Olberman With Sobering Words About Prop 8

well for some state slavery was ok. But thats the purpose of the federal govt. And the govt should rule based on the will of the majority of the states peoples.

The government should always rule based on the will of the majority of a states people?
What strikes me most is that the same ugliness that voted to deny children a loving home with people to care for them and give them everything that a child needs to succede in life is the exact same ugliness that voted to deny same sex couples the right to marry. People who voted this way have a darkness inside them. One that says I know better than you who should be the recipient of caring and of love, I know better. My religious belief makes me a better JUDGE of what is right and what is wrong. I can't believe that people who claim to follow Christ are the same ones that can be so hateful when it comes to people that just want to share their love and affection with another. Be a child, or spouse. Someday, this will change, as the younger generations become able to vote and able to use their voice to change these things, they will look back at this generation and wonder how a group so ugly could exist.

I could not agree more.

That said... Olbermann is an idiot.
will you ever be able to contain your jealousy of the uber-man?

LMAO.... right, jealous of someone whose only skill is reading off a teleprompter? He was an idiot on sportscenter, he is an idiot now. Just because the monkey can read someone else's speeches off a teleprompter doesn't mean the monkey is intelligent.
LMAO.... right, jealous of someone whose only skill is reading off a teleprompter? He was an idiot on sportscenter, he is an idiot now. Just because the monkey can read someone else's speeches off a teleprompter doesn't mean the monkey is intelligent.

ohhhhh, sorry I touched a nerve!

Are you kidding? Olbermann & Patrick INVENTED Sportscenter. Every anchor on that program now copies the style they brought to that network.

Jealousy really is an ugly thing...
Are you kidding? Olbermann & Patrick INVENTED Sportscenter. Every anchor on that program now copies the style they brought to that network.

Jealousy really is an ugly thing...

not to mention, he's really tall. there's so much cause for resentment here, what can you do?
If a majority of the people in any state can take any right away, just by being a majority... Then the Bill of Rights means nuthing.

Thats why we have the federal governement and the means to challenge the validity of a law (from vote) at the supreme level.
Are you kidding? Olbermann & Patrick INVENTED Sportscenter. Every anchor on that program now copies the style they brought to that network.

Jealousy really is an ugly thing...

ROFLMAO... right... gotcha...

Dumbass... they didn't join sportscenter until the late 80's (maybe early 90's).

Grande, Leonard and Berman were the early anchors.

But I know... you probably believe Al Gore created the internet too.

That said, you are correct in that some future idiots (see Stuart Scott) did try to emulate the over the top idiocy of Olbermann.
ROFLMAO... right... gotcha...

Dumbass... they didn't join sportscenter until the late 80's (maybe early 90's).

Grande, Leonard and Berman were the early anchors.

But I know... you probably believe Al Gore created the internet too.

That said, you are correct in that some future idiots (see Stuart Scott) did try to emulate the over the top idiocy of Olbermann.

who's berman, is he the one who liked to dress up in girl's underwear and bite women he was having sex with?

of course, you would compare someone like that to the uber-man!
Thats why we have the federal governement and the means to challenge the validity of a law (from vote) at the supreme level.

I agree, but it was said that the Supreme should not overturn something voted in by a majority.
I liked Olberman and Patrick on Sportscenter. I still use the phrase "premature jocularity." It's just funny stuff. I like them now on Sunday night football on NBC. I absolutely do not agree with Olberman's politics though. It still doesn't make me hate him.