected right now, people just choose to do so to get more bang for their buck. If prices were lower it wouldn't be an issue and more people could afford higher purity heroin that can be smoked or snorted.
I simply suggest we regulate the safest heroin substitute. That takes a huge chunk out of the heroin market for gangs and minimizes the harm of opiates. But there is no "safe" opiate, and none that has little addictive potential.

Well heroin doesn't HAVE to be injected right now, people just choose to do so to get more bang for their buck. If prices were lower it wouldn't be an issue and more people could afford higher purity heroin that can be smoked or snorted.

You want a return to the opium dens of the 1800's...right we can import more coolies from china to service your sick habit! Even the coolies figured out that this was a debilitating habit pushed on them by the English...they returned the favor and opened dens for idiots like you...and by the way those coolies built our RR system and made a killing during the Gold Rushes...doing laundry,cutting firewood,preparing meals(restaurants etc) for buzzed out panners after their visit to the Opium dens...
You want a return to the opium dens of the 1800's...right we can import more coolies from china to service your sick habit! Even the coolies figured out that this was a debilitating habit pushed on them by the English...they returned the favor and opened dens for idiots like you...and by the way those coolies built our RR system and made a killing during the Gold Rushes...doing laundry,cutting firewood,preparing meals(restaurants etc) for buzzed out panners after their visit to the Opium dens...

Are you accusing Young of being a heroin addict?
Patent medicines started out as concoctions of drugs, cocane, opium, Pot (lauldlum).
:) We are in the second age of patent medicines now.
Patent medicines started out as concoctions of drugs, cocane, opium, Pot (lauldlum).
:) We are in the second age of patent medicines now.

Laudlum was liquified opium.

"Patent medicines"? You mean like medicines with patents on them? There have always been all sorts of them. Was aspirin a concoction of cocaine and heroine or something? Opium was overperscribed, but it does actually have a lot of medical uses, and in an age where there's nothing else it helped a lot.